This project is for running a MapProxy server in a Docker container. It uses waitress as a pure-Python WSGI server. The base map uses OSM map tiles rendered in the OSM "Standard Style".
Build the Docker image:
cd mymapproxy
docker build --no-cache -t mapproxy .
Run the Docker container:
docker run --rm -it --name "mapproxy-test" -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/cache_data:/app/cache_data mapproxy
The console should display something like: INFO:waitress:Serving on
navigate to http://localhost:8080/demo/ and the MapProxy demo page should be viewable.
Start service (also pulls the image from PCIC's Dockerhub if it's not already on a given server):
docker-compose up -d
Stop service:
docker-compose down
To create a versioned release:
Summarize the changes from the last release in
Commit these changes, then tag the release:
git add git commit -m "Bump to version x.x.x" git tag -a -m "x.x.x" x.x.x git push --follow-tags
This service is intended for private and evaluation use only. The data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License.
Data extracted from OpenStreetMap after September 2012 is licensed on terms of the Open Database License, "ODbL" 1.0, previously it was licensed CC-BY-SA 2.0.