The websocket module allows to create a gateway between a HTTP(S) client and a UNIX server.
The module will connect to a UNIX socket of a system server, and transfer data from the HTTP client to the server.
- WEBSOCKET : build this module.
- WEBSOCKET_RT : add the "direct" mode.
"websocket" : gateway object of the server. Each server may contain one and only one object of the type.
The directory of the websocket server.
The list of websockets name enabled for the clients. Default: "*".
The list of websocket name disabled for the clients. Default: "".
The list of features availables on the websocket. Currently the mode "direct" is available only for HTTP connection (not for HTTPS).
This feature allows the websocket server to read/write directly on the client socket. For this feature, the websocket server has to be link to
websocket = {
This module MUST be use with a system server. The server may wait messages from th clients and/or send messages to the clients. Because the module manages websocket handshake and data, the server only needs to use the messages.
The URL of Websocket is :
- scheme : "ws://" on HTTP, "wss://" on HTTPS
- hostname
- pathname
The pathname is defined by the websocket server (see below)
var uri;
if (location.protocol === "http:")
uri += "ws://";
else if (location.protocol === "https:")
uri += "wss://";
uri += location.hostname;
uri += "/auth";
websocket = new WebSocket(uri);
websocket.onopen = function(evt) { onOpen(evt) };
websocket.onclose = function(evt) { onClose(evt) };
websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { onMessage(evt) };
websocket.onerror = function(evt) { onError(evt) };
This is a UNIX server to receive data from each client and send the same data to same client.
The server accepts the following options:
- -R <directory> the docroot of the websocket module.
- -n <name> the pathname of the URL.
- -u <user> the process owner.
This is a UNIX server to receive data from each client and send the same data to all clients. The server may (with -w option) interpreted some commands from the clients.
The server accepts the following options:
- -R <directory> the docroot of the websocket module.
- -n <name> the pathname of the URL.
- -u <user> the process owner.
- -w the management of ouistiti command.
The webchat.html offers an example of usage.
$ ./utils/websocket_chat -R /var/run/ouistiti/ -n auth -u apache -w
$ |
This is a UNIX server which is able to receive JsonRPC commands and use an external library to interpret and run features.
The server accepts the following options:
- -R <directory> the docroot of the websocket module.
- -n <name> the pathname of the URL.
- -u <user> the process owner.
- -L <library> the library of RPC.
- -C <string> the options of the RPC library.
The webauth.html and websql.html offer examples of usage.
$ ./utils/websocket_jsonrpc -R /var/run/ouistiti/ -n auth -u apache -L ./utils/ -C /tmp/ouistiti.db
$ |