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HaoChen LI Clearailhc
NLP beginner keep seeking, keep dreaming

01.AI 中国-北京

Rana Banerjee banerRana

Automated It Solutions Washington, DC


Saudi Arabia

Val Giardini valatwork
Hi! I like automating tasks and analyzing data, and I love learning! 🏳️‍⚧️


DucksaberVN MaiDinhVinh
@oracle Java SE 8 Certified Associate Developer (currently studying to become certified professional)

Arthroverse Laboratory Hanoi, Vietnam

Walid Ismail walidsi
Computer Engineering -> C++ Developer -> Technical Team Leader -> Project Manager -> Python data analyst -> Machine Learning Engineer #OverTheYears #MyJourney

Looking for new opportunities Egypt

Ariel Frischer ariel-frischer
Software Engineer Working on open-source productivity tools! 🚀Founder of

Looking for Work California

Fumiya Tanaka fummicc1
I want to be familiar with Swift

Keio University Japan

Liang Kang liangkang

Alibaba Hangzhou, CHINA

Simon Jester simjester
Python/Golang Software Engineer, AI/LM and Chemistry/Biology enthusiast.

Lanfren İstanbul, Turkey

Zhenting Huang hztBUAA
A senior student of Beihang University(BUAA) majoring in Computer Science. Recently working on LLM & SLAM & Web & other small and interesting projects :)hhh

BUAA Beijing

Saqib Saleem msaqibsaleem
Skilled back-end developer and DevOps engineer with experience in scalability issues, system administration, and more.

@thetechfury Sheikhupura

Yining Zhao robotMonkeyButler
Student at UIUC

Urbana, IL

Alen aabeshov
Amazon OpenSearch Maintainer

KBTU Almaty, Kazakhstan

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


neo neocho

Internet Friends

AMAN MISHRA amanmishra7ave
Self-taught Developer, passionate about technology, Hard work always pays off

Amity University Raipur Chhattisgarh

Rajiv Sinclair rajivsinclair
building investigative data tools for the public @invinst @ipno-llead @City-Bureau

Public Data Works

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Zeeland Undertone0809
Creator of Promptulate, Spark Lab. I design SDKs, infra and software for human and the NEW WORLD.


Samuel Ainsworth samuela
PhD student at UW working in ML and robotics. #blacklivesmatter


pzdrk id-2

@yolorollo @ton-bot @pizdarikihq @hummingcraft @webmindapp @jetrover @christofari human in the loop

Learn writing and make a living

Shenzhen, China

Haroldo Abreu haroldoabreu
Amante da tecnologia [DevOps], buscando a inovação, meu hobby favorito Esporte/Futebol ⚽ 🥇

Belo Horizonte, MG

wangyantong wangyantong2000

East China Normal University Shanghai

Dean Rie deanrie
Designer & Developer. AI Expert. Indie Maker.


Niels Mündler nielstron
Working on Code LLM security, open-source libraries.

ETH Zurich Switzerland

Abhinav Gupta backpropper
research scientist @google-deepmind

Google DeepMind London, United Kingdom

Arduin rdnfn
ML researcher who likes to build software. PhD student in Cambridge.

University of Cambridge

Kilian Lieret klieret
Research Software Engineer at Princeton University

Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA