diff --git a/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php b/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php
index ebfe896c..642495f1 100644
--- a/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php
+++ b/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php
@@ -2069,8 +2069,8 @@ public function format_simplelist($open, $name, $attrs, $props) {
$list = match ($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["type"]) {
"inline" => $this->format_inline_simplelist(),
- "horiz" => $this->format_horizontal_simplelist($props),
- "vert" => $this->format_vertical_simplelist($props),
+ "horiz" => $this->format_horizontal_simplelist($props["depth"]),
+ "vert" => $this->format_vertical_simplelist($props["depth"]),
default => "",
@@ -2083,45 +2083,58 @@ private function format_inline_simplelist() {
return implode(", ", $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"]) . '';
- private function format_horizontal_simplelist($props) {
- $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"] = array_merge($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"], $this->get_simplelist_members_padding());
- $table = "";
- $trPadding = str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"] + 2);
- $tdPadding = str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"] + 3);
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"]); $i++) {
- $trOpen = ($i % $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"] === 0) ? ($trPadding . "
\n") : "";
- $trClose = ($i % $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"] === $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"] - 1) ? ($trPadding . "
\n") : "";
- $table .= $trOpen . $tdPadding . "" . $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"][$i] . " | \n" . $trClose;
- }
- return $table . str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"] + 1) . "\n" . str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"]) . "";
+ private function format_horizontal_simplelist($depth) {
+ return $this->chunkReduceTable(
+ $this->processTabular(
+ $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"],
+ $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"],
+ $depth),
+ $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"],
+ $depth
+ );
- private function get_simplelist_members_padding() {
- $numOfRows = ceil(count($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"]) / $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"]);
- return array_fill(0, ($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"] * $numOfRows) - count($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"]), "");
+ /** Return formatted table */
+ private function chunkReduceTable(array $members, int $cols, int $depth): string
+ {
+ $trPadding = str_repeat(' ', $depth + 2);
+ return array_reduce(
+ array_chunk(
+ $members,
+ $cols,
+ ),
+ fn (string $carry, array $entry) => $carry . $trPadding . "\n" . implode('', $entry) . $trPadding . "
+ ''
+ )
+ . str_repeat(' ', $depth + 1) . "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $depth) . "";
+ }
+ /** Pads $members so that number of members = columns x rows */
+ private function processTabular(array $members, int $cols, int $depth): array
+ {
+ $tdPadding = str_repeat(' ', $depth + 3);
+ return array_map(
+ fn (string $member) => $tdPadding . "$member | \n",
+ /** The padding is done by getting the additive modular inverse which is
+ * ``-nb_arr mod columns`` but because PHP gives us the mod in negative we need to
+ * add $cols back to get the positive
+ */
+ [...$members, ...array_fill(0, (-\count($members) % $cols) + $cols, '')]
+ );
- private function format_vertical_simplelist($props) {
- $numOfRows = ceil(count($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"]) / $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"]);
- $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"] = array_merge($this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"], $this->get_simplelist_members_padding());
- $table = "";
- $trPadding = str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"] + 2);
- $tdPadding = str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"] + 3);
- for ($row = 0; $row < $numOfRows; $row++) {
- $table .= $trPadding . "\n";
- for ($col = 0; $col < $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"]; $col++) {
- $table .= $tdPadding . "" . $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"][($numOfRows * $col) + $row] . " | \n";
- }
- $table .= $trPadding . "
- }
- return $table . str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"] + 1) . "\n" . str_repeat(" ", $props["depth"]) . "";
+ private function format_vertical_simplelist($depth) {
+ $members = $this->processTabular(
+ $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["members"],
+ $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"],
+ $depth
+ );
+ // Sort elements so that we get each correct element for the rows to display vertically
+ uksort(
+ $members,
+ fn (int $l, int $r) => $l % $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"] <=> $r % $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"]
+ );
+ return $this->chunkReduceTable($members, $this->cchunk["simplelist"]["columns"], $depth);
public function format_member($open, $name, $attrs, $props) {