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pascalpoizat committed Feb 24, 2021
2 parents 3095901 + bc1f3cb commit f4c4443
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Showing 6 changed files with 300 additions and 274 deletions.
Binary file modified models/bpmn-origin/png/e040TravelAgency.png
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438 changes: 230 additions & 208 deletions models/bpmn-origin/src/e040TravelAgency.bpmn

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

62 changes: 34 additions & 28 deletions models/bpmn-origin/tla_from_bpmn/e040TravelAgency.tla

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Fbpmn/Analysis/Tla/IO/Tla.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ encodeBpmnBoundaryEventsToTla g = [text|
sbes = relationTla beToTla bes
bes = nodesTs g [MessageBoundaryEvent, TimerBoundaryEvent]
bes = nodesTs g [MessageBoundaryEvent, TimerBoundaryEvent]
beToTla e = case (catN g !? e, attached g !? e) of
(Just MessageBoundaryEvent, Just spid) ->
[text|$side :> [ attachedTo |-> $sspid, cancelActivity |-> $scae ]|]
Expand All @@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ encodeBpmnBoundaryEventsToTla g = [text|
side = show e
sspid = show spid
scae = boolToTLA $ fromMaybe True (isInterrupt g !? e)
_ -> ""
(Just _ , _) -> ""
(Nothing, _) -> ""

trueTla :: Text
trueTla = "TRUE"
Expand Down
30 changes: 16 additions & 14 deletions src/Fbpmn/BpmnGraph/IO/Bpmn.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ pCx = hasChildren (nE "conditionExpression")
pIx :: Element -> Bool
pIx e = case findAttr (nA "cancelActivity") e of
Just "false" -> False
_ -> True -- cancelActivity by default
Just _ -> True -- cancelActivity by default
Nothing -> True -- cancelActivity by default
-- timer events
pTimex :: Element -> Bool
pTimex = hasChildren (nE "timerEventDefinition")
Expand All @@ -126,17 +127,18 @@ pTimerDefinitionType' e = case () of
| otherwise -> Nothing
pTimerDefinitionValue' :: Element -> Maybe TimerValue
pTimerDefinitionValue' e = do
contents <- elContent <$> eval
content1 <- listToMaybe contents
case content1 of
Text cdata -> Just $ cdData cdata
_ -> Nothing
eval = case () of
_ | hasChildren (nE "timeDate") e -> findChild (nE "timeDate") e
| hasChildren (nE "timeDuration") e -> findChild (nE "timeDuration") e
| hasChildren (nE "timeCycle") e -> findChild (nE "timeCycle") e
| otherwise -> Nothing
contents <- elContent <$> eval
content1 <- listToMaybe contents
case content1 of
Text cdata -> Just $ cdData cdata
Elem _ -> Nothing
CRef _ -> Nothing
eval = case () of
_ | hasChildren (nE "timeDate") e -> findChild (nE "timeDate") e
| hasChildren (nE "timeDuration") e -> findChild (nE "timeDuration") e
| hasChildren (nE "timeCycle") e -> findChild (nE "timeCycle") e
| otherwise -> Nothing
pTimerDefinitionType :: Element -> Maybe TimerDefinitionType
pTimerDefinitionType e =
pTimerDefinitionType' =<< findChild (nE "timerEventDefinition") e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,9 +206,9 @@ pTBE :: [Element] -> Element -> Maybe NodeType
pTBE es e = if pBE es e && pTimex e then Just TimerBoundaryEvent else Nothing
pCancelActivity :: Element -> Bool
pCancelActivity e = case findAttr (nA "cancelActivity") e of
Just "true" -> True
Just "false" -> False
_ -> True -- boundary events are interrupting by default
Just _ -> True -- boundary events are interrupting by default
Nothing -> True -- boundary events are interrupting by default

-- time-related events
pTE :: [Element] -> Element -> Bool
Expand Down
39 changes: 17 additions & 22 deletions theories/tla/PWSSemantics.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ subprocess_may_complete(n) ==
/\ \E ee \in ContainRel[n] :
/\ CatN[ee] \in EndEventType
/\ nodemarks[ee] >= 1
/\ \A x \in ContainRel[n] : nodemarks[x] >= 1 => CatN[x] \in EndEventType
/\ \A x \in ContainRel[n] : CatN[x] \in EndEventType \/ nodemarks[x] = 0

(* ---- none start event ---- *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,26 +57,20 @@ timerstart_complete(n) ==

(* ---- message start event ---- *)

messagestart_start(n) ==
/\ CatN[n] = MessageStartEvent
/\ nodemarks[n] = 0
/\ \E e \in intype(MessageFlowType, n) :
/\ edgemarks[e] >= 1
/\ Network!receive(ProcessOf(source[e]), ProcessOf(n), msgtype[e])
/\ edgemarks' = [ edgemarks EXCEPT ![e] = @ - 1 ]
/\ nodemarks' = [ nodemarks EXCEPT ![n] = @ + 1 ]

messagestart_complete(n) ==
/\ CatN[n] = MessageStartEvent
/\ nodemarks[n] >= 1
/\ \E em \in intype(MessageFlowType, n) :
/\ edgemarks[em] >= 1
/\ Network!receive(ProcessOf(source[em]), ProcessOf(n), msgtype[em])
/\ edgemarks' = [ e \in DOMAIN edgemarks |->
IF e \in outtype(SeqFlowType, n) THEN edgemarks[e] + 1
ELSE IF e = em THEN edgemarks[e] - 1
ELSE edgemarks[e] ]
/\ \E p \in Processes :
/\ n \in ContainRel[p]
/\ nodemarks[p] = 0 \* No multi-instance
/\ nodemarks' = [ nodemarks EXCEPT ![n] = @ - 1, ![p] = @ + 1 ]
/\ edgemarks' = [ e \in DOMAIN edgemarks |->
IF e \in outtype(SeqFlowType, n) THEN edgemarks[e] + 1
ELSE edgemarks[e] ]
/\ Network!unchanged

(* ---- none end event, terminate end event ---- *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,7 +437,7 @@ process_complete(n) == FALSE
step(n) ==
CASE CatN[n] = NoneStartEvent -> nonestart_complete(n)
[] CatN[n] = TimerStartEvent -> timerstart_complete(n)
[] CatN[n] = MessageStartEvent -> messagestart_start(n) \/ messagestart_complete(n)
[] CatN[n] = MessageStartEvent -> messagestart_complete(n)
[] CatN[n] = NoneEndEvent -> noneend_start(n)
[] CatN[n] = TerminateEndEvent -> terminateend_start(n)
[] CatN[n] = MessageEndEvent -> messageend_start(n)
Expand All @@ -466,7 +460,7 @@ Next == \E n \in Node : step(n)

Init ==
/\ nodemarks = [ n \in Node |->
IF CatN[n] \in {NoneStartEvent,TimerStartEvent} /\ (\E p \in Processes : n \in ContainRel[p]) THEN 1
IF CatN[n] \in StartEventType /\ (\E p \in Processes : n \in ContainRel[p]) THEN 1
ELSE 0 ]
/\ edgemarks = [ e \in Edge |-> 0 ]
/\ Network!init
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,8 +501,8 @@ NoAbnormalTermination ==
\A n \in Node : CatN[n] = TerminateEndEvent => [](nodemarks[n] = 0)

(* No messages are eventually left in transit. *)
NoUndeliveredMessages == LET msgflows == { ee \in Edge : CatE[ee] \in MessageFlowType } IN
(\E e \in msgflows : edgemarks[e] > 0) ~> (\A e \in msgflows : edgemarks[e] = 0)
NoUndeliveredMessages == <>[](LET msgflows == { ee \in Edge : CatE[ee] \in MessageFlowType } IN
\A e \in msgflows : edgemarks[e] = 0)

\* Any message is eventually delivered.
\* NoUndeliveredMessages2 ==
Expand All @@ -523,22 +517,23 @@ NoUndeliveredMessages == LET msgflows == { ee \in Edge : CatE[ee] \in MessageFlo
SafeCollaboration ==
[](\A e \in Edge : CatE[e] \in SeqFlowType => edgemarks[e] <= 1)

(* A process is sound if there are no token on inside edges, and one token only on EndEvents. *)
(* A process is sound if there are no token on inside edges, and one token only on EndEvents. Start events are ignored. *)
LOCAL SoundProcessInt(p) ==
/\ \A e \in Edge : source[e] \in ContainRel[p] /\ target[e] \in ContainRel[p] => edgemarks[e] = 0
/\ \A n \in ContainRel[p] :
\/ CatN[n] \in StartEventType
\/ nodemarks[n] = 0
\/ nodemarks[n] = 1 /\ CatN[n] \in EndEventType

SoundProcess(p) == <> SoundProcessInt(p)

(* All processes are sound and there are no undelivered messages. *)
SoundCollaboration ==
<>(/\ \A n \in Node : CatN[n] = Process => SoundProcessInt(n)
/\ \A e \in Edge : CatE[e] \in MessageFlowType => edgemarks[e] = 0)
<>[](/\ \A n \in Node : CatN[n] = Process => SoundProcessInt(n)
/\ \A e \in Edge : CatE[e] \in MessageFlowType => edgemarks[e] = 0)

(* Like SoundCollaboration, but ignore messages in transit. *)
MessageRelaxedSoundCollaboration ==
<>(/\ \A n \in Node : CatN[n] = Process => SoundProcessInt(n))
<>[](\A n \in Node : CatN[n] = Process => SoundProcessInt(n))


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