Uses SLY to process csv file containing rules. The output of the module is a dictionary with the truth value of each of the rules in the csv file.
Example output:
'rule_snow': True,
'rule_hybrid': True,
'rule_rain': True,
'rule_future-snow': False,
'rule_future-hybrid': True,
'rule_future-rain': True,
Project setup is automated by make
source /tmp/p2a-re-venv/bin/activate
If you do not wish to use make
, follow the steps below to setup the project.
To run the program create and enter a python3 (3.6+) virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Once you have activated the venv
you can install the required packages.
sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev python3-dev libhdf5-dev libnetcdf-dev libgdal-dev
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
pip install -i -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
To connect to the database the script expects there to be a .pgpass
file for it to read. It should look like so:
You can find these items in TPM.
While not required, the pre-commit
hook will help you avoid formatting errors in actions
during development. While in venv
pre-commit install
This will check each of your commits against the .pre-commit-config.yml
to ensure it meets the standard.
To run the rule engine and view the results use
(venv)$ --csv data/rules.csv --date-range [date-option] --region [region-option]
If you wish to use the --thredds
option please set the appropriate env variable:
Read csv and extract id and condition columns (
| | Input: csv file
| | Output: dictionary {rule: condition}
Process conditions using SLY into parse trees (
| | Input: string
| | Output: parse tree tuple
Evaluate parse trees to determine truth value of each rule (
| | Input: parse tree tuple
| | Output: truth value of parse tree (there are some cases where the output of the rule is actually a value)
Return result dictionary {rule: True/False/Value} (
Uses pytest.
pytest tests/ --cov --flake8 --cov-report term-missing
Solution for this issue is ongoing. A temporary solution is to replace some code in the virtual environment.
Open up the file that's causing the issue.
$ vi venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ce/api/
Find the definition for the make_mask_grid_key(...)
method and replace this chunk:
latsteps = nc.variables['lat'].shape[0]
latmin = nc.variables['lat'][0]
latmax = nc.variables['lat'][latsteps - 1]
lonsteps = nc.variables['lon'].shape[0]
lonmin = nc.variables['lon'][0]
lonmax = nc.variables['lon'][lonsteps - 1]
With this:
latsteps = nc.variables['lat'].shape[0]
latmin = np.min(nc.variables['lat'][:])
latmax = np.max(nc.variables['lat'][:])
lonsteps = nc.variables['lon'].shape[0]
lonmin = np.min(nc.variables['lon'][:])
lonmax = np.max(nc.variables['lon'][:])
This should take care of the issue.
In the case that an error in this form occurs:
NETCDF:"":some_variable: No such file or directory
Try the following:
(venv)$ pip uninstall rasterio
(venv)$ pip install rasterio==1.0.22 --no-binary rasterio
This should fix the issue as it is likely that rasterio
and GDAL
were not working together properly.
- Increment
- Summarize release changes in
- Commit these changes, then tag the release
git add
git commit -m"Bump to version x.x.x"
git tag -a -m"x.x.x" x.x.x
git push --follow-tags
- Our Github Actions workflow will build and release the package