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Léo-paul J LeoPaulJulie

@Core-Soft-Development Paris

Pierre Therrode pi-2r
Motivated and enthusiastic software developer with a passion for learning :)


Docteur Night Chris-Precieux
Professional mobile developer

Software Engineer 👽 I have no Address 👾

Mickaël Ghloel
Déplacement de tous mais repos sur gitlab :



Freelancer (Trainer - Techleader) France

Phil callmephil

@PolarStork Lebanon

Mike Pixel mikepixeldev
👋🏻 Salut, je suis Mike et je suis un développeur web en devenir 🇫🇷 ! Je me forme à React, Next.js, Swift, etc.


Pascal Weiland weiland
CS at TU Darmstadt and some code for the WWW. Powered by Mate and many 🍪. he/him/his

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

alemarch AntoineLemarchand
Lead developer @itsmng Alumni @42paris

ITSM-NG Rennes

Yii Chen chyiiiiiiiiiiii
Flutter Boy || Organizer FlutterTaipei || Writer, Speaker || wanna make Flutter strong in Taiwan.

Taipei, TW

Antoine Augusti AntoineAugusti

@betagouv @mtes-mct @etalab Dijon, France

Katia Chiron kchiron

SNCF Connect Nantes, France

Elias eliasto
23 y.o, engineering student. 💻 Development in Flutter, and others languages.

SNCF Connect & Tech Paris

Jeff LD JefffLD

SNCF Connect & Tech France