- type: T
- interface: I
This is because otherwise css import order might be messed up.
1. node_modules imports & imports from "Components/material/*"
2. local imports
3. local style imports
Component props are only explicitly exported from "Components/material/*" to imitate rmwc style. Otherwise props are not export as they can be obtained using React.ComponentProps.
- FullscreenContainerTransform is not nested
- Neither all users nor all transactions have globally unique ids. A company's id is only unique across all companies, but a citizen could have the same id.
- non-working work-in-progress commits start "wip"
- A Connection/Edge like implementation is utilized for lists
"signature" refers to an object containing the info to uniquely identify a specific entry in a list of similar types, which have different id spaces.
Example of a user signature: {type: "COMPANY", id: "..."}
- worktime is stored as number in seconds
- Dates are proccessed and stored as datetime strings with format
(RFC 3339) and always in UTC. They are only converted to local time for displaying.
Usage of patch-package:
- @graphql-tools/executor-http and @graphql-tools/utils reflecting changes found in fork https://github.com/p-98/graphql-tools
- order of guards:
- Input validation
- Authorization
- State validation (after authorization to prevent leaking of sensitive information)