Django Quicker is a Django template that helps you to start your Django project quickly. It includes a lot of features that you will need in your project.
- Django 5.1
- Django REST framework
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Github Actions
- linters (ruff,mypy,codespell)
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd django-quicker
- get help command
$ make help
run 'make' to run the the django server
or 'make <target>' where <target> is one of the following:
install Install the project dependencies
install-pre-commit Install pre-commit hooks
lint Run pre-commit hooks
run-server Run the django server
migrate Apply migrations
migrations Create migrations
superuser Create superuser
app <name> Create a new app
local-settings Create local settings file
update Install dependencies, apply migrations and install pre-commit hooks
up-dependencies-only Up only the dependencies
collectstatic Collect static files
docker/build Build the docker images
docker/up Up the docker containers
build-up Build and up the docker containers
docker/down Down the docker containers
install/cargo Install cargo
install/mdbook Install mdbook
docs/build Build the documentation
docs/serve Serve the documentation
For more information, see the file.
- Install the project dependencies
make install
- Create a local settings file
make local-settings
- Apply migrations
make migrate
- Create a superuser
make superuser
- Run the Django server
make run-server
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000
You can access the Django admin panel by going to http://localhost:8000/admin
You can access the Django REST framework by going to http://localhost:8000/api
Distributed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions or want to get in touch, you can reach out to me at