The Energy Information System (EIS) Quality Assurance Dashboard is designed to facilitate experts at Lancaster University. These experts include building managers and energy managers, as well as others who wish to gain knowledge of data quality performance. To achieve this, the frontend Node-RED application displays error information to the end users, who can make informed decisions for system maintenance and product quality reports. This system is supported by the backend Java application; found here.
A detailed explination of how to import and run the Node-RED flows can be found in the Wiki
Full Node-RED 'Getting Started' Documentation can be found here. For most users, simply installing Node.js before running npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
in the command line, will install Node-RED. Node-RED can be run by entering node-red
into the command line, then navigating to localhost:1880 in your browser.
EIS Dashboard is dependant on the following node red packages, which can be installed from the browser GUI through Menu > Manage Palette > Install > <Insert-Package-Name> > Click Install
or through the command line via npm insall <package-name>
- Node-RED Dashboard: node-red-dashboard
- MySQL for Node-RED: node-red-node-mysql
To import the Node-RED flows from this git repository copy the JSON text and import it into the GUI using Menu > Import > Clipboard > Paste Text (Ctrl+V) > Click Import
- Ross Newby - Initial Work - rossnewby
- Oliver Bates - Project Support - oscarechobravo
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.