- [ok] The write up includes an outline of the steps taken in the project.
- [ok] The purpose of the final data model is made explicit.
The write up describes a logical approach to this project under the following scenarios:
- [ok] The data was increased by 100x.
- [ok] The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day.
- [ok] The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people.
[ok] The choice of tools, technologies, and data model are justified well.
[ok] All coding scripts have an intuitive, easy-to-follow structure with code separated into logical functions. Naming for variables and functions follows the PEP8 style guidelines. The code should run without errors.
[ok] The project includes at least two data quality checks.
- [ok] The ETL processes result in the data model outlined in the write-up.
- [doing] A data dictionary for the final data model is included.
- [ok] The data model is appropriate for the identified purpose.
The project includes:
- [ok] At least 2 data sources
- [ok] More than 1 million lines of data.
- [ok - csv and orc] At least two data sources/formats (csv, api, json)