provides functions for serializing Owl dense
matrices and ndarrays using https://github.com/janestreet/bin_prot,
among other things. Recent API documentation is available
See owl-serialisation
installation instructions. Or to load directly
into utop, load bin_prot.cma. (NEED MORE.)
For an Owl dense matrix or ndarray x
(* Serialize x and write it into file x.bin. If x.bin exists, it will
be truncated and overwritten. *)
Owl_bin_prot.serialize_to_file x "x.bin"
(* Read the data back in from the file: *)
let x' = Owl_bin_prot.unserialize_from_file "x.bin"
(* Check that the old and new versions are equal: *)
x = x'
For more fine-grained options, see the API docs or the file
To see how to serialize data structures in which Owl matrices or
ndarrays are embedded, see
bin_prot_embedded.md in the doc