This is an EPICS IOC that is used at LCLS. This repo was automatically transferred to github from an internal filesystem repository via the scripts at
The original filesystem location was /afs/
The template file for a TOPAS-HP contains declarations for the TOPAS itself as well as the motors and possible interactions that the device supports.
Two scripts are provided to assist the maintenance of the MOTOR and INTERACTIONS.
At IOC creation time, once a TOPAS is defined, the script children/make_cfg can be run with the IOC configuration filename as an argument. This script will talk to the TOPAS-HP and retrieve motor and interaction information and add it to the configuration, removing any information that currently is there.
Once the IOC is running, the motor and interaction information will be autosaved, so as long as the number of motors and interactions is constant, new values can be overwritten. To assist with this, the script children/update_cfg can be run with the IOC configuration file name as an argument. This script will find the new information from the TOPAS-HP and store it into the required PVs.