1 | 1 | # Embroider Changelog
2 | 2 |
3 |
| -## Release (2024-11-11) |
4 |
| - |
5 |
| -@embroider/addon-dev 7.0.0 (major) |
6 |
| - |
7 |
| -#### :boom: Breaking Change |
8 |
| -* `@embroider/addon-dev` |
9 |
| - * [#2166](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2166) Fix gjs/gts sourcemaps -- we accidentally unlocked really good DX ([@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli)) |
10 |
| - |
11 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
12 |
| -- [@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli) |
13 |
| - |
14 |
| -## Release (2024-11-05) |
15 |
| - |
16 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.7.0 (minor) |
17 |
| - |
18 |
| -#### :rocket: Enhancement |
19 |
| -* `@embroider/compat` |
20 |
| - * [#2164](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2164) Support v2 ember-source ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
21 |
| - |
22 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
23 |
| -- Edward Faulkner ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
24 |
| - |
25 |
| -## Release (2024-10-31) |
26 |
| - |
27 |
| -@embroider/addon-shim 1.9.0 (minor) |
28 |
| - |
29 |
| -#### :rocket: Enhancement |
30 |
| -* `@embroider/addon-shim` |
31 |
| - * [#2158](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2158) Add a new option for addon-shim to pass config to ember-auto-import ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
32 |
| - |
33 |
| -#### :house: Internal |
34 |
| -* `@embroider/test-scenarios`, `ts-app-template` |
35 |
| - * [#2159](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2159) pinning @types/qunit to fix ci ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
36 |
| - |
37 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
38 |
| -- Edward Faulkner ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
39 |
| - |
40 |
| -## Release (2024-10-09) |
41 |
| - |
42 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.6.5 (patch) |
43 |
| -@embroider/core 3.4.19 (patch) |
44 |
| -@embroider/macros 1.16.9 (patch) |
45 |
| -@embroider/shared-internals 2.8.1 (patch) |
46 |
| -@embroider/webpack 4.0.8 (patch) |
47 |
| - |
48 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
49 |
| -* `@embroider/shared-internals` |
50 |
| - * [#2151](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2151) Fix hbs plugin not resolving .hbs due to broken Regex ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
51 |
| - |
52 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
53 |
| -- Simon Ihmig ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
54 |
| - |
55 |
| -## Release (2024-10-09) |
56 |
| - |
57 |
| -@embroider/broccoli-side-watch 1.0.1 (patch) |
58 |
| - |
59 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
60 |
| -* `@embroider/broccoli-side-watch` |
61 |
| - * [#2148](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2148) Fix broken default export when required from CJS ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
62 |
| - |
63 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
64 |
| -- Simon Ihmig ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
65 |
| - |
66 |
| -## Release (2024-10-09) |
67 |
| - |
68 |
| -@embroider/addon-dev 6.0.1 (patch) |
69 |
| -@embroider/broccoli-side-watch 1.0.0 (major) |
70 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.6.4 (patch) |
71 |
| -@embroider/core 3.4.18 (patch) |
72 |
| -@embroider/macros 1.16.8 (patch) |
73 |
| -@embroider/shared-internals 2.8.0 (minor) |
74 |
| -@embroider/webpack 4.0.7 (patch) |
75 |
| - |
76 |
| -#### :boom: Breaking Change |
77 |
| -* `@embroider/broccoli-side-watch` |
78 |
| - * [#2146](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2146) Fix broccoli-side-watch so release-plan will release as 1.0.0 ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
79 |
| - |
80 |
| -#### :rocket: Enhancement |
81 |
| -* `@embroider/broccoli-side-watch`, `@embroider/shared-internals` |
82 |
| - * [#2141](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2141) Add better broccoli-side-watch package ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
83 |
| - |
84 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
85 |
| -* `@embroider/addon-dev`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
86 |
| - * [#2136](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2136) Enforce correct plugin order in addon-dev ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
87 |
| - |
88 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
89 |
| -- Simon Ihmig ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
90 |
| - |
91 |
| -## Release (2024-10-08) |
92 |
| - |
93 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.6.3 (patch) |
94 |
| - |
95 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
96 |
| -* `@embroider/compat`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
97 |
| - * [#2133](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2133) fix typescript support for codemod and add option for renaming elements ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
98 |
| - * [#2120](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2120) fix gts in v1 addons ([@patricklx](https://github.com/patricklx)) |
99 |
| - |
100 |
| -#### :house: Internal |
101 |
| -* `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
102 |
| - * [#2142](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2142) fixing test suite for ember >= 6 ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
103 |
| - |
104 |
| -#### Committers: 3 |
105 |
| -- Alex ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
106 |
| -- Edward Faulkner ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
107 |
| -- Patrick Pircher ([@patricklx](https://github.com/patricklx)) |
108 |
| - |
109 |
| -## Release (2024-10-01) |
110 |
| - |
111 |
| -@embroider/addon-dev 6.0.0 (major) |
112 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.6.2 (patch) |
113 |
| -@embroider/core 3.4.17 (patch) |
114 |
| -@embroider/macros 1.16.7 (patch) |
115 |
| -@embroider/shared-internals 2.7.0 (minor) |
116 |
| -@embroider/vite 0.2.1 (patch) |
117 |
| -@embroider/webpack 4.0.6 (patch) |
118 |
| - |
119 |
| -#### :boom: Breaking Change |
120 |
| -* `@embroider/addon-dev`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
121 |
| - * [#2082](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2082) Hide base path from public URL of rollup-public-assets ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
122 |
| - |
123 |
| -#### :rocket: Enhancement |
124 |
| -* `@embroider/addon-dev`, `@embroider/shared-internals`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
125 |
| - * [#2121](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2121) backport #1855 addon-dev: incremental updates to output ([@patricklx](https://github.com/patricklx)) |
126 |
| - |
127 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
128 |
| -* `@embroider/compat`, `@embroider/core`, `@embroider/vite`, `@embroider/webpack`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
129 |
| - * [#2127](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2127) Bump jsdom to fix punycode deprecation messages from tr46, psl, and whatwg-url ([@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli)) |
130 |
| -* `@embroider/shared-internals`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
131 |
| - * [#2122](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2122) speedup windows ci on stable ([@patricklx](https://github.com/patricklx)) |
132 |
| - |
133 |
| -#### Committers: 3 |
134 |
| -- Patrick Pircher ([@patricklx](https://github.com/patricklx)) |
135 |
| -- Simon Ihmig ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig)) |
136 |
| -- [@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli) |
137 |
| - |
138 |
| -## Release (2024-09-20) |
139 |
| - |
140 |
| -@embroider/core 3.4.16 (patch) |
141 |
| - |
142 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
143 |
| -* `@embroider/core`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
144 |
| - * [#2088](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2088) Implement ember's component-template-resolving deprecation ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
145 |
| - |
146 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
147 |
| -- Edward Faulkner ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4)) |
148 |
| - |
149 |
| -## Release (2024-08-30) |
150 |
| - |
151 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.6.1 (patch) |
152 |
| -@embroider/core 3.4.15 (patch) |
153 |
| -@embroider/macros 1.16.6 (patch) |
154 |
| -@embroider/shared-internals 2.6.3 (patch) |
155 |
| -@embroider/webpack 4.0.5 (patch) |
156 |
| - |
157 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
158 |
| -* `@embroider/shared-internals` |
159 |
| - * [#2075](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2075) Update ember standard modules to include @ember/renderer and @ember/-internals and ember-testing ([@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli)) |
160 |
| -* `@embroider/compat` |
161 |
| - * [#2067](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2067) codemod fixes ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
162 |
| - |
163 |
| -#### :memo: Documentation |
164 |
| -* [#2055](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2055) document templateTagCodemod usage ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
165 |
| - |
166 |
| -#### :house: Internal |
167 |
| -* `@embroider/webpack` |
168 |
| - * [#2076](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2076) [Stable]: Follow upstream type change from webpack ([@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli)) |
169 |
| -* Other |
170 |
| - * [#2058](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2058) Set the packageManager field ([@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli)) |
171 |
| - |
172 |
| -#### Committers: 2 |
173 |
| -- Alex ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
174 |
| -- [@NullVoxPopuli](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli) |
175 |
| - |
176 |
| -## Release (2024-07-18) |
177 |
| - |
178 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.6.0 (minor) |
179 |
| - |
180 |
| -#### :rocket: Enhancement |
181 |
| -* `@embroider/compat`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
182 |
| - * [#1842](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/1842) [beta] template-tag code mod ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
183 |
| - |
184 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
185 |
| -- Alex ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
186 |
| - |
187 |
| -## Release (2024-07-16) |
188 |
| - |
189 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.5.7 (patch) |
190 |
| -@embroider/util 1.13.2 (patch) |
191 |
| - |
192 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
193 |
| -* `@embroider/compat` |
194 |
| - * [#2033](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2033) Remove deprecations warnings in resolver transform ([@mkszepp](https://github.com/mkszepp)) |
195 |
| - * [#2047](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2047) Add semver to power select with create ([@mkszepp](https://github.com/mkszepp)) |
196 |
| - |
197 |
| -#### :house: Internal |
198 |
| -* `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
199 |
| - * [#1930](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/1930) create a smoke test for the widest possible matrix ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona)) |
200 |
| -* Other |
201 |
| - * [#2015](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2015) update github actions ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona)) |
202 |
| -* `@embroider/util`, `@embroider/sample-transforms`, `@embroider/test-support`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
203 |
| - * [#1931](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/1931) update scenario-tester ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona)) |
204 |
| - |
205 |
| -#### Committers: 2 |
206 |
| -- Chris Manson ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona)) |
207 |
| -- Markus Sanin ([@mkszepp](https://github.com/mkszepp)) |
208 |
| - |
209 |
| -## Release (2024-07-03) |
210 |
| - |
211 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.5.6 (patch) |
212 |
| - |
213 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
214 |
| -* `@embroider/compat` |
215 |
| - * [#2012](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2012) Empty packages as valid v2 addons ([@BlueCutOfficial](https://github.com/BlueCutOfficial)) |
216 |
| - |
217 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
218 |
| -- Marine Dunstetter ([@BlueCutOfficial](https://github.com/BlueCutOfficial)) |
219 |
| - |
220 |
| -## Release (2024-06-27) |
221 |
| - |
222 |
| -@embroider/addon-dev 5.0.0 (major) |
223 |
| - |
224 |
| -#### :boom: Breaking Change |
225 |
| -* `@embroider/addon-dev` |
226 |
| - * [#2007](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2007) Add just the necessary files to rollup watch mode ([@vstefanovic97](https://github.com/vstefanovic97)) |
227 |
| - |
228 |
| -#### Committers: 1 |
229 |
| -- Vuk ([@vstefanovic97](https://github.com/vstefanovic97)) |
230 |
| - |
231 |
| -## Release (2024-06-24) |
232 |
| - |
233 |
| -@embroider/compat 3.5.5 (patch) |
234 |
| -@embroider/core 3.4.14 (patch) |
235 |
| -@embroider/macros 1.16.5 (patch) |
236 |
| -@embroider/shared-internals 2.6.2 (patch) |
237 |
| -@embroider/webpack 4.0.4 (patch) |
238 |
| - |
239 |
| -#### :bug: Bug Fix |
240 |
| -* `@embroider/compat`, `@embroider/test-scenarios` |
241 |
| - * [#2005](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2005) unique-id helper import based on ember-source version ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
242 |
| - |
243 |
| -#### :house: Internal |
244 |
| -* `@embroider/shared-internals` |
245 |
| - * [#2000](https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider/pull/2000) Update typescript and fix issues with Typescript 5.5 ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona)) |
246 |
| - |
247 |
| -#### Committers: 2 |
248 |
| -- Alex ([@void-mAlex](https://github.com/void-mAlex)) |
249 |
| -- Chris Manson ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona)) |
250 |
| - |
251 | 3 | ## Release (2024-06-20)
252 | 4 |
253 | 5 | @embroider/compat 3.5.4 (patch)
0 commit comments