Releases: picqer/exact-php-client
Releases · picqer/exact-php-client
- Remove obsolete attribute causing Exact to fail validation. #163 by @tomcoonen
- Added ItemWarehouse, AccountItem, PurchaseOrder and PurchaseOrderLines models #158 by @remkobrenters
- add first() method to qeuries #151 by @brysem
- Update Transaction.php #154 by @hajcu
- Update GeneralJournalEntry.php #153 by @hajcu
- Bugfix: Minor clockdrift can cause expired token #138 by @kvij
- Update BankEntry(Lines) #139 by @leongersen
- Fix __construct() error when record is not found (returning NULL where it should be an array) #141 by @remkobrenters
- Add Class TransactionLine and PayablesList #143 by @davidvandertuijn
- Addes SalesOrder models #134 by @remkobrenters
- Added fillable EntryNumber and BankStatementDocument in BankEntry #131 by @thijssnowcountry
- Fix for returning a single item for next url requests responses #133 by @thijswiersema
- Fix Findable trait due to breaking changes in Exact REST API #137 by @kvij
- Added missing propery 'Barcode' to Item #120 by @remkobrenters
- Added representation header #107 by @silvant
- Prevent leading spaces in findId for crm/Account when key is not Code #129 by @gielwijgergangs
- Added Bankentry, BankentryLine #130 by @thijssnowcountry
- Sdded the logistics Units model #128 by @thijswiersema
Closed issues:
- Transaction lines #84
- Too many redirects #76
- cURL error 56: SSL read: error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or bad record mac, errno 0 #74
- Selfmade class returns old price #73
- Creating a new class #72
- Guzzle Object could not be converted to string #70
- OrderBy #69
Merged pull requests:
- Extract Division from request @ financialtransaction/Transactions #83 (WietseWind)
- Webhook authentication #81 (tomcoonen)
- Lazyload #80 (kvij)
- Refresh callback #79 (kvij)
- Type, Primary key and inconsistency fixes #77 (kvij)
- Implemented the SubscriptionLines and the SubscriptionTypes. #75 (SanderVerkuil)
- Moved findId() method from class Model to trait Findable #71 (yohancreemers)