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d3netxer authored Jan 12, 2024
2 parents 806b2fc + 1cc8258 commit 13b604f
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I"K <h2 id="osm-at-george-washington-university">OSM at George Washington University</h2>

<p><img src="../../../assets/images/blog/gwu-casestudy.jpg" alt="gwu-casestudy.jpg" /></p>

<h3 id="backstory">Backstory</h3>
<p>Nuala Cowan &amp; Richard Hinton of the Geography department regularly integrate the open source mapping platform, OpenStreetMap into the curriculum for their introductory undergraduate Geographical Information Systems (GIS) &amp; Cartography classes, -traditionally the domain of proprietary desktop software and data. They have sought to expand the traditional curriculum, and expose students to various open source software, web based platforms, and data collection initiatives, specifically in a service-learning environment.</p>

<h3 id="the-mapping-challenge">The Mapping Challenge</h3>
<p>In spring 2013, classes collaborated with the American Red Cross to map disaster prone communities in both Colombia and Indonesia. Using high-resolution satellite imagery, GW Geography students remotely traced road and building infrastructure, data that was subsequently field validated by domestic chapters of the Red Cross. In fall 2013 they worked on another collaborative project in conjunction with USAID and the Open Cities Project at the World Bank. Once again, students mapped street level infrastructure, this time, in the city of Kathmandu, Nepal. Field partner for this collaboration was a non-profit called <a href="">Kathmandu Living Labs</a> (KLL). KLL then performed OSM Patrol Sessions (Data Quality check and Validation) on the data created by the students (and others) for Kathmandu. Richard and Nuala’s classes have continued to work on collaborations in recent semesters. In Spring 2014 students traced infrastructure in the Philippines in conjunction with the GeoCenter at USAID, and in Summer 2014 students worked once again with the American Red Cross to trace buildings in Harare, Zimbabwe.</p>

<h3 id="our-workflow">Our Workflow</h3>
<p>The instructors used the Tasking Manager tool to outline the study area (which is determined by our partners), and partition it for tracing. Each student is given a quota of nodes to trace.</p>

<h3 id="what-we-discovered">What we discovered</h3>
<p>The collaborative mapping initiatives at GWU Geography have been exclusively disaster related to date, as this coincides with the research interests of the faculty involved. We believe this type of instructional module/assignment is applicable to many disciplines and teaching scenarios, and the objective of the TeachOSM resource is to open that possibility to these other fields, in a comprehensive user friendly way.</p>

<li>The mapping challenge</li>
<li>Our workflow</li>
<li>Stumbling Blocks</li>
<li>Discuss the results and what was learned</li>
<li>Provide contact information</li>
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I"�<h1 id="dc-great-streets-a-street-level-survey-using-openstreetmap">“DC Great Streets: A Street-level Survey Using OpenStreetMap”</h1>

<h2 id="background">Background</h2>

<p>Conducting a street-level survey is a great way to get students acquainted with local land
use and land cover while learning important technical skills in the
<a href="http://openstreetmap/">OpenStreetMap</a> environment. The objective of a survey is to make
a field-level determination of how the property or building is being used, create a
geo-located photo survey of the streetscape, and add those features to OpenStreetMap. In
the paragraphs below, we discuss the rationale for a street-level survey, outline the
basic mapping activities, and offer pointers for your street-level survey.</p>

<h2 id="rationale">Rationale</h2>

<p>In late 2014, <a href="">MappingDC</a> began a collaboration with the <a href="">DC Great Streets</a>
program to conduct
a street-level survey in the twelve DC Great Streets corridors. The DC Great Streets
program dispenses capital improvement grants to small businesses in these corridors to
boost neighborhood economic resilience and help create lively urban centers around the city.
Once a month, MappingDC hosts a <a href="">mapping party</a> in or along one of the corridors where we
gather data in the field, upload, and edit the data in OpenStreetMap. The project is
evolving with an emphasis on creating service learning opportunities for young adults that
meet the needs of the DC Great Streets program.</p>

<h2 id="conducting-your-own-street-level-survey">Conducting your own street-level survey</h2>

<h3 id="tools-youll-need">Tools you’ll need</h3>

<p>Mapillary: To create the streetview, we use <a href="">Mapillary</a>, a
lightweight app that you add to your smartphone. So, before you get started, download and
install Mapillary. Also review the tips and techniques on the Mapillary page so you take good, usable photos.</p>
<p>Field Papers: We use <a href="">Field Papers</a> to make a paper map of the streets, which
we annotate in the field. Print out large-scale maps of your area of interest so you can
annotate liberally and legibly. There is a very good Field Papers how-to on the
<a href="">OpenStreetMap wiki</a> which shows how to
use Field Papers for field data collection.</p>

<h2 id="workflow">Workflow</h2>
<p>The workflow:</p>

<li>Conduct field work</li>
<li>Return to base and begin editing in OpenStreetMap</li>
<li>Upload photos to Mapillary site</li>
<li>Review work for completeness and accuracy</li>

<h3 id="form-teams-for-field-work">Form teams for field work:</h3>
<li>Two teams of two or three people, one team on each side of the street. One person records
basic information about the property or building (e.g. name, address, phone, website, etc.),
the second person records takes photos. A third person is useful to take supplemental notes,
help navigate, but not essential.</li>

<h3 id="editing-process">Editing process</h3>

<p>Trace building outlines as necessary. There are often multiple businesses in a building
so enter each business as a point and give it its own address.</p>
<p>The Great Streets program has a simple rating system to help determine which properties
qualify for assistance. Mappers tag each property with a rating, which the DC Great
Streets program can use to assess property condition. You should refer to the
<a href="">building condition</a> page on the
OSM wiki for help in tagging building conditions.</p>
<p>Follow the instructions on the Mapillary page for uploading your photos from your phone
to the Mapillary site.</p>

<h2 id="lessons-learned">Lessons Learned</h2>
<p>MappingDC and DC Great Streets program are still working on how to standardize the tagging
scheme for building conditions so that they are useful to the program. We’ve also learned
that some photos are not usable because they are blurry, too dark, washed out, or taken at
a bad angle. We’re working on developing field techniques that will make for more consistently
usable photo quality.
Tactically, teams of three seem to work best, but plan on at least two per team.</p>

<h2 id="for-more-information">For more information:</h2>

<p>Mapillary provides detailed <a href="">instructions</a></p>

<p>See also Elliott Plack’s diary <a href="">entry</a>
on how he created a street-level survey on bicycle.</p>

<p>For more information on street surveys or DC Great Streets mapping parties, please contact Steven Johnson (sejohnson8 at gmail dot com).</p>
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I"/<h3 id="the-backstory">The Backstory</h3>
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I"_<p>Controls classroom workflow by dividing large areas into small, easy to map tasks.</p>
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I"[<h2 id="osm-at-george-washington-university">OSM at George Washington University</h2>
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I"�<p>Congratulations! You just completed a successful mapathon and are excited for the possibilities for undertaking more mapping events. What then, should you do next? This document contains elements of an open mapping plan for Saint Lucia with a special focus on continuing technical proficiency and community development. This is envisioned as a six-month roadmap, but can easily be adjusted to suit the needs of the local community.</p>

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