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Merge pull request #49 from SamsonIT/master
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A little gift from Samson-IT
  • Loading branch information
stephangroen committed Mar 4, 2016
2 parents 3133618 + 0f88fc7 commit 9c57203
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Showing 30 changed files with 934 additions and 1 deletion.
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/Account.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,130 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class Account
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $ID Primary key
* @property Guid $Accountant Reference to the accountant of the customer. Conditions: The referred accountant must have value > 0 in the field IsAccountant
* @property Guid $AccountManager ID of the account manager
* @property String $AccountManagerFullName Name of the account manager
* @property Int32 $AccountManagerHID Number of the account manager
* @property Guid $ActivitySector Reference to Activity sector of the account
* @property Guid $ActivitySubSector Reference to Activity sub-sector of the account
* @property String $AddressLine1 Visit address first line
* @property String $AddressLine2 Visit address second line
* @property String $AddressLine3 Visit address third line
* @property BankAccounts $BankAccounts Collection of Bank accounts
* @property Boolean $Blocked Indicates if the account is blocked
* @property Guid $BusinessType Reference to the business type of the account
* @property Boolean $CanDropShip Indicates the default for the possibility to drop ship when an item is linked to a supplier
* @property String $ChamberOfCommerce Chamber of commerce number
* @property String $City Visit address City
* @property Guid $Classification1 Account classification 1
* @property Guid $Classification2 Account classification 2
* @property Guid $Classification3 Account classification 3
* @property Guid $Classification4 Account classification 4
* @property Guid $Classification5 Account classification 5
* @property Guid $Classification6 Account classification 6
* @property Guid $Classification7 Account classification 7
* @property Guid $Classification8 Account classification 8
* @property String $Code Unique key, fixed length numeric string with leading spaces, length 18. IMPORTANT: When you use OData $filter on this field you have to make sure the filter parameter contains the leading spaces
* @property String $CodeAtSupplier Code under which your own company is known at the account
* @property Guid $CompanySize Reference to Company size of the account
* @property Byte $ConsolidationScenario Consolidation scenario (Time & Billing). Values: 0 = No consolidation, 1 = Item, 2 = Item + Project, 3 = Item + Employee, 4 = Item + Employee + Project. Item means in this case including Unit and Price, these also have to be the same to consolidate
* @property DateTime $ControlledDate Date of the latest control of account data with external web service
* @property String $Country Country code
* @property String $CountryName Country name
* @property DateTime $Created Creation date
* @property Guid $Creator User ID of creator
* @property String $CreatorFullName Name of creator
* @property Double $CreditLinePurchase Maximum amount of credit for Purchase. If no value has been defined, there is no credit limit
* @property Double $CreditLineSales Maximum amount of credit for sales. If no value has been defined, there is no credit limit
* @property Double $DiscountPurchase Default discount percentage for purchase. This is stored as a fraction. ie 5.5% is stored as .055
* @property Double $DiscountSales Default discount percentage for sales. This is stored as a fraction. ie 5.5% is stored as .055
* @property Int32 $Division Division code
* @property String $Email E-Mail address of the account
* @property DateTime $EndDate Determines in combination with the start date if the account is active. If the current date is > end date the account is inactive
* @property String $Fax Fax number
* @property Guid $GLAccountPurchase Default (corporate) GL offset account for purchase (cost)
* @property Guid $GLAccountSales Default (corporate) GL offset account for sales (revenue)
* @property Guid $GLAP Default GL account for Accounts Payable
* @property Guid $GLAR Default GL account for Accounts Receivable
* @property String $IntraStatArea Intrastat Area
* @property String $IntraStatDeliveryTerm Intrastat delivery method
* @property String $IntraStatSystem System for Intrastat
* @property String $IntraStatTransactionA Transaction type A for Intrastat
* @property String $IntraStatTransactionB Transaction type B for Intrastat
* @property String $IntraStatTransportMethod Transport method for Intrastat
* @property Guid $InvoiceAccount ID of account to be invoiced instead of this account
* @property String $InvoiceAccountCode Code of InvoiceAccount
* @property String $InvoiceAccountName Name of InvoiceAccount
* @property Int32 $InvoiceAttachmentType Indicates which attachment types should be sent when a sales invoice is printed. Only values in related table with Invoice=1 are allowed
* @property Int32 $InvoicingMethod Method of sending for sales invoices. Values: 1: Paper, 2: EMail, 4: Mailbox (electronic exchange)
* @property Guid $IsAccountant Reference to the accountant of the customer. Conditions: The referred accountant must have value > 0 in the field IsAccountant
* @property Byte $IsAgency Indicates whether the accounti is an agency
* @property Byte $IsCompetitor Indicates whether the account is a competitor
* @property Byte $IsMailing Indicates if the account is excluded from mailing marketing information
* @property Boolean $IsPilot Indicates whether the account is a pilot account
* @property Boolean $IsReseller Indicates whether the account is a reseller
* @property Boolean $IsSales Indicates whether the account is allowed for sales
* @property Boolean $IsSupplier Indicates whether the account is a supplier
* @property String $Language Language code
* @property String $LanguageDescription Language description
* @property Double $Latitude Latitude (used by Google maps)
* @property Guid $LeadSource Reference to Lead source of an account
* @property Binary $Logo Bytes of the logo image
* @property String $LogoFileName The file name (without path, but with extension) of the image
* @property String $LogoThumbnailUrl Thumbnail url of the logo
* @property String $LogoUrl Url to retrieve the logo
* @property Double $Longitude Longitude (used by Google maps)
* @property Guid $MainContact Reference to main contact person
* @property DateTime $Modified Last modified date
* @property Guid $Modifier User ID of modifier
* @property String $ModifierFullName Name of modifier
* @property String $Name Name of the account manager
* @property String $PaymentConditionPurchase Code of default payment condition for purchase
* @property String $PaymentConditionPurchaseDescription Description of PaymentConditionPurchase
* @property String $PaymentConditionSales Code of default payment condition for sales
* @property String $PaymentConditionSalesDescription Description of PaymentConditionSales
* @property String $Phone Phone number
* @property String $PhoneExtension Phone number extention
* @property String $Postcode Visit address postcode
* @property Guid $PriceList Default sales price list for account
* @property String $PurchaseCurrency Currency of purchase
* @property String $PurchaseCurrencyDescription Description of PurchaseCurrency
* @property Int32 $PurchaseLeadDays Indicates number of days required to receive a purchase. Acts as a default
* @property String $PurchaseVATCode Default VAT code used for purchase entries
* @property String $PurchaseVATCodeDescription Description of PurchaseVATCode
* @property Boolean $RecepientOfCommissions Define the relation that should be taken in the official document of the rewarding fiscal fiches Belcotax
* @property String $Remarks Remarks
* @property Boolean $Reseller Indicates whether the account is a reseller
* @property String $ResellerCode Code of Reseller
* @property String $ResellerName Name of Reseller
* @property String $SalesCurrency Currency of Sales used for Time & Billing
* @property String $SalesCurrencyDescription Description of SalesCurrency
* @property Guid $SalesTaxSchedule Default tax schedule when creating sales orders or sales invoices
* @property String $SalesTaxScheduleCode Code of the tax schedule
* @property String $SalesTaxScheduleDescription Description of the tax schedule
* @property String $SalesVATCode Default VAT code for a sales entry
* @property String $SalesVATCodeDescription Description of SalesVATCode
* @property String $SearchCode Search code
* @property Int32 $SecurityLevel Security level (0 - 100)
* @property Byte $SeparateInvPerProject Separate invoice per project (Time & Billing)
* @property Byte $SeparateInvPerSubscription Indicates how invoices are generated from subscriptions. 0 = subscriptions belonging to the same customer are combined in a single invoice. 1 = each subscription results in one invoice. In both cases, each individual subscription line results in one invoice line
* @property Int32 $ShippingLeadDays Indicates the number of days it takes to send goods to the customer. Acts as a default
* @property Guid $ShippingMethod Default shipping method
* @property DateTime $StartDate Indicates in combination with the end date if the account is active
* @property String $State State/Province code
* @property String $StateName Name of State
* @property String $Status If the status field is filled this means the account is a customer. The value indicates the customer status. Possible values: A=None, S=Suspect, P=Prospect, C=Customer
* @property Guid $Type Reference to the business type of the account
* @property String $VATLiability Indicates the VAT status of an account to be able to identify the relation that should be selected in the VAT debtor listing in Belgium
* @property String $VATNumber The number under which the account is known at the Value Added Tax collection agency
* @property String $Website Website of the account
class Account extends Model

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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/AccountClassification.php
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@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class AccountClassification
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $ID Primary key
* @property Guid $AccountClassificationName Reference to Account classification name
* @property String $AccountClassificationNameDescription Description of AccountClassificationName
* @property String $Code Account classification code
* @property DateTime $Created Creation date
* @property Guid $Creator User ID of creator
* @property String $CreatorFullName Name of creator
* @property String $Description Description of AccountClassificationName
* @property Int32 $Division Division code
* @property DateTime $Modified Last modified date
* @property Guid $Modifier User ID of modifier
* @property String $ModifierFullName Name of modifier
class AccountClassification extends Model

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/ApiException.php
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@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class ApiException
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
class ApiException extends \Exception

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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/BankAccount.php
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@@ -1,5 +1,34 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class BankAccount
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $ID Primary key
* @property Guid $Account Account (customer, supplier) to which the bank account belongs
* @property String $AccountName The name of the account
* @property Guid $Bank Account (customer, supplier) to which the bank account belongs
* @property String $BankAccount The bank account number
* @property String $BankAccountHolderName Name of the holder of the bank account, as known by the bank
* @property String $BankDescription Obsolete
* @property String $BankName Obsolete
* @property String $BICCode BIC code of the bank where the bank account is held
* @property DateTime $Created Creation date
* @property Guid $Creator User ID of creator
* @property String $CreatorFullName Name of creator
* @property String $Description Obsolete
* @property Int32 $Division Division code
* @property String $Format Format that belongs to the bank account number
* @property String $IBAN Obsolete
* @property Boolean $Main Indicates if the bank account is the main bank account
* @property DateTime $Modified Last modified date
* @property Guid $Modifier User ID of modifier
* @property String $ModifierFullName Name of modifier
* @property String $Type The type indicates what entity the bank account is used for. A = Account (default), E = Employee, K = Cash, R = Bank, S = Student, U = Unknown. Currently it's only possible to create 'Account' type bank accounts.
* @property String $TypeDescription Description of the Type
class BankAccount extends Model

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/Connection.php
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@

* Class Connection
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
class Connection
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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/Contact.php
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@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class Contact
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $Account The account to which the contact belongs
* @property Boolean $AccountIsCustomer Indicates if account is a customer
* @property Boolean $AccountIsSupplier Indicates if account is a supplier
* @property String $AccountName Name of the account
* @property String $AddressStreet Street name of the address
* @property String $AddressStreetNumber Street number of the address
* @property String $FirstName First name. Provide at least first name or last name to create a new contact
* @property String $LastName Last name. Provide at least first name or last name to create a new contact
* @property String $Phone Phone of the contact
* @property String $Postcode Postcode
* @property String $City City
* @property String $Code Code of the account
* @property String $Country Country code
* @property Int32 $Division Division code
* @property String $Email Email address of the contact
* @property Int32 $HID Contact ID
* @property Guid $AccountMainContact Reference to the main contact of the account
* @property Boolean $IsMainContact Indicates if this is the main contact of the linked account
* @property String $Gender Gender
* @property String $Title Jobtitle of the contact
class Contact extends Model

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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/DirectDebitMandate.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class DirectDebitMandate
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $ID Primary key
* @property Guid $Account Account the mandate belongs to
* @property Guid $BankAccount Bank account the mandate applies to
* @property DateTime $CancellationDate Cancellation date
* @property String $Description Description
* @property Int32 $Division Division code
* @property Byte $FirstSend Indicates the first collection hasn't been sent/confirmed with this mandate.
* @property Int16 $PaymentType Payment type. 0 = one-off payment, 1 = recurrent payment, 2 = AdHoc (UK only)
* @property String $Reference Reference
* @property DateTime $SignatureDate Signature date
* @property Int16 $Type Payment type. 0 = one-off payment, 1 = recurrent payment, 2 = AdHoc (UK only)
class DirectDebitMandate extends Model

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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/Division.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,33 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class Division
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Int32 $Code Primary key
* @property Int32 $BlockingStatus Values: 0 = Not blocked 1 = Backup 2 = Conversion busy 3 = Conversion shadow 4 = Conversion waiting 5 = Copy data waiting 6 = Copy data buzy 100 = Wait for deletion 101 = Deleted 102 = Deletion failed
* @property String $Country Country of the division. Is used for determination of legislation
* @property String $CountryDescription Description of Country
* @property DateTime $Created Creation date
* @property Guid $Creator User ID of creator
* @property String $Currency Default currency of the division
* @property String $CurrencyDescription Description of Currency
* @property Guid $Customer Owner account of the division
* @property String $Description Description of Country
* @property Int64 $HID Number that customers give to the division
* @property Boolean $Main True for the main (hosting) division
* @property DateTime $Modified Last modified date
* @property Guid $Modifier User ID of modifier
* @property String $SiretNumber Siret Number of the division (France)
* @property DateTime $StartDate Date on which the division becomes active
* @property Int32 $Status Values: 0 = Not blocked 1 = Backup 2 = Conversion busy 3 = Conversion shadow 4 = Conversion waiting 5 = Copy data waiting 6 = Copy data buzy 100 = Wait for deletion 101 = Deleted 102 = Deletion failed
* @property String $TaxOfficeNumber Number of your local tax authority (Germany)
* @property String $TaxReferenceNumber Local tax reference number (Germany)
* @property String $VATNumber VAT number
* @property String $Website Customer value, hyperlink to external website
class Division extends Model

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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/Document.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class Document
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $ID Primary key
* @property Guid $Account ID of the related account of this document
* @property Double $AmountFC Amount in the currency of the transaction
* @property String $Body Body of this document
* @property Guid $Category ID of the category of this document
* @property String $CategoryDescription Description of Category
* @property Guid $Contact ID of the related contact of this document
* @property String $CreatorFullName Name of creator
* @property Double $Currency Amount in the currency of the transaction
* @property DateTime $DocumentDate Entry date of the incoming document
* @property Guid $DocumentFolder The Id of document folder
* @property Guid $FinancialTransactionEntryID Reference to the financial transaction
* @property Int32 $HID Human-readable ID, formatted as Unique. May not be equal to zero
* @property String $Language The language code of the document
* @property Guid $Opportunity The opportunity linked to the document
* @property Int32 $SalesInvoiceNumber 'Our reference' of the transaction that belongs to this document
* @property Int32 $SalesOrderNumber Number of the sales order
* @property Int32 $ShopOrderNumber Number of the shop order
* @property String $Subject Subject of this document
* @property Int32 $Type ID of the type of this document
class Document extends Model

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/Picqer/Financials/Exact/DocumentAttachment.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
<?php namespace Picqer\Financials\Exact;

* Class DocumentAttachment
* @package Picqer\Financials\Exact
* @see
* @property Guid $ID Primary key
* @property Binary $Attachment Contains the attachment
* @property Guid $Document Reference to the Document
* @property String $FileName Filename of the attachment
class DocumentAttachment extends Model

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