Plugin that allows you to add automatically-computed values in a table cell.
A sample file is available in the samples folder.
Once you installed the plugin, to add such a computed value, add the following processing-instruction in the XML source:
<?computed-value formula="[some-xpath-expression]"?>
The XPath formula is resolved relative to the processing-instruction. The example below, computes the sum of all cells in the column where the processing-instruction is located (it assumes that the cell that contains the PI does not have other content than the PI):
$cell := ./ancestor-or-self::stentry,
$table := ./ancestor-or-self::simpletable,
$column := count(./ancestor-or-self::stentry/preceding-sibling::*) + 1
return sum($table/strow/stentry[$column][text() != ''])
To make it easy to add such a processing-instruction, you can configure a toolbar button to insert it.