All notable changes to the redcapcustodian package and its contained scripts will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix typo in description (Philip Chase)
- Add resources for publication (Philip Chase)
- Add friday-call-demo.Rmd (Kyle Chesney, Philip Chase)
- Update ignore files to respect new features (Philip Chase)
- Replace reference to stp with rcc.billing (Kyle Chesney)
- Enlarge the job_summary_data field in rcc_job_log (Philip Chase)
- Add new content to custom_rscript (Philip Chase)
- Make docs study-centric (Philip Chase)
- Update DESCRIPTION and init_etl.Rd to satisfy R 4.2.1 (Philip Chase)
- Use *_PORT_DB in connect_to_db, defaulting to 3306 (Kyle Chesney)
- Move credentials DB (Philip Chase)
- Reduce earliest_date in cleanup_bad_email_addresses.R (Philip Chase)
- Use MariaDB as default driver in init_etl (Philip Chase)
- Update username to my_username to avoid tautological filter in credential gathering (Kyle Chesney)
- Export email-fixing functions (Philip Chase)
- Add first version of a demonstration script (Philip Chase)
- Add sync_table (Kyle Chesney)
- Add dataset_diff (Philip Chase)
- Add multi_instance.R (Kyle Chesney)
- Add sync_metadata using credentials (Kyle Chesney)
- Add scrape_user_api_tokens (Kyle Chesney)
- Add set_super_api_token (Kyle Chesney)
- Add set_project_api_token (Kyle Chesney)
- Add ETL job logging(Michael Bentz)
- Add cleanup_bad_email_addresses (Laurence James-Woodley)
- Ignore site_template in build (Philip Chase)
- Ignore ./output/ (Philip Chase)
- Fix deployment bugs (Philip Chase)
- Remove host image concet and deploy from site project (Philip Chase)
- Add mRpostman and writexl to the Dockerfile (Philip Chase)
- Add suspend_users_with_no_primary_email (Laurence James-Woodley)
- Add update_redcap_email_addresses (Laurence James-Woodley)
- Fix get_redcap_email_revisions to match initial implementation allows it to create data that will result in user suspension (Kyle Chesney)
- Add get_redcap_email_revisions (Michael Bentz)
- Add automated tests (Michael Bentz)
- Add create_test_tables (ChemiKyle)
- Add test tables (Kyle Chesney)
- Add get_bad_emails_from_listserv_digest (Philip Chase)
- Add get_institutional_person_data (Philip Chase)
- Add get_redcap_emails (Philip Chase)
- Add create_test_table (Philip Chase)
- Add site concept and docs (Philip Chase)
- Add add_get_redcap_db_connection (Philip Chase)
- Store rc_conn in env (Philip Chase)
- Add add_connect_to_redcap_db (Philip Chase)
- Add basic logging (Michael Bentz)
- Initial commit of redcapcustodian
- Scripted image building.
- Scripted deployment.
- redcapcustodian R package
- testthat for redcapcustodian tests
- Host-specific customization of R scripts
- Host-specific customization of cron-files
- Host-specific customization of environment files