This bundle allows you to submit your updated/removed documents/objects to a given index - a so called worker
Currently, we only support google via the google index API.
To use this feature, you need to enable it and you also need to add your own resource processor.
- worker_name: google_index
auth_config: app/config/pimcore/google-api-private-key.json
It's a good idea to enable the pimcore_element_watcher
by default.
It will auto-submit changed/delete objects/documents to all available processors.
The object/documents will be added to a queue automatically (but only if a processor has been found).
enabled: true
- { name: seo.index.resource_processor, identifier: my_processor }
namespace AppBundle\Seo\ResourceProcessor;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Concrete;
use SeoBundle\Model\QueueEntryInterface;
use SeoBundle\Worker\WorkerResponseInterface;
use SeoBundle\ResourceProcessor\ResourceProcessorInterface;
use SeoBundle\Exception\WorkerResponseInterceptException;
class MyProcessor implements ResourceProcessorInterface
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supportsWorker(string $workerIdentifier)
return in_array($workerIdentifier, ['google_index']);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supportsResource($resource)
if (!$resource instanceof \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\MyObject) {
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function generateQueueContext($resource)
$queueContext = [];
if (!$resource instanceof Concrete) {
return [];
// if you have multiple languages you need to add your object multiple times!
foreach (['en', 'de'] as $locale) {
$queueContext[] = ['locale' => $locale];
return $queueContext;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function processQueueEntry(QueueEntryInterface $queueEntry, string $workerIdentifier, array $context, $resource)
$dataUrl = null;
$locale = $context['locale'];
$linkGenerator = $this->fetchMyObjectLinkGenerator();
$link = $linkGenerator->generate($resource, ['locale' => $locale]);
return $queueEntry;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function processWorkerResponse(WorkerResponseInterface $workerResponse)
// There are already some basic logs in your application logger!
// @todo: add custom "nice" log to a specific output...
// throw intercepted response exception.
// this will stop SEO Bundle from logging default data to application logger.
// if you want to keep the logging, just remove this exception.
throw new WorkerResponseInterceptException();