A ruby class for interacting with the MetaWebLog API used by many blogging systems. https://rubygems.org/gems/rmetaweblog/versions/1.0
gem install rmetaweblog
require 'rmetaweblog'
#This is an example to interact with the Apache Roller java based blogging application:
#Initialize RMetaWebLog with: host, path, port(optional), {options}
blog = RMetaWebLog.new("hostname", "/roller/roller-services/xmlrpc", {
:blog_url => "http://hostname:8080/roller/blogname",
:blog_id => "blogid",
:api_user => "username",
:api_pass => "password"
#Upload an image
img_url = blog.new_media_object("filename.jpg", "image/jpeg", "/location/of/filename.jpg")
#img_url in now in this case: http://hostname:8080/roller/blogname/resource/filename.jpg
#Create a new post to blog
#Most of class methods work in the same manner, just look at the class if you want to do anything else.