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  • 🔋 batteries included: All in one system for a digital currency, attendance tracking, etc.
  • 🎛️ open & configurable: Easy configuration and new ideas welcome
  • 🚀 reliable: Successfully used by SaS 2024 @ MPG Karlsruhe


  • 💳 id card: combine id and credit card via QR code
  • 🛃 border control: charge customs & track attendance
  • 🏦 bank: exchange currencies
  • 🛒 point of sale: sell products digitally
  • 💸 online banking: transfer money and pay employees
  • ⚙ admin panel: reset passwords, backup database, etc.


Server: Finished. Unit-grade testing on node lts/hydrogen.

Client: Features above finished. Mockups for further features like voting, emplyoee tracking, financial statistics for companies and warehouse management exist. No automated testing, tested on Chrome.


Prerequisites: bun, node lts/hydrogen (e.g. via nvm)

$ git clone
$ cd schule-als-staat
$ bun install


To start the preview:

  1. Initialize database with test-data:
    $ bun scripts/create-test-db.ts
  2. Start development server:
    $ bun run dev-server
  3. In another terminal, start development client:
    $ bun run dev-client
  4. Open in your browser. (Opening localhost:3000 won't work!)

To start a production environment:

  1. Remove the existing database (if present), create an empty database and import data:

    $ rm -f database.sqlite3* && bun scripts/create-empty-db.ts
    $ bun scripts/import-users.ts ...

    Run bun scripts/import-users.ts --help to get more information on imports.

  2. Start the production server:

    $ bun run build-server
    $ bun run start-server
  3. In another terminal, start production client:

    $ bun run build-client
    $ bun run start-client
  4. Open in your browser. (Opening localhost:3000 won't work!)

Manual sql queries

With the server running, you can still run sql queries against the database. You should know what you are doing and create a backup before though! The following pragma should be set:

PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;

Caveats: You can start long-lasting read-transactions in WAL mode, but you cannot do long-lasting write transactions. I.e., if you open sqlite3 via cli, start a transaction via BEGIN TRANSACTION, do a write query and then want to see whether your query had the desired effect before commiting, requests to the server will start getting rejected with internal server errors after 5 seconds. They will recover when the transaction is commited.
Short transactions for example using scripts are fine though, in this case sqlite just retries until the database is free.


An all-in-one digital system for Schule als Staat







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