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Boulette - A terminal confirmation prompt.

It's late. 🥱

You finish your night coding session by typing shutdown -h now in a terminal.

But nothing happens.

Because it's the wrong terminal.

And suddenly your production server is unreachable.

Protect you from yourself. Hop on the boulette train!

Boulette prevents you from accidentally damaging remote hosts by raising a warning prompt on dangerous commands. The prompt simply asks for user confirmation, and can also enforce a challenge resolution to decide whether to resume(or abort) the command.


Prefix a critical command with boulette and a confirmation prompt will show up.

As an example we will use the shutdown command however every command can be bouletteproofed.

boulette "shutdown -h now"

Create an alias to replace the command with the bouletteproof one. See the Write aliases section.

And then safely use shutdown 😌.

boulette prompt

Challenge types

In order to execute the provided command you can choose between some challenges to be resolved:

  • ask, which is the default (--challenge ask). You have to type 'y' or 'n' to resume commande execution.

    boulette prompt

  • hostname, enable with --challenge hostname. You must type the host name to resume command execution.

    boulette prompt

  • numbers, with --challenge numbers You must type a random 6 number sequence to resume command execution.

    boulette prompt

  • characters, with --challenge chars You must type a random 6 character string (Lower case 'a' to 'z' [a-z]) to resume command execution.

    boulette prompt

Over ssh only

Boulette confirmation prompt can be triggered inside ssh session only thanks to the --ssh-only option.

When aliasing a command <cmd> with boulette <cmd>, typing <cmd> will execute transparently in a local terminal, and will only raise a prompt when executed from inside an ssh session.

alias off='boulette "shutdown -h now"' --ssh-only

boulette prompt

Write aliases

The idea is to enforce a prompt on your most dangerous commands. We can do so by creating aliases of those commands and prefixing them with boulette.

Single command alias

For example, setting the following alias,

alias off='boulette "shutdown -h now"' --ssh-only

will prompt you whenever you type off.

Here are the one-liners I use the most frequently.

alias off='boulette "shutdown -h now" --ssh-only --challenge hostname'
alias sus='boulette "systemctl suspend" --ssh-only --challenge hostname'

Mutliple command alias

You can also enable boulette on a command and its every subcommands.

Let's say you want to protect yourself from shutdown command ant its every options. This way shutdown -r, shutdown -h now and others will also raise a warning prompt.

Create a shell function to wrap the command call.

  • for bash and zsh shells

    # bash
    shutdown () {
      boulette "shutdown $@" --ssh-only --challenge hostname
  • for fish shell

    # fish
    function shutdown;
      boulette "shutdown $argv" --ssh-only --challenge hostname

Safeguard sudo

If you really are reckless and scroll, eye shuts, through your shell history. You are more likely to pase a command prefixed with sudo.

The following alias is a safeguar for the sudo <cmd> version of your dangerous command.

  • for bash and zsh shells

    # bash
    sudo () {
      if [[ $args =~ ^(shutdown|reboot).* ]]; then
        cmd='boulette "sudo $args" --ssh-only --challenge hostname'
        eval $cmd
        cmd='$SHELL -c "sudo $args"'
        eval $cmd
  • for fish shell

    # fish
    function sudo
      set args "$argv"
      set -l res $(string match -r "^(shutdown|reboot).*" $args)
      # If there is a match
      if set -q res[1]
        command boulette "sudo $args" --ssh-only --challenge hostname
        command sudo $argv

Then you can safely inadvertently type sudo.

boulette prompt



cargo install --git

Try in a nix shell:

nix-shell -p

Nixos Module (Flakes)

Add the flake url to your inputs.

inputs.boulette.url = "github:pipelight/boulette";
imports = [
  # or

Tweak the following options to your needs.

# default.nix AND/OR home.nix

services.boulette = {
  enable = true; # Will enable and install `boulette` to your path.
  enableZsh = true; # Optional: Will add guards for `shutdown` and `reboot` commands to your `zsh` interactive shell sessions.
  enableBash = true; # Optional: Will add guards for `shutdown` and `reboot` commands to your `bash` interactive shell sessions.
  enableFish = true; # Optional: Will add guards for `shutdown` and `reboot` commands to your `fish` interactive shell sessions.
  enableSudoWrapper = true; # Optional
  commands = ["shutdown" "reboot"]; # Optional
  challengeType = "hostname"; # Optional: Defaults to hostname. One of "ask" "hostname", or "numbers".
  sshOnly = true # Boolean, default is`true`. Optional: Boulette confirmation prompts will be triggerd inside ssh session only. Only effects the enable{zsh,bash,fish} options.


You can display a useful help message with minimal examples.

boulette --help

Greatly inspired by Molly-guard.