Homer (Story v1.0.0)
Story v1.0.0 is the first official consensus client release for Story Mainnet. It fixes several security issues and enables smart contracts to interact with the staking contract. It also adds an option to run consensus clients in Story Aeneid testnet.
- (contracts) IPTokenStaking allows smart contracts as stakers (fd4fc2e)
- (evmstaking) Derive bech32 address from EVM address (f2c37e3)
- (evmstaking) Emit events for staking transaction result (3d4d9e1)
- (cli) Support setRewardsAddress CLI (7e2bc9c)
- (cli) Support redelegate for Story CLI (2f7b49b)
- (api) Support query Story API by EVM address (ad894be)
- (netconf) Support Aeneid flag (bd8af30)
- (evmstaking) Automatically convert delegation ID for locked token (5ff7e42)
- (evmengine) Enhance verification of execution payload (16c7d69)
- (app) Fix handling error from PostFinalize (8f5e96e)
- (cli) Fix error in parsing receipt of stake tx (4630cc0)
- (api) correct api endpoint with url var (306ce33)
- (contracts) Add limit of data length in IPTokenStaking contract (dd1f046)
- (app) prevent and reject empty proposal (fde293e)
- (evmstaking) Automatically convert delegation ID of redelegate for locked token (d3dd43b)
- (evmengine) Add withdrawal type validation (4a0498b)
- (evmstaking) Withdraw remaining rewards after totally unstake (b243361)
- (evmengine) Disallow unknown fields in execution payload (9757304)
- (evmstaking) withdraw validator commission if totally self-unstaked (f695d2a)
- (evmengine) Verify exec payload authority (55253d0)
- (evmstaking) Withdraw remaining commission (9e54779)
- (evmengine) Add cosmos app transaction validation (fddd057)
- (cli) Fix unjail CLI in parsing parameter (edf5064)
Feedback & Support
We value your feedback and encourage you to report any issues or suggestions through our [public issues tracker](https://github.com/piplabs/story/issues). For additional support, please message us in the developer channel of our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/storyprotocol).
Users may download the client from the attached binaries.