Releases: paulgeorge35/smartbill
Releases · paulgeorge35/smartbill
🎉 Initial Release - v1.0.0
SmartBill TypeScript Client
A modern, type-safe client for integrating with the SmartBill API. This release provides a comprehensive implementation for managing invoices, estimates, payments, and other business documents through the SmartBill platform.
Core Features
Invoice Management
- Create and delete invoices
- Generate PDF documents
- Check payment status
- Cancel and restore invoices
- Send documents via email
Estimate Management
- Create and delete estimates
- Convert estimates to invoices
- Cancel and restore estimates
- Track estimate-to-invoice conversion
Payment Processing
- Create payment records
- Handle multiple payment types
- Delete payments and receipts
- Fetching receipt content
Additional Features
- Tax rate management
- Document series handling
- Stock/inventory tracking
Technical Highlights
- Full TypeScript support with comprehensive type definitions
- Clean, delegate-based architecture
- Extensive error handling with custom error types
- Modular and extensible design
- JSON request/response handling
- Base64 encoding for special fields
- URL parameter sanitization
API Coverage
Invoice API
- Creation and deletion
- PDF generation
- Payment status
- Email integration
Estimate API
- Creation and management
- Invoice conversion
- Status tracking
Payment API
- Multiple payment types
- Receipt management
- Payment deletion
Support APIs
- Tax rates
- Document series
- Stock management
- Node.js ≥16.0.0
- TypeScript ≥4.x
Package Details
- Package Name:
- Version: 1.0.0
- License: MIT
Full documentation is available in the file, including:
- Installation instructions
- Configuration options
- API reference
- Type definitions
- Error handling
- Usage examples
Future Plans
- Add XML support
- Add request/response logging
- Expand test coverage