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DurieuxPol edited this page Oct 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Loggers are objects that give feedback on the state of the analysis. They print a message for each step of the analysis, and are especially useful when an error occurs.
There are 3 loggers for the moment:


This is the default logger used by the analysis.
This logger uses a progress bar to display in real time what the analysis is doing. To use this logger:

analysis logger: MTProgressBarLogger new


This logger is an empty one, it doesn't log anything.
To use it:

analysis logger: MTNullLogger new


This logger fills a file with its logging information. You just need to give it a name for the file, and it will create it and fills it.
To log into a file named "log.txt":

analysis logger: (MTFileLogger toFileNamed: 'log.txt')


This logger does the same as the one above, but fills the transcript of Pharo instead.
To use this logger:

analysis logger: MTTranscriptLogger new