prettier-config 1.3.4
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @zestia/prettier-config@1.3.4
Install via package.json:
"@zestia/prettier-config": "1.3.4"
About this version
This package provides a common Prettier configuration, so that all projects have consistent code formatting.
npm install --save-dev @zestia/prettier-config
Add the following to ~/.npmrc
to pull @zestia scoped packages from Github instead of NPM.
Create the following file
module.exports = require('@zestia/prettier-config');
Add the following to
"prettier": "prettier '**/*.{js,json,css,scss,html,hbs,md}' --write"
Install the relevant Editor Addon/Plugin and enable "Prettier on Save".
npm run prettier
for support of .gjs files