This is my Tensorflow implementation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks in Tensorflow proposed in the paper Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks. The main contribution comes from the tricks which stablize the training of Generative Adversarial Networks. The proposed architecture is as followed.
This project is an implementation of famous DCGAN algorithm. I have created a package named dc gan which contains the actual implementation of the algorithm.
- Python 3.3+
- Tensorflow 2.3.1
- NumPy
'data' folder contains the data for training the generator and discriminator.If you want to train the generator and discriminator on your dataset there is only one step to do this just replace the images in data/train folder with your images in data
weights folder contains the saved weights for the generator and discriminator
model class contains the code for DCGAN Model
functions :
summary(): This function prints the the layer wise information about generator and discriminator
train(): This function train the generator and discriminator
parameters :
dataset : a tensor of shape (None,None, 64,64,3) which means dataset should be supplied in forms of batches
epochs : number of epochs to train the generator and discriminator
save: to save the weights of the generator and discriminator after training the model
path : base path to save the folder of weights of the generator and discriminator
name : name for weights folder
load_weights: to load the weights of the saved generator and discriminator
parameters :
path : path to load the weights of the generator and discriminator , this path should target the folder containing weights
generate_images(): This function generate multiple images and save them to directory
parameters :
count : the number of image to be generated
save_dir : the directory to save the generated images
generate_image() :To generate a image
return :
a 3D images tensor
- Generated samples (200th epochs)
- First 50 epochs
- Generated samples (500th epochs)
- First 40 epochs
- To avoid the fast convergence of the discriminator network
- The generator network is updated more frequently.
- Higher learning rate is applied to the training of the generator.
- One-sided label smoothing is applied to the positive labels.
- Gradient clipping trick is applied to stablize training
Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks by Radford
Training Tips i borrowed from shaohua0116 training