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4. Output and Results

lupus78 edited this page Dec 13, 2015 · 4 revisions

The output from OpenDroneMap produces 2 subfolders in the folder where your images are located. The folder name is reconstruction-with-image-size-[resize-to] by default, but you can specify other name with using the --job-dir-name argument.

The two folders are:

[job-dir-name] (eg.:reconstruction-with-image-size-2400) -- contains runtime and temporary files (resized images, logs, temp files, etc...)

[job-dir-name]-results (eg.:reconstruction-with-image-size-2400-results) -- contains all the final product ( point cloud, fully textured meshes, orthophoto, etc..)


option-0000.ply -- The point cloud file

odm_mesh-0000.ply -- The meshed surface


odm_texturing/odm_textured_model.obj -- The textured surface mesh

You can access the point cloud and textured meshes using MeshLab. Open MeshLab, and choose File:Import Mesh and choose your textured mesh from a location similar to the following: reconstruction-with-image-size-1200-results\odm_texturing\odm_textured_model.obj


odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo.obj -- The georeferenced and textured surface mesh

option-0000_georef.ply -- The georeferenced point cloud

odm_textured_model_geo_georef_system.txt -- This file contains the georeference system and coordinate shifting. The X and Y coordinates in the georeferenced mesh if shifted to have smaller values, resulting in smaller mesh files. If you need to work with the real coordinates, this file is useful.

pointcloud_georef.laz -- LAZ file


odm_orthphoto.png -- The orthophoto, but this is a simple png, which don't have any georeferencing information

odm_orthphoto.tif -- GeoTIFF Orthophoto. You can use it in QGIS as a raster layer.