Releases: parseablehq/console
Releases · parseablehq/console
Feature release v0.9.9
What's Changed
- tz support & timerange selector ui updates by @balaji-jr in #342
- Fixed the dashboard tile loading issue (#344) by @praveen5959 in #346
- Formatting timestamps in local timezone & auto detect datatype support by @balaji-jr in #343
- Home Screen-Loading & error state fixes (#347) by @praveen5959 in #348
- params controller hook by @balaji-jr in #350
- retain config selection when switching log views by @balaji-jr in #351
- ShareableURLS/LogTable by @Koustavd18 in #352
- Stream pagination, page number bug fix by @praveen5959 in #353
Full Changelog: v0.9.8...v0.9.9
Bug fix release
What's Changed
- Hot Tier for standalone deployments by @Koustavd18 in #340
Full Changelog: v0.9.7...v0.9.8
Bug fix release v0.9.7
What's Changed
- deep chart configs, color config and bug fixes by @balaji-jr in #330
- Changes to copy button by @Koustavd18 in #332
- Sidebar quick action buttons by @Koustavd18 in #333
- support for dashboard templates & auto-paging of tiles by @balaji-jr in #331
- expandable table sidebar by @balaji-jr in #334
- default oidc role mutate by @Koustavd18 in #335
- support for word-wrap on column level by @balaji-jr in #336
- support for tile duplication by @balaji-jr in #337
Full Changelog: v0.9.6...v0.9.7
Bugfix release
What's Changed
- Import / Export tile, dashboard config and png export cleanup by @balaji-jr in #327
- hide alerts on distributed mode by @balaji-jr in #326
- fixed live log table headers by @balaji-jr in #328
- fixed png export for table viz by @balaji-jr in #329
Full Changelog: v0.9.5...v0.9.6
Feature release
What's Changed
- Fix: On changing page offset it will always pick the first available page by @Koustavd18 in #307
- Timezone by @Koustavd18 in #305
- Fix: Filter builder was applying filter on removing rules by @Koustavd18 in #306
- fix : Reset table filters on stream change by @Koustavd18 in #308
- fix: select correct timerange on clicking a tick in graph by @balaji-jr in #295
- proper error message for failed timeline graph query by @balaji-jr in #314
- implement scroll view for cluster page sidebar by @balaji-jr in #312
- Fix: Create User action by @Koustavd18 in #309
- implement error view on stream management page by @balaji-jr in #313
- fix - sanitize vulnerable cell values in csv export by @balaji-jr in #310
- Log table redesign by @balaji-jr in #303
- fix: remove user_id from API requests in Dashboards and Filters by @nikhilsinhaparseable in #315
- added support for interpolating timerange into query itself by @balaji-jr in #316
- Added special characters to be allowed for a stream name during creation of a stream by @Koustavd18 in #317
- implement session logout by @balaji-jr in #318
- Fix/multiple query by @Koustavd18 in #319
- Updated the demo server URL by @praveen5959 in #321
- Query engine by @Koustavd18 in #320
- Changes to footer query by @Koustavd18 in #325
- rbac ui changes by @balaji-jr in #323
New Contributors
- @praveen5959 made their first contribution in #321
Full Changelog: v0.9.4...v0.9.5
Feature release
What's Changed
- Fix: when a saved filter is deleted successfully the delete prompt wont be visible by @Koustavd18 in #287
- Run prettier on each PR by @nitisht in #290
- fix: use the correct branch in actions by @nitisht in #293
- use fields from query response as table headers by @balaji-jr in #294
- Fix: Footer Count Error by @Koustavd18 in #296
- Fix: Hot Tier by @Koustavd18 in #297
- Inbuilt Dashboards by @balaji-jr in #264
- Bug/Alerts by @Koustavd18 in #298
- Logs/bool by @Koustavd18 in #300
- Upgrade Button Styling Fix by @Koustavd18 in #302
- Json/valid cols by @Koustavd18 in #299
- Fix: show correct header on tiles form by @balaji-jr in #304
Full Changelog: v0.9.3...v0.9.4
Feature release v0.9.3
What's Changed
- Create stream Button by @Koustavd18 in #283
- clear filter context on stream change by @balaji-jr in #284
- Hot tier by @balaji-jr in #286
- added ms clarity script & consent for tracking by @balaji-jr in #285
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.9.3
Feature release v0.9.2
What's Changed
- Loading state issue fixed and New Loader animation by @Koustavd18 in #265
- Update table headers by @balaji-jr in #267
- Table/copy btn by @Koustavd18 in #268
- Copy btn background adjusted by @Koustavd18 in #270
- Fixed: Datafusion error for graph query by @Koustavd18 in #273
- Changes: Styling changes on copy button on log table by @Koustavd18 in #275
- enable hot reload by @balaji-jr in #271
- Fix: Sticky header on homepage by @Koustavd18 in #274
- Delete/ingestor by @Koustavd18 in #266
- Styling Update by @Koustavd18 in #276
- Feature: Switch Querier Modal by @Koustavd18 in #277
- Feature: Update Existing Stream by @Koustavd18 in #278
- Bug fix saved sql search by @balaji-jr in #280
- Fix: On changing streams on manage page the value for custom partion … by @Koustavd18 in #281
- Explore tab - support for plain json view by @balaji-jr in #279
- Footer loader was not synced with the query by @Koustavd18 in #282
New Contributors
- @Koustavd18 made their first contribution in #265
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2
Feature release v0.9.1
What's Changed
- readme - updated the demo app url by @balaji-jr in #252
- Fix: react warning on explore page by @balaji-jr in #251
- Restrict livetail to standalone by @balaji-jr in #254
- Timerange btn UI fixes by @balaji-jr in #255
- Optimize timerange for query api by @balaji-jr in #256
- Update query limit by @balaji-jr in #257
- ft: saved filters by @balaji-jr in #258
- Bug fix: Interval instance cleanup by @balaji-jr in #260
- Log table error states by @balaji-jr in #259
- fix labels for saved queries by @nitisht in #261
- Fix caching errors by @balaji-jr in #262
- Saved filters enhancements by @balaji-jr in #263
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
What's Changed
- make table headers from data by @balaji-jr in #240
- added custom partition field to the create stream form by @balaji-jr in #242
- add text for stream creation modal by @nitisht in #243
- UI Revamp - Sidebar, Stream Management Page & UI Enhancements by @balaji-jr in #241
- support for case insensitive filter for text fields by @balaji-jr in #249
- renamed ingester role to ingestor by @nikhilsinhaparseable in #247
- introduced 15 min and 30 min compaction in the graph by @balaji-jr in #248
- App scaling by @balaji-jr in #246
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0