The file access is available with the "mod_document" module. The access is from the server to the client (download), and may be from the client to the server (upload).
- DOCUMENT : to build this module.
- DIRLISTING : to allow the "dirlisting" option.
- RANGEREQUEST : to allow the "range" option.
- SENDFILE : to allow the "sendfile" option.
- DOCUMENTREST : to allow the "rest" option.
- DOCUMENTHOME : to allow the "home" option.
The file access entry point. The object defines one root directory and the options to use with the file inside it.
The path of the root directory where to find the files to read.
Example :
A list of filters to check on the URL before to send the response. Each entry is a regular expression separated by a coma. The accepted rules are: ^ $ *
Note: *.html and .html have the same meaning.
A list of filters to check on the URL before to send the response. Each entry is a regular expression separated by a coma. The accepted rules are: ^ $ *
Note: *.html and .html have the same meaning.
A list of options separated by a coma. Each option has its own rule:
* "dirlisting" to send the directory listing if the default page is not present.
* "sendfile" to optimize the sending into HTTP (not available on HTTPS).
* "range" to allows the sending packet by packet.
* "rest" to allows the management of the files with Rest (PUT/DELETE/POST) commands.
* "home" to change the "docroot" with the "home" directory of the authenticated user.
servers = ({
document = {
docroot = "/srv/www/htdocs";
allow = ".html,.htm,.css,.js,.txt,\*";
deny = ".htaccess,.php";
options = "dirlisting,sendfile,range,rest";
servers = ({
auth = {
protect = "";
unprotect = "\*";
type = "Basic";
user = "test";
passwd = "test";
group = "user";
home = "/home/test/htdocs";
document = {
docroot = "/srv/www/htdocs";
allow = ".html,.\*htm\*,.css,.js,.txt,\*";
deny = ".htaccess,.php";
options = "dirlisting,home";
auth = {
protect = "";
unprotect = "*";
This part disables the authentication on the website. But the client may continue to authenticate.
user = "test";
passwd = "test";
group = "user";
home = "/home/test/htdocs";
One user ("test") with password is available on the site. Its home directory is "/home/test/htdocs".
document = {
docroot = "/srv/www/htdocs";
Each request without authentication will search the file into "/srv/www/htdocs".
allow = ".html,.\*htm\*,.css,.js,.txt,\*";
This part allows to send all files with the .html, .js, .css, .txt, .xhtml, .htm extensions and all others files too. ... options = "dirlisting,home";
If the server receives a request with an authentication, the module will search the file into the "home" directory of the user ("/home/test/htdocs") instead the root directory.