This module provides an well-performing, well-behaving, platform-independent and simple interface for communicating with a Microsoft Exchange 2007-2016 Server or Office365 using Exchange Web Services (EWS). It currently implements autodiscover, and functions for searching, creating, updating, deleting, exporting and uploading calendar, mailbox, task, contact and distribution list items.
Here's a short example of how exchangelib
works. Let's print the first
100 inbox messages in reverse order:
from exchangelib import Credentials, Account
credentials = Credentials('', 'topsecret')
account = Account('', credentials=credentials, autodiscover=True)
for item in account.inbox.all().order_by('-datetime_received')[:100]:
print(item.subject, item.sender, item.datetime_received)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytz
from exchangelib import DELEGATE, IMPERSONATION, Account, Credentials, ServiceAccount, \
EWSDateTime, EWSTimeZone, Configuration, NTLM, CalendarItem, Message, \
Mailbox, Attendee, Q, ExtendedProperty, FileAttachment, ItemAttachment, \
HTMLBody, Build, Version, FolderCollection
# Specify your credentials. Username is usually in WINDOMAIN\username format, where WINDOMAIN is
# the name of the Windows Domain your username is connected to, but some servers also
# accept usernames in PrimarySMTPAddress ('') format (Office365 requires it).
# UPN format is also supported, if your server expects that.
credentials = Credentials(username='MYWINDOMAIN\\myusername', password='topsecret')
# If you're running long-running jobs, you may want to enable fault-tolerance. Fault-tolerance
# means that requests to the server do an exponential backoff and sleep for up to a certain
# threshold before giving up, if the server is unavailable or responding with error messages.
# This prevents automated scripts from overwhelming a failing or overloaded server, and hides
# intermittent service outages that often happen in large Exchange installations.
# If you want to enable the fault tolerance, create credentials as a service account instead:
credentials = ServiceAccount(username='FOO\\bar', password='topsecret')
# An Account is the account on the Exchange server that you want to connect to. This can be
# the account associated with the credentials you connect with, or any other account on the
# server that you have been granted access to.
# 'primary_smtp_address' is the primary SMTP address assigned the account. If you enable
# autodiscover, an alias address will work, too. In this case, 'Account.primary_smtp_address'
# will be set to the primary SMTP address.
my_account = Account(primary_smtp_address='', credentials=credentials,
autodiscover=True, access_type=DELEGATE)
johns_account = Account(primary_smtp_address='', credentials=credentials,
autodiscover=True, access_type=DELEGATE)
marys_account = Account(primary_smtp_address='', credentials=credentials,
autodiscover=True, access_type=DELEGATE)
still_marys_account = Account(primary_smtp_address='',
credentials=credentials, autodiscover=True, access_type=DELEGATE)
# Set up a target account and do an autodiscover lookup to find the target EWS endpoint.
account = Account(primary_smtp_address='', credentials=credentials,
autodiscover=True, access_type=DELEGATE)
# If your credentials have been given impersonation access to the target account, set a
# different 'access_type':
account = Account(primary_smtp_address='', credentials=credentials,
autodiscover=True, access_type=IMPERSONATION)
# If the server doesn't support autodiscover, or you want to avoid the overhead of autodiscover,
# use a Configuration object to set the server location instead:
config = Configuration(server='', credentials=credentials)
account = Account(primary_smtp_address='', config=config,
autodiscover=False, access_type=DELEGATE)
# 'exchangelib' will attempt to guess the server version and authentication method. If you
# have a really bizarre or locked-down installation and the guessing fails, or you want to avoid
# the extra network traffic, you can set the auth method and version explicitly instead:
version = Version(build=Build(15, 0, 12, 34))
config = Configuration(
server='', credentials=credentials, version=version, auth_type=NTLM
# If you're connecting to the same account very often, you can cache the autodiscover result for
# later so you can skip the autodiscover lookup:
ews_url = account.protocol.service_endpoint
ews_auth_type = account.protocol.auth_type
primary_smtp_address = account.primary_smtp_address
# 5 minutes later, fetch the cached values and create the account without autodiscovering:
config = Configuration(service_endpoint=ews_url, credentials=credentials, auth_type=ews_auth_type)
account = Account(
config=config, autodiscover=False,
If you need proxy support or custom TLS validation, you can supply a custom 'requests' transport adapter class, as described in
Here's an example using different custom root certificates depending on the server to connect to:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests.adapters
from exchangelib.protocol import BaseProtocol
class RootCAAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
# An HTTP adapter that uses a custom root CA certificate at a hard coded location
def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert):
cert_file = {
'': '/path/to/',
'mail.internal': '/path/to/mail.internal.crt',
super(RootCAAdapter, self).cert_verify(conn=conn, url=url, verify=cert_file, cert=cert)
# Tell exchangelib to use this adapter class instead of the default
BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = RootCAAdapter
Here's an example of adding proxy support:
class ProxyAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs['proxies'] = {
'http': '',
'https': '',
return super(ProxyAdapter, self).send(*args, **kwargs)
# Tell exchangelib to use this adapter class instead of the default
BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = ProxyAdapter
provides a sample adapter which ignores TLS validation
errors. Use at own risk.
from exchangelib.protocol import NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
# Tell exchangelib to use this adapter class instead of the default
BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
All wellknown folders are available as properties on the account, e.g. as account.root
, account.calendar
, account.inbox
, account.outbox
, account.sent
, account.junk
, account.tasks
# There are multiple ways of navigating the folder tree and searching for folders. Globbing and
# absolute path may create unexpected results if your folder names contain slashes.
some_folder.root # Returns the root of the folder structure, at any level. Same as Account.root
some_folder.children # A generator of child folders
some_folder.absolute # Returns the absolute path, as a string
some_folder.walk() # A generator returning all subfolders at arbitrary depth this level
# Globbing uses the normal UNIX globbing syntax
some_folder.glob('foo*') # Return child folders matching the pattern
some_folder.glob('*/foo') # Return subfolders named 'foo' in any child folder
some_folder.glob('**/foo') # Return subfolders named 'foo' at any depth
some_folder / 'sub_folder' / 'even_deeper' / 'leaf' # Works like pathlib.Path # returns some_folder and all its parents, as Folder instances
# tree() returns a string representation of the tree structure at the given level
├── inbox
│ └── todos
└── archive
├── Last Job
├── exchangelib issues
└── Mom
# Folders have some useful counters:
# Update the counters
# The folder structure is cached after first access. To clear the cache, refresh the root folder
# Folders can be created, updated and deleted:
f = Folder(parent=self.account.inbox, name='My New Folder') = 'My New Subfolder'
EWS has some special requirements on datetimes and timezones. You need
to use the special EWSDate
, EWSDateTime
and EWSTimeZone
when working with dates.
# EWSTimeZone works just like pytz.timezone()
tz = EWSTimeZone.timezone('Europe/Copenhagen')
# You can also get the local timezone defined in your operating system
tz = EWSTimeZone.localzone()
# EWSDate and EWSDateTime work just like datetime.datetime and Always create
# timezone-aware datetimes with EWSTimeZone.localize():
localized_dt = tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2017, 9, 5, 8, 30))
right_now = tz.localize(
# Datetime math works transparently
two_hours_later = localized_dt + timedelta(hours=2)
two_hours = two_hours_later - localized_dt
two_hours_later += timedelta(hours=2)
# Dates
my_date = EWSDate(2017, 9, 5)
today =
also_today =
also_today += timedelta(days=10)
# UTC helpers. 'UTC' is the UTC timezone as an EWSTimeZone instance.
# 'UTC_NOW' returns a timezone-aware UTC timestamp of current time.
from exchangelib import UTC, UTC_NOW
right_now_in_utc = UTC.localize(
right_now_in_utc = UTC_NOW()
# Already have a Python datetime object you want to use? Make sure it's localized. Then pass
# it to from_datetime().
pytz_tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Copenhagen')
py_dt = pytz_tz.localize(datetime(2017, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8))
ews_now = EWSDateTime.from_datetime(py_dt)
# Here's an example of creating a calendar item in the user's standard calendar. If you want to
# access a non-standard calendar, choose a different one from account.folders[Calendar].
# You can create, update and delete single items:
from exchangelib.items import SEND_ONLY_TO_ALL, SEND_ONLY_TO_CHANGED
item = CalendarItem(folder=account.calendar, subject='foo') # This gives the item an 'item_id' and a 'changekey' value # Send a meeting invitation to attendees
# Update a field. All fields have a corresponding Python type that must be used.
item.subject = 'bar'
# Print all available fields on the 'CalendarItem' class. Beware that some fields are read-only, or
# read-only after the item has been saved or sent, and some fields are not supported on old
# versions of Exchange.
print(CalendarItem.FIELDS) # When the items has an item_id, this will update the item['subject']) # Only updates certain fields # Send invites only to attendee changes
item.delete() # Hard deletinon
item.delete(send_meeting_cancellations=SEND_ONLY_TO_ALL) # Send cancellations to all attendees
item.soft_delete() # Delete, but keep a copy in the recoverable items folder
item.move_to_trash() # Move to the trash folder
item.move(account.trash) # Also moves the item to the trash folder
item.copy(account.trash) # Creates a copy of the item to the trash folder
# You can also send emails. If you don't want a local copy:
m = Message(
subject='Daily motivation',
body='All bodies are beautiful',
cc_recipients=['', ''], # Simple strings work, too
], # Or a mix of both
# Or, if you want a copy in e.g. the 'Sent' folder
m = Message(
subject='Daily motivation',
body='All bodies are beautiful',
# Likewise, you can reply to and forward messages
subject='Re: foo',
body='I agree',
to_recipients=['', '']
m.reply_all(subject='Re: foo', body='I agree')
subject='Fwd: foo',
body='Hey, look at this!',
to_recipients=['', '']
# EWS distinquishes between plain text and HTML body contents. If you want to send HTML body
# content, use the HTMLBody helper. Clients will see this as HTML and display the body correctly:
item.body = HTMLBody('<html><body>Hello happy <blink>OWA user!</blink></body></html>')
# Build a list of calendar items
tz = EWSTimeZone.timezone('Europe/Copenhagen')
year, month, day = 2016, 3, 20
calendar_items = []
for hour in range(7, 17):
start=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day, hour, 30)),
end=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day, hour + 1, 15)),
subject='Test item',
body='Hello from Python',
categories=['foo', 'bar'],
required_attendees = [Attendee(
# Create all items at once
return_ids = account.bulk_create(folder=account.calendar, items=calendar_items)
# Bulk fetch, when you have a list of item IDs and want the full objects. Returns a generator.
calendar_ids = [(i.item_id, i.changekey) for i in calendar_items]
items_iter = account.fetch(ids=calendar_ids)
# If you only want some fields, use the 'only_fields' attribute
items_iter = account.fetch(ids=calendar_ids, only_fields=['start', 'subject'])
# Bulk update items. Each item must be accompanied by a list of attributes to update
updated_ids = account.bulk_create(items=[(i, ('start', 'subject')) for i in calendar_items])
# Move many items to a new folder
new_ids = account.bulk_move(ids=calendar_ids, to_folder=account.other_calendar)
# Send draft messages in bulk
new_ids = account.bulk_send(ids=message_ids, save_copy=False)
# Delete in bulk
delete_results = account.bulk_delete(ids=calendar_ids)
# Bulk delete items found as a queryset
Searching is modeled after the Django QuerySet API, and a large part of the API is supported. Like in Django, the QuerySet is lazy and doesn't fetch anything before the QuerySet is iterated. QuerySets support chaining, so you can build the final query in multiple steps, and you can re-use a base QuerySet for multiple sub-searches. The QuerySet returns an iterator, and results are cached when the QuerySet is fully iterated the first time.
Here are some examples of using the API:
# Let's get the calendar items we just created.
all_items = my_folder.all() # Get everything
all_items_without_caching = my_folder.all().iterator() # Get everything, but don't cache
# Chain multiple modifiers ro refine the query
filtered_items = my_folder.filter(subject__contains='foo').exclude(categories__icontains='bar')
status_report = my_folder.all().delete() # Delete the items returned by the QuerySet
items_for_2017 = my_calendar.filter(start__range=(
tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2017, 1, 1)),
tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2018, 1, 1))
)) # Filter by a date range
# Same as filter() but throws an error if exactly one item isn't returned
item = my_folder.get(subject='unique_string')
# You can sort by a single or multiple fields. Prefix a field with '-' to reverse the sorting.
# Sorting is efficient since it is done server-side.
ordered_items = my_folder.all().order_by('subject')
reverse_ordered_items = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')
# Indexed properties can be ordered on their individual components
sorted_by_home_street = my_contacts.all().order_by('physical_addresses__Home__street')
dont_do_this = my_huge_folder.all().order_by('subject', 'categories')[:10] # This is efficient
# Counting and exists
n = my_folder.all().count() # Efficient counting
folder_is_empty = not my_folder.all().exists() # Efficient tasting
# Restricting returned attributes
sparse_items = my_folder.all().only('subject', 'start')
# Dig deeper on indexed properties
sparse_items = my_contacts.all().only('phone_numbers')
sparse_items = my_contacts.all().only('phone_numbers__CarPhone')
sparse_items = my_contacts.all().only('physical_addresses__Home__street')
# Return values as dicts, not objects
ids_as_dict = my_folder.all().values('item_id', 'changekey')
# Return values as nested lists
values_as_list = my_folder.all().values_list('subject', 'body')
# Return values as a flat list
all_subjects = my_folder.all().values_list('physical_addresses__Home__street', flat=True)
# A QuerySet can be sliced like a normal Python list. Slicing from the start of the QuerySet
# is efficient (it only fetches the necessary items), but more exotic slicing requires many or all
# items to be fetched from the server. Slicing from the end is also efficient, but then you might
# as well just reverse the sorting.
first_ten = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')[:10] # Efficient
last_ten = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')[:-10] # Efficient, but convoluted
next_ten = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')[10:20] # Somewhat efficient, but we fetch 20 items
single_item = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')[34298] # This is looking for trouble
single_item = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')[3420:3430] # This is also looking for trouble
random_emails = my_folder.all().order_by('-subject')[::3] # This is just stupid
# The syntax for filter() is modeled after Django QuerySet filters. The following filter lookup
# types are supported. Some lookups only work with string attributes. Range and less/greater
# operators only work for date or numerical attributes. Some attributes are not searchable at all
# via EWS:
qs = account.calendar.all()
qs.filter(subject='foo') # Returns items where subject is exactly 'foo'. Case-sensitive
qs.filter(start__range=(dt1, dt2)) # Returns items within range
qs.filter(subject__in=('foo', 'bar')) # Return items where subject is either 'foo' or 'bar'
qs.filter(subject__not='foo') # Returns items where subject is not 'foo'
qs.filter(start__gt=dt) # Returns items starting after 'dt'
qs.filter(start__gte=dt) # Returns items starting on or after 'dt'
qs.filter(start__lt=dt) # Returns items starting before 'dt'
qs.filter(start__lte=dt) # Returns items starting on or before 'dt'
qs.filter(subject__exact='foo') # Same as filter(subject='foo')
qs.filter(subject__iexact='foo') # Returns items where subject is 'foo', 'FOO' or 'Foo'
qs.filter(subject__contains='foo') # Returns items where subject contains 'foo'
qs.filter(subject__icontains='foo') # Returns items where subject contains 'foo', 'FOO' or 'Foo'
qs.filter(subject__startswith='foo') # Returns items where subject starts with 'foo'
# Returns items where subject starts with 'foo', 'FOO' or 'Foo'
# Returns items that have at least one category assigned, i.e. the field exists on the item on the
# server.
# Returns items that have no categories set, i.e. the field does not exist on the item on the
# server.
# filter() also supports EWS QueryStrings. Just pass the string to filter(). QueryStrings cannot
# be combined with other filters. We make no attempt at validating the syntax of the QueryString
# - we just pass the string verbatim to EWS.
# Read more about the QueryString syntax here:
items = my_folder.filter('subject:XXX')
# filter() also supports Q objects that are modeled after Django Q objects, for building complex
# boolean logic search expressions.
q = (Q(subject__iexact='foo') | Q(subject__contains='bar')) & ~Q(subject__startswith='baz')
items = my_folder.filter(q)
# In this example, we filter by categories so we only get the items created by us.
items = account.calendar.filter(
start__lt=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day + 1)),
end__gt=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day)),
categories__contains=['foo', 'bar'],
for item in items:
print(item.start, item.end, item.subject, item.body, item.location)
# By default, EWS returns only the master recurring item. If you want recurring calendar
# items to be expanded, use calendar.view(start=..., end=...) instead.
items = account.calendar.view(
start=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day)),
end=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day)) + timedelta(days=1),
for item in items:
print(item.start, item.end, item.subject, item.body, item.location)
# The filtering syntax also works on collections of folders, so you can search multiple folders in
# a single request.
# Or select the folders individually
FolderCollection(account=account, folders=[account.inbox, account.calendar]).filter(subject='foo')
The CalendarItem
class allows you send out requests for meetings that
you initiate or to cancel meetings that you already set out before. It
is also possible to process MeetingRequest
messages that are received.
You can reply to these messages using the AcceptItem
and DeclineItem
classes. If you receive a
cancellation for a meeting (class MeetingCancellation
) that you
already accepted then you can also process these by removing the entry
from the calendar.
# create a meeting request and send it out
calendar_item = CalendarItem(
start=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute)),
end=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute)),
subject="Subject of Meeting",
body="Please come to my meeting",
required_attendees=['', '']
# cancel a meeting that was sent out using the CalendarItem class
for calendar_item in account.calendar.all().order_by('-datetime_received')[:5]:
# only the organizer of a meeting can cancel it
if calendar_item.organizer.email_address == account.primary_smtp_address:
# processing an incoming MeetingRequest
for item in account.inbox.all().order_by('-datetime_received')[:5]:
if isinstance(item, MeetingRequest):
item.accept(body="Sure, I'll come")
# Or:
item.decline(body="No way!")
# Or:
# meeting requests can also be handled from the calendar - e.g. decline the meeting that was
# received last.
for calendar_item in account.calendar.all().order_by('-datetime_received')[:1]:
# processing an incoming MeetingCancellation (also delete from calendar)
for item in account.inbox.all().order_by('-datetime_received')[:5]:
if isinstance(ews_item, MeetingCancellation):
if item.associated_calendar_item_id:
calendar_item = account.inbox.get(,
Fetching personas from a contact folderis supported using the same
syntax as folders. Just start your query with .people()
# Navigate to a contact folder and start the search
folder = a.root / 'AllContacts'
for p in folder.people():
for p in folder.people().only('display_name').filter(display_name='john').order_by('display_name'):
Extended properties makes it possible to attach custom key-value pairs to items and folders on the Exchange server. There are multiple online resources that describe working with extended properties, and list many of the magic values that are used by existing Exchange clients to store common and custom properties. The following is not a comprehensive description of the possibilities, but we do intend to support all the possibilities provided by EWS.
# If folder items have extended properties, you need to register them before you can access them.
# Create a subclass of ExtendedProperty and define a set of matching setup values:
class LunchMenu(ExtendedProperty):
property_set_id = '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456781234'
property_name = 'Catering from the cafeteria'
property_type = 'String'
# Register the property on the item type of your choice
CalendarItem.register('lunch_menu', LunchMenu)
# Now your property is available as the attribute 'lunch_menu', just like any other attribute
item = CalendarItem(..., lunch_menu='Foie gras et consommé de légumes')
for i in account.calendar.all():
# If you change your mind, jsut remove the property again
# You can also create named properties (e.g. created from User Defined Fields in Outlook, see
# issue #137):
class LunchMenu(ExtendedProperty):
distinguished_property_set_id = 'PublicStrings'
property_name = 'Catering from the cafeteria'
property_type = 'String'
# We support extended properties with tags. This is the definition for the 'completed' and
# 'followup' flag you can add to items in Outlook (see also issue #85):
class Flag(ExtendedProperty):
property_tag = 0x1090
property_type = 'Integer'
# Or with property ID:
class MyMeetingArray(ExtendedProperty):
property_set_id = '00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046'
property_type = 'BinaryArray'
property_id = 32852
# Or using distinguished property sets combined with property ID (here as a hex value to align
# with the format usually mentioned in Microsoft docs). This is the definition for a response to
# an Outlook Vote request (see issue #198):
class VoteResponse(ExtendedProperty):
distinguished_property_set_id = 'Common'
property_id = 0x00008524
property_type = 'String'
# Extended properties also work with folders. Here's an example of getting the size (in bytes) of
# a folder:
class FolderSize(ExtendedProperty):
property_tag = 0x0e08
property_type = 'Integer'
Folder.register('size', FolderSize)
# In general, here's how to work with any MAPI property as listed in e.g.
# Let's take `PidLidTaskDueDate` as
# an example. This is the due date for a message maked with the follow-up flag in Microsoft
# Outlook.
# PidLidTaskDueDate is documented at
# The property ID is `0x00008105` and the property set is `PSETID_Task`. But EWS wants the UUID for
# `PSETID_Task`, so we look that up in the MS-OXPROPS pdf:
# The UUID is
# `00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046`. The property type is `PT_SYSTIME` which is also called
# `SystemTime` (see
# In conclusion, the definition for the due date becomes:
class FlagDue(ExtendedProperty):
property_set_id = '00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046'
property_id = 0x8105
property_type = 'SystemTime'
Message.register('flag_due', FlagDue)
# It's possible to create, delete and get attachments connected to any item type:
# Process attachments on existing items. FileAttachments have a 'content' attribute
# containing the binary content of the file, and ItemAttachments have an 'item' attribute
# containing the item. The item can be a Message, CalendarItem, Task etc.
for item in my_folder.all():
for attachment in item.attachments:
if isinstance(attachment, FileAttachment):
local_path = os.path.join('/tmp',
with open(local_path, 'wb') as f:
print('Saved attachment to', local_path)
elif isinstance(attachment, ItemAttachment):
if isinstance(attachment.item, Message):
print(attachment.item.subject, attachment.item.body)
# Create a new item with an attachment
item = Message(...)
binary_file_content = 'Hello from unicode æøå'.encode('utf-8') # Or read from file, BytesIO etc.
my_file = FileAttachment(name='my_file.txt', content=binary_file_content)
my_calendar_item = CalendarItem(...)
my_appointment = ItemAttachment(name='my_appointment', item=my_calendar_item)
# Add an attachment on an existing item
my_other_file = FileAttachment(name='my_other_file.txt', content=binary_file_content)
# Remove the attachment again
# If you want to embed an image in the item body, you can link to the file in the HTML
logo_filename = 'logo.png'
with open(logo_filename, 'rb') as f:
my_logo = FileAttachment(name=logo_filename,
message.body = HTMLBody('<html><body>Hello logo: <img src="cid:%s"></body></html>' % logo_filename)
# Attachments cannot be updated via EWS. In this case, you must to detach the attachment, update
# the relevant fields, and attach the updated attachment.
# Be aware that adding and deleting attachments from items that are already created in Exchange
# (items that have an item_id) will update the changekey of the item.
There is full read-write support for creating recurring calendar items. You can create daily, weekly, monthly and yearly recurrences (the latter two in relative and absolute versions).
Here's an example of creating 7 occurrences on Mondays and Wednesdays of every third week, starting September 1, 2017:
from exchangelib.recurrence import Recurrence, WeeklyPattern, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY
start = tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2017, 9, 1, 11))
item = CalendarItem(
end=start + timedelta(hours=2),
subject='Hello Recurrence',
pattern=WeeklyPattern(interval=3, weekdays=[MONDAY, WEDNESDAY]),,
# Occurrence data for the master item
for i in a.calendar.filter(start__lt=end, end__gt=start):
print(i.subject, i.start, i.end)
for o in i.modified_occurrences:
for o in i.deleted_occurrences:
# All occurrences expanded. The recurrence will span over 4 iterations of a 3-week period
for i in a.calendar.view(start=start, end=start + timedelta(days=4*3*7)):
print(i.subject, i.start, i.end)
# 'modified_occurrences' and 'deleted_occurrences' of master items are read-only fields. To
# delete or modify an occurrence, you must use 'view()' to fetch the occurrence and modify or
# delete it:
for occurrence in a.calendar.view(start=start, end=start + timedelta(days=4*3*7)):
# Delete or update random occurrences. This will affect 'modified_occurrences' and
# 'deleted_occurrences' of the master item.
if i.start.milliseconds % 2:
# We receive timestamps as UTC but want to write them back as local timezone
occurrence.start = occurrence.start.astimezone(tz)
occurrence.start += datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
occurrence.end = occurrence.end.astimezone(tz)
occurrence.end += datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
occurrence.subject = 'My new subject'
Each Message
item has four timestamp fields:
The values for these fields are set by the Exchange server and are not
modifiable via EWS. All values are timezone-aware EWSDateTime
The datetime_sent
value may be earlier than datetime_created
You can get and set OOF messages using the Account.oof_settings
# Get the current OOF settings
# Change the OOF settings to something else
a.oof_settings = OofSettings(
internal_reply="I'm in the pub. See ya guys!",
external_reply="I'm having a business dinner in town",
start=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2017, 11, 1, 11)),
end=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(2017, 12, 1, 11)),
# Disable OOF messages
a.oof_settings = OofSettings(
Exchange supports backup and restore of folder contents using special
export and upload services. They are available on the Account
data = a.export(items) # Pass a list of Item instances or (item_id, changekey) tuples
a.upload((a.inbox, d) for d in data)) # Restore the items. Expects a list of (folder, data) tuples
# Get timezone information from the server
# Get room lists defined on the server
# Get rooms belonging to a specific room list
# Get account information for a list of names or email addresses
for mailbox in a.protocol.resolve_names(['', '']):
for mailbox, contact in a.protocol.resolve_names(['anne', 'bart'], return_full_contact_data=True):
print(mailbox.email_address, contact.display_name)
# Get availability information for a list of accounts
start = tz.localize(
end = tz.localize( + datetime.timedelta(hours=6))
# Create a list of (account, attendee_type, exclude_conflicts) tuples
accounts = [(account, 'Organizer', False)]
a.protocol.get_free_busy_info(accounts=accounts, start=start, end=end)
If you are having trouble using this library, the first thing to try is to enable debug logging. This will output a huge amount of information about what is going on, most notable the actual XML documents that are going over the wire. This can be really handy to see which fields are being sent and received.
import logging
# This handler will pretty-print and syntax highlight the request and response XML documents
from exchangelib.util import PrettyXmlHandler
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, handlers=[PrettyXmlHandler()])
# Your code using exchangelib goes here
Most class definitions have a docstring containing at least a URL to the MSDN page for the corresponding XML element.
from exchangelib import CalendarItem
Almost all item fields are supported. The remaining ones are tracked in ecederstrand#203.