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File metadata and controls

266 lines (222 loc) · 7.83 KB


This project is divided into two main libraries.

  1. cbor_implementation.
  2. proximity.

And one app to test these libraries.

Both libraries have one logger called ProximityLogger and CborLogger which can be used safely as in app MainActivity:

ProximityLogger.enabled = BuildConfig.DEBUG
CborLogger.enabled = BuildConfig.DEBUG


Public classes are:

  • COSEManager
  • MDoc

COSEManager is intended to be used to sign any bytes[] using COSE and also verify COSE signature.
Sign data:

val data = //your byte array data
when (val result = coseManager.signWithCOSE(
    data = data,
    alias = "pagoPA"
)) {
    is SignWithCOSEResult.Failure -> failureAppDialog(result.msg)
    is SignWithCOSEResult.Success -> {
        // handle result
        signature = result.signature//bytes[]
        publicKey = result.publicKey//bytes[]

Verify Sign1Message:

// it returns a Boolean
    dataSigned = what,
    publicKey = pubKey

In app you can find these examples into SignAndVerifyViewViewModel class.

The MDoc class is a polymorphic class in Kotlin that returns an object of type ModelMDoc. The ModelMDoc is a parser for a CBOR format, which includes a method to convert it to JSON. The MDoc class has three constructors:

  1. Primary Constructor: This is private and is used internally by the other constructors.

    private constructor(source: Any, isByteArray: Boolean = false)
  2. String Constructor: This takes a Base64String source and sets isByteArray to false.

    constructor(source: String) : this(source, false)
  3. ByteArray Constructor: This takes a bytes[] source and sets isByteArray to true.

    constructor(source: ByteArray) : this(source, true)


Public classes are:

  • QrEngagement
  • ResponseGenerator

and a data class:

 * BLE Retrieval Method
 * @property peripheralServerMode set if the peripheral server mode is enabled
 * @property centralClientMode set if the central client mode is enabled
 * @property clearBleCache set if the BLE cache should be cleared
data class BleRetrievalMethod(
    val peripheralServerMode: Boolean,
    val centralClientMode: Boolean,
    val clearBleCache: Boolean
) : DeviceRetrievalMethod


companion object {
         * Create an instance and configures the QR engagement.
         * First of all you must call [configure] to build QrEngagementHelper.
         * To accept just some certificates use [withReaderTrustStore] method.
         * To create a QrCode use [getQrCodeString] method.
         * To observe all events call [withListener] method.
         * To close the connection call [close] method.
        fun build(context: Context, retrievalMethods: List<DeviceRetrievalMethod>): QrEngagement {
            return QrEngagement(context).apply {
                this.retrievalMethods = retrievalMethods
                qrEngagementBuilder = QrEngagementHelper.Builder(

This is thew way this class is intended to be instantiated. Examples can be found into MasterViewViewModel class.


  1. configure: builds QrEngagementHelper by package and returns QrEngagement instance created via static method.

    fun configure() = apply {
       qrEngagement =
  2. withReaderTrustStore: Method to inject certificates to be verified sent by mdoc verifier app.

    * Use this if you have certificates into your **Raw Resource** folder.
    * *You have still other two methods with [List] of [ByteArray] for raw certificates and [List] of [String] for pem*
    * @param certificates a [List] of [Int] representing your raw resource
    * @return [QrEngagement]
      fun withReaderTrustStore(certificates: List<Int>) = apply {
    * Use this if you have certificates **As [ByteArray]**.
    * *You have still other two methods with [List] of [Int] for raw resources and [List] of [String] for pem*
    * @param certificates a [List] of [ByteArray] representing your raw certificates
    * @return [QrEngagement]
      fun withReaderTrustStore(certificates: List<ByteArray>) = apply {
    * Use this if you have certificates **As [String]**.
    * *You have still other two methods with [List] of [Int] for raw resources and [List] of [ByteArray] for raw certificates*
    * @param certificates a [List] of [String] representing your pem certificates
    * @return [QrEngagement]
      fun withReaderTrustStore(certificates: List<String>) = apply {
  3. getQrCodeString: Gives back QR code string for engagement

    fun getQrCodeString() = apply {
       if (!checkQrEngagementInit())
          return ""
      return qrEngagement.deviceEngagementUriEncoded
  4. withListener: Starts the listener for qrCodeEngagement

    fun withListener(callback: QrEngagementListener) = apply {
      this.listener = callback
  5. close: Closes the connection with the mdoc verifier

    fun close() {
      if (!checkQrEngagementInit())
      try {
          if (deviceRetrievalHelper != null)
      } catch (exception: RuntimeException) {
          ProximityLogger.e(, "Error closing QR engagement $exception")

The listener:

interface QrEngagementListener {
    fun onConnecting()
    fun onDeviceRetrievalHelperReady(deviceRetrievalHelper: DeviceRetrievalHelperWrapper)
    fun onCommunicationError(msg: String)
    fun onNewDeviceRequest(request: String?, sessionsTranscript: ByteArray)
    fun onDeviceDisconnected(transportSpecificTermination: Boolean)


interface Response {
     /**@param [response] [ByteArray] generated for response*/
     fun onResponseGenerated(response: ByteArray)

     /**@param [message] [String] for error reached*/
     fun onError(message: String)

  * It creates a mdoc response in ByteArray format respect documents requested and disclosed
  * @return[Response.onResponseGenerated] if ByteArray is created without Exceptions, else
  * [Response.onError] if disclosedDocumentsArray is Empty with "no doc found" message or if an
  * [Exception] was reached with [Throwable.message].
 fun createResponse(
     documents: Array<DocRequested>,
     fieldRequestedAndAccepted: String,
     response: Response
 ) {
     val (responseToSend, message) = this.createResponse(
         documents, fieldRequestedAndAccepted
     responseToSend?.let {
     } ?: run {
             "Sending resp",
             "found doc but fail to generate raw response: $message"

where DocRequested is:

data class DocRequested(
    val content: String,
    val alias: String
) : Parcelable

See in app MasterViewViewModel.shareInfo method to understand how to retrieve documents from JSON request and correctly send to response.