title | description | author | date | draft | tags | |
LEAF writer workshop |
The new text encoding web tool for textual editors |
ouvroir |
2023-02-20 |
true |
The new text encoding web tool for textual editors Diane Jakacki
fork: https://github.com/LEAF-VRE/training (public repo) then login with github at: https://leaf-writer.leaf-vre.org/
choice in who / which authority to use
- document choices possibility to create notes and scholarly annotations
→ have rules / restrict uses for collaboration (multiple students working)
export/import from transcribus for encoding. XSLT is being written to replace what you get from transcribus with a TEI wrapper
API for importing and exporting
LEAF is a larger environment, of which leaf-writer is only a part.
- most of LEAF are images, AV objects: more multimedia support
- premiere at the CSDH conference in June
Is there a sort of equivalent of leaf-writer for artworks?
- LEAF has a function planned to use IIIF annotations
catalog of 18th century images that are found in books
LEAF is a drupal islandora platform
use for non-latin language?
- right to left requested by the community and has some support now
thinking about ways to link Stylo and LEAF-writer?
collaboration / multiple people in the same repo / file
- work on forks and then do pull requests
- assign tasks to avoid people doing the same thing
- LEAF platform will have a workflow stamp (block a document while a task is being executed, then move it on to someone for proofreading)
Susan Brown in Montreal in April (13 au 17 avril)
Nelson Guilbert → nelson.guilbert@uqtr.ca
Luciano Frizzera lucaju@me.com
- mostly working on the front end