OAuth v2.0 Planning Center Online Example using kennethreitz's well-known Requests library. This is a slightly modified version of Miguel Araujo's requests-oauth2.
This library provides a demonstration of authenticating with Planning Center Online using Oauth 2.0 in Python
Authors: see AUTHORS.
License: BSD
Example: with Flask.
Skip this if you know how OAuth2 works.
- Your web app (Foo) allows users to log in with their Planning Center Online(PCO) account. Planning Center Online gave you a client ID and a secret key, which Foo stores somewhere on the backend. PCO and Foo pre-agree on some redirect URI.
- User visits Foo's login screen, e.g.
- Foo redirects users to PCO's Authorization URL, e.g.
- User is presented with PCO's consent screen, where they review the scope of requested permissions, and either allow or deny access.
- Once access is granted, PCO redirects back to Foo via the redirect URI that they both agreed upon beforehand, supplying the code.
- Foo exchanges the code for an access token. The access token can be used by Foo to make API calls to PCO on user's behalf.
Look into the examples directory for a fully integrated, working example.
You will find Client ID & secret (point 1 above) in My Developer Applications.
You must choose the redirect URI, which must be handled by your web app. For the example to work you need to add http://localhost:5000
import os
from requests_oauth2.services import PlanningCenterClient
# You need to put your Client ID and Secret in environment variables PCO_CLIENT_ID & PCO_CLIENT_SECRET respectively
app.client_id = os.environ["PCO_CLIENT_ID"]
app.secret_key = os.environ["PCO_CLIENT_SECRET"]
pco_auth = PlanningCenterClient(
When the user visits the login page (point 2), we'll build an authorization URL (point 3) that will direct the user to PCO's consent screen, asking to grant the specified scopes (point 4):
authorization_url = pco_auth.authorize_url(
scope=["people", "services", "check_ins", "resources"],
Once the user clicks "allow", PCO will redirect them to the redirect URI (point 5), which will include the code as one of the query string parameters:
The code will be used to request an access token (point 6), necessary for all following requests to the API:
code = get_request_parameter("code") # this depends on your web framework!
data = pco_auth.get_token(
You can store it somewhere for later use, e.g. in the session, or in the database:
session["access_token"] = data["access_token"]
The exact method for supplying the access token varies from one provider to another. One popular method (supported by PCO) is via the Bearer header. There's a helper shortcut for this:
from requests_oauth2 import OAuth2BearerToken
with requests.Session() as s:
s.auth = OAuth2BearerToken(access_token)
r = s.get("https://api.planningcenteronline.com/people/v2/people")
data = r.json()
Using OAuth 2.0 to Access PCO APIs: https://developer.planning.center/docs/#/introduction/authentication
Planning Center Online Documentation: https://developer.planning.center/docs
You can use postbin for testing webhooks: http://www.postbin.org/