From 34c4a234b4b16f38ebd1c211fc2b4379febc29e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 13:14:58 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Create --- .../ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/guides/career/ diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aed875f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +title: "List of Freshman/Sophomore Job Opportunities" +--- + +Use your underclassman status to your advantage with this list of Freshman and Sophomore specific opportunities. Don't forget to apply to other opportunities as well! + +## Internships / Fellowships +- UberSTAR +- Palantir Path +- Dropbox Launch +- Two Sigma Freshman Internship +- Code 2040 +- Twitter University +- Bank of America Freshman Analyst +- AT&T Emerging Technologies +- SAP STAR +- Google STEP +- Facebook University +- Microsoft Explore + +## Exploratory / Insight Events +- Jane Street +- Citadel Discover +- DE Shaw Nexus Fellow +- SIG Sophomore Discovery +- Goldman +- Capital1 Summit +- McKinsey +- Two Sigma New Seekers Summit +- JP Morgan Sophomore Edge +- Vanguard EXPLORE Days +- Uber APM Summit +- Morgan Stanley Early Insights +- Bloomberg +- Belvedere Externship From 90950951b6bbd8c46a8ea5ae04d82b900489af1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 14:08:19 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Create --- src/guides/career/ | 306 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 306 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/guides/career/ diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..482e1fd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +--- +title: "LeetCode Summer" +--- + +May 24th - Whenever +Everyday aim for 1-2 problems + +LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you have on the LeetCode problems/theory/anything and we'll answer them! + +[Join the discord branch!]( + +## Pre-reqs: +- 445 (highly recommended) +- 1501 (less necessary) +- Understanding Runtime +- Know how to use Hash Tables + +## Resources: +- [**Learn Python**]( +- [**Big O in 5 minutes**]( +- [**Tom Scott on Big O**]( +- [**Finding Big O of Code Snippets**]( +- [**Hash Tables**]( + +## Problems +### Week 1 - Arrays +- [Contains Duplicate]( +- [Two Sum]( +- [Buy & Sell Stock]( +- [Product of Array Except Self]( +- [Maximum Subarray]( +- [Maximum Product Subarray]( +- [Game of Life (Bonus)]( + +### Week 2 - Arrays + Intervals +- [Min Rotate Sort Array]( +- [Search Rotate Sort Array]( +- [3Sum]( +- [Container w Most Water]( +- [Insert Interval]( +- [Merge Intervals]( +- [Happy Number (Bonus)]( + +### Week 3 - Intervals + Matrix +- [Non-overlapping Intervals]( +- [Meeting Rooms I]( +- [Set Matrix Zeroes]( +- [Spiral Matrix]( +- [Rotate Img]( +- [Word Search]( +- [Sliding Window Max (Bonus)]( + +### Week 4 - Linked Lists +- [Reverse Linked List]( +- [Linked List Cycle]( +- [Merge 2 Sorted Lists]( +- [Merge k Sorted Lists]( +- [Remove Nth Node]( +- [Reorder List]( +- [Sort Colors (Bonus)]( + +### Week 5 - String +- [Reverse String]( +- [Valid Anagram]( +- [Valid Parentheses]( +- [Valid Palindrome]( +- [Group Anagrams]( +- [Longest Palindromic Substring]( +- [Palindromic Substrings]( +- [Odd Even Linked List (Bonus)]( + +### Week 6 - String + Trees +- [Minimum Window Substring]( +- [Longest Repeating Char Replacement]( +- [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( +- [Tree Inorder Traversal]( +- [Tree Preorder Traversal]( +- [Tree Postorder Traversal]( +- [Encode + Decode Strings]( +- [Max Depth of Binary Tree]( +- **Bonus** - Do all the Tree traversal problems iteratively +- [Find Duplicate Number (Bonus)]( [ + +### Week 7 - Trees +- [Same Tree]( +- [Invert Binary Tree]( +- [Binary Tree Max Path Sum]( +- [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( +- [Serialize + Deserialize Binary Tree]( +- [Subtree of Another Tre]( +- [LRU Cache (Bonus)]( + +### Week 8 - Trees +- [Construct Binary Tree From Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( +- [Validate BST]( +- [Kth Smallest Element in BST]( +- [LCA of BST]( +- [Implement Trie]( +- [Design Add + Search Words Data Structure]( +- [University Career Fair (Bonus)]( + +### Week 9 - Graphs +- [Number of Islands]( +- [All Paths from Src]( +- [Word Search II]( +- [Clone Graph]( +- [Course Schedule]( +- [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( +- [Longest Consecutive Seq]( +- [Word Search II]( +- [Longest Common Prefix (Bonus)]( + +### Week 10 - Graphs +- [Number of Connected Comps in Graph]( +- [Alien Dictionary]( +- [Graph Valid Tree]( +- [Top K Frequent Elements]( +- [Find Median from Data Stream]( +- [Daily Temp (Bonus)]( + +### Week 11 - Dynamic Programming +- [Climbing Stairs]( +- [House Robber]( +- [House Robber II]( +- [Coin Change]( +- [Longest Common Subsequence]( +- [BST Iterator (Bonus)]( + +### Week 12 - Dynamic Programming +- [Unique Paths]( +- [Jump Game]( +- [Decode Ways]( +- [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( +- [Word Break]( +- [Combination Sum IV]( +- [Max Area of Island (Bonus)]( + +### Week 13 - Binary +- [Sum of Two Integers]( +- [Number of 1 Bits]( +- [Counting Bits]( +- [Missing Number]( +- [Reverse Bits]( +- [Developer-Tester Integration (Bonus)]( + +### Week 14 (Bonus) - Recursion and Backtracking +- [Permutations]( +- [Letter Combos of Phone Number]( +- [Sudoku Solver]( +- [Subsets]( +- [Generate Parentheses]( +- [Palindrome Partitioning]( +- [Flatten Nested List Iterator (Bonus)]( + +### Week 15 (Bonus) - Binary Search +- [Discussion]( +- [First Bad Version]( +- [Sqrt(x)]( +- [Search Insert Position]( +- [Capacity to Ship Packages within D Days]( +- [Split Array Largest Sum]( +- [Koko Eating Bananas]( +- [Range Sum Query (Bonus)]( +- [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (Bonus)]( + +## Solutions +### Week 1 - Arrays +- [Contains Duplicate]( +- [Two Sum]( +- [Buy & Sell Stock ]( +- [Product of Array Except Self]( +- [Maximum Subarray]( +- [Maximum Product Subarray]( +- [Game of Life (Bonus)]( + +### Week 2 - Arrays + Intervals +- [Min Rotate Sort Array]( +- [Search Rotate Sort Array]( +- [3Sum]( +- [Container w Most Water]( +- [Insert Interval]( +- [Merge Intervals]( +- [Happy Number (Bonus)]( + +### Week 3 - Intervals + Matrix +- [Non-overlapping Intervals]( [ +- [Meeting Rooms I]( [ +- [Set Matrix Zeroes]( [ +- [Spiral Matrix]( [ +- [Rotate Img]( [ +- [Word Search]( [ +- [Sliding Window Max (Bonus)]( [ + +### Week 4 - Linked Lists +- [Reverse Linked List]( +- [Linked List Cycle]( +- [Merge 2 Sorted Lists]( +- [Merge k Sorted Lists]( +- [Remove Nth Node]( +- [Reorder List]( +- [Sort Colors (Bonus)]( + +### Week 5 - String +- [Reverse String]( +- [Valid Anagram]( +- [Valid Parentheses]( +- [Valid Palindrome]( +- [Group Anagrams]( +- [Longest Palindromic Substring]( +- [Palindromic Substrings]( +- [Odd Even Linked List (Bonus)]( + +### Week 6 - String + Trees +- [Minimum Window Substring]( +- [Longest Repeating Char Replacement]( +- [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( +- [Encode + Decode Strings]( +- [Max Depth of Binary Tree]( +- [Tree Inorder Traversal]( +- [Tree Preorder Traversal]( +- [Tree Postorder Traversal]( +- **Bonus** - Do all the Tree traversal problems iteratively +- [Find Duplicate Number (Bonus)]( + +### Week 7 - Trees +- [Same Tree]( +- [Invert Binary Tree]( +- [Binary Tree Max Path Sum]( +- [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( +- [Serialize + Deserialize Binary Tree]( +- [Subtree of Another Tree]( +- [LRU Cache (Bonus)]( + +### Week 8 - Trees +- [Construct Binary Tree From Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( +- [Validate BST]( +- [Kth Smallest Element in BST]( +- [LCA of BST]( +- [Implement Trie]( +- [Design Add + Search Words Data Structure]( +- [University Career Fair (Bonus)]( + +### Week 9 - Graphs +- [Number of Islands]( +- [All Paths from Src]( +- [Word Search II]( +- [Clone Graph]( +- [Course Schedule]( +- [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( +- [Longest Consecutive Seq]( +- [Word Search II]( +- [Longest Common Prefix (Bonus)]( + +#### Week 10 - Graphs +- [Number of Connected Comps in Graph]( +- [Alien Dictionary]( +- [Graph Valid Tree]( +- [Top K Frequent Elements]( +- [Find Median from Data Stream]( +- [Daily Temp (Bonus)]( + +#### Week 11 - Dynamic Programming +- [Climbing Stairs]( +- [House Robber]( +- [House Robber II]( +- [Coin Change]( [ +- [Longest Common Subsequence]( +- [BST Iterator (Bonus)]( + +#### Week 12 - Dynamic Programming +- [Unique Paths]( +- [Jump Game]( +- [Decode Ways]( +- [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( +- [Word Break]( +- [Combination Sum IV]( +- [Max Area of Island (Bonus)]( + +#### Week 13 - Binary +- [Sum of Two Integers]( +- [Number of 1 Bits]( +- [Counting Bits]( +- [Missing Number]( +- [Reverse Bits]( +- [Developer-Tester Integration (Bonus)]( + +#### Week 14 (Bonus) - Recursion and Backtracking +- [Permutations]( +- [Letter Combos of Phone Number]( +- [Sudoku Solver]( +- [Subsets]( +- [Generate Parentheses]( +- [Palindrome Partitioning]( +- [Flatten Nested List Iterator (Bonus)]( + +#### Week 15 (Bonus) - Binary Search +- [Discussion]( +- [First Bad Version]( +- [Sqrt(x)]( +- [Search Insert Position]( +- [Capacity to Ship Packages within D Days]( +- [Split Array Largest Sum]( +- [Koko Eating Bananas]( +- [Range Sum Query (Bonus)]( +- [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (Bonus)]( + From e4b9f0766938e344a415796a9806cedbbd0c52c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 10:32:31 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Turn list of freshman / sophomore opportunities into tables with links. --- .../ | 56 ++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index aed875f3..f85492d0 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -5,31 +5,35 @@ title: "List of Freshman/Sophomore Job Opportunities" Use your underclassman status to your advantage with this list of Freshman and Sophomore specific opportunities. Don't forget to apply to other opportunities as well! ## Internships / Fellowships -- UberSTAR -- Palantir Path -- Dropbox Launch -- Two Sigma Freshman Internship -- Code 2040 -- Twitter University -- Bank of America Freshman Analyst -- AT&T Emerging Technologies -- SAP STAR -- Google STEP -- Facebook University -- Microsoft Explore +| Opportunity | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| [UberSTAR]( | As a software engineer intern/co-op, you’ll have a direct impact on the customer experience for riders, drivers, eaters, restaurant and business owners and cities alike. | +| [Palantir Path]( | Palantir Path is an internship program for students looking to accelerate their personal and technical growth in preparation for a successful, impactful career in tech. | +| [Dropbox Launch]( | As a Dropbox Launch intern, there are many different types of roles and teams that you can have an impact on. However, all Launch interns will take part in Project, Learning & Development, Mentorship, Community. Opens late August. +| [Two Sigma Freshman Internship]( | Our interns come from all degree levels and a wide range of backgrounds. They are united by an intellectual curiosity, passion for math, science and technology, and desire to do impactful work. | +| [Code 2040]( | This nine-week fellowship is an intensive summer program created for Black and Latinx college-level computer science students from around the country. +| [Twitter Academy]( | Twitter Academy is a paid 12-week summer internship program designed for historically underrepresented second-year computer science students (Black, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Indigenous People) interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in the tech industry. | +| [Bank of America Freshman Analyst]( | Global Technology & Operations (GT&O) provides end-to-end technology and fulfillment to individual consumers, small businesses, middle-market businesses and large corporations. Apply by Novermber 1st | +| [AT&T Emerging Technologies]( | You'll get a head start with a company that's known for innovation. | +| [SAP STAR]( | It is a paid, multi-year, rotational training program designed to help university students jumpstart their career and dive into real-world project work. | +| [Google STEP]( | Google's STEP internship — for first and second-year undergraduate students with a passion for computer science | +| [Facebook University]( | Facebook University is a hands-on, immersive internship program that enables students from underrepresented communities. | +| [Explore Microsoft]( | How cool would it be if you got to explore different roles in software development within your first two years of college? ## Exploratory / Insight Events -- Jane Street -- Citadel Discover -- DE Shaw Nexus Fellow -- SIG Sophomore Discovery -- Goldman -- Capital1 Summit -- McKinsey -- Two Sigma New Seekers Summit -- JP Morgan Sophomore Edge -- Vanguard EXPLORE Days -- Uber APM Summit -- Morgan Stanley Early Insights -- Bloomberg -- Belvedere Externship +| Opportunity | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| [Jane Street (SEE) ]( | Over the course of four days, a select group of first-year and second-year students will meet Jane Street employees and learn how math and computer science have a real-world impact on the work we do. | +| [Citadel Discover]( | Discover Citadel and Citadel Securities is a two-day event that will allow you to Discover Citadel, a leading investor in the world’s financial markets, and Citadel Securities, a leading global market maker – and explore Chicago or London! | +| [DE Shaw Nexus Fellow]( | The fellowships include an introduction to our firm, insights into our rigorous approach to finance, and several professional and social networking opportunities. | +| SIG Sophomore Discovery | join us at SIG to learn more about what a day in the life looks like across our buy side research, sell side research and ETF sales & trading teams. | +| [Goldman Sachs]( | The program is open to all majors and provides to students an introduction to the financial world through hands on experience, key insights into the Goldman Sachs culture, and networking opportunities with professionals at the firm. | +| [Capital One Summit]( | During this one-week program, a small, exceptional group of freshmen and sophomores will be immersed in our startup-minded and innovative culture while exploring and developing the technology and problem-solving skills valued by today’s top employers. | +| [McKinsey]( | FYLA is an exclusive two-day workshop during which attendees explore the potential of a career in consulting and refine their problem-solving and leadership skills. +| [Two Sigma New Seekers Summit]( | Interested in learning how to apply your passion for math, science, technology, and desire to do impactful work? | +| [JP Morgan Sophomore Edge]( | Sophomore Edge is a program that seeks to provide training experiences for historically underrepresented segments in the field of financial services. +| [Vanguard EXPLORE Days]( | Get an early look at our culture and network with peers and professionals during our EXPLORE Day. | +| [Uber APM Summit]( | Uber APM summit +| [Morgan Stanley Early Insights]( | Our full-day program provides an opportunity to explore the financial services industry, the firm’s businesses and culture. | +| [Bloomberg]( | Freshman Insights Day is a full day of professional development workshops and networking sessions designed for first year undergraduate university students of all disciplines and majors interested in finance and technology. | +| [Belvedere Externship]( | Belvedere Trading’s externship program is a great way for underclassmen students to learn more about the proprietary trading and technology industry, while gaining a valuable understanding of where their career interests lie. | From ad612d01d33afb2d8b1b08b8e3726c02359786b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 10:40:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Create --- src/guides/career/ | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/guides/career/ diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a4945ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +title: "Resume Proofreading Checklist" +--- + +Stand out to employers by following this checklist to avoid common resume mistakes. + +## Resume Checklist +1. Place an expected graduation date (if applicable). +2. Place clear delimiters between company and job experience. +3. Place the most recent experience at the top. +4. Make links clickable. +5. Check Linkedin/GitHub links, personal/project websites, and email addresses. +6. Put periods at the end of full sentences. +7. Excessively wordy: concision makes the readers’ lives easier. +8. Avoid acronyms unless it is widely familiar to non-technical readers (e.g., recruiters). +8. Avoid putting content in the extreme top or bottom of the page. + - A cheap printer might cut out the extreme top or bottom. + - leave a ≥1/2 inch margin for safety. +9. Unnecessarily long class names. + - Analytic Geometry & Calculus -> Calculus. + - Introduction to Systems Software -> Systems Software + - The extra words generally do not convey enough information to justify the valuable space that the words take up. + +## LaTeX-specific tidbits +1. Use \LaTeX when referencing LaTeX (for example, in a skills section) in a LaTeX resume. +2. Quotation marks + - Use `` for a left quote + - Use ’’ (two single-quotes) for a right quote + - Wrong: ”using double quotes is incorrect, the left quote will not render correctly” + - More info: From 8dce76e61855f63b1e9ac3b2a1046199c9bf6c0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ming <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 13:43:12 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Update --- .../career/ | 18 ++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index f85492d0..378f7779 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -2,30 +2,32 @@ title: "List of Freshman/Sophomore Job Opportunities" --- -Use your underclassman status to your advantage with this list of Freshman and Sophomore specific opportunities. Don't forget to apply to other opportunities as well! +Use your underclassman status to your advantage with this list of Freshman and Sophomore specific opportunities. Don't forget to apply to other opportunities as well! +These are not the only places that will hire underclassmen, so make sure to keep your options open! ## Internships / Fellowships | Opportunity | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | +| [Google STEP]( | Google's STEP internship — for first and second-year undergraduate students with a passion for computer science | +| [Facebook University]( | Facebook University is a hands-on, immersive internship program that enables students from underrepresented communities. | +| [Explore Microsoft]( | How cool would it be if you got to explore different roles in software development within your first two years of college? | | [UberSTAR]( | As a software engineer intern/co-op, you’ll have a direct impact on the customer experience for riders, drivers, eaters, restaurant and business owners and cities alike. | | [Palantir Path]( | Palantir Path is an internship program for students looking to accelerate their personal and technical growth in preparation for a successful, impactful career in tech. | | [Dropbox Launch]( | As a Dropbox Launch intern, there are many different types of roles and teams that you can have an impact on. However, all Launch interns will take part in Project, Learning & Development, Mentorship, Community. Opens late August. | [Two Sigma Freshman Internship]( | Our interns come from all degree levels and a wide range of backgrounds. They are united by an intellectual curiosity, passion for math, science and technology, and desire to do impactful work. | -| [Code 2040]( | This nine-week fellowship is an intensive summer program created for Black and Latinx college-level computer science students from around the country. +| [Code 2040]( | This nine-week fellowship is an intensive summer program created for Black and Latinx college-level computer science students from around the country. | | [Twitter Academy]( | Twitter Academy is a paid 12-week summer internship program designed for historically underrepresented second-year computer science students (Black, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Indigenous People) interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in the tech industry. | | [Bank of America Freshman Analyst]( | Global Technology & Operations (GT&O) provides end-to-end technology and fulfillment to individual consumers, small businesses, middle-market businesses and large corporations. Apply by Novermber 1st | | [AT&T Emerging Technologies]( | You'll get a head start with a company that's known for innovation. | | [SAP STAR]( | It is a paid, multi-year, rotational training program designed to help university students jumpstart their career and dive into real-world project work. | -| [Google STEP]( | Google's STEP internship — for first and second-year undergraduate students with a passion for computer science | -| [Facebook University]( | Facebook University is a hands-on, immersive internship program that enables students from underrepresented communities. | -| [Explore Microsoft]( | How cool would it be if you got to explore different roles in software development within your first two years of college? ## Exploratory / Insight Events | Opportunity | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | | [Jane Street (SEE) ]( | Over the course of four days, a select group of first-year and second-year students will meet Jane Street employees and learn how math and computer science have a real-world impact on the work we do. | +| [Additional Jane Street Opps]( | Check Jane Street's Facebook page for more opportunities | | [Citadel Discover]( | Discover Citadel and Citadel Securities is a two-day event that will allow you to Discover Citadel, a leading investor in the world’s financial markets, and Citadel Securities, a leading global market maker – and explore Chicago or London! | -| [DE Shaw Nexus Fellow]( | The fellowships include an introduction to our firm, insights into our rigorous approach to finance, and several professional and social networking opportunities. | +| [DE Shaw Fellowships]( | The fellowships include an introduction to our firm, insights into our rigorous approach to finance, and several professional and social networking opportunities. | | SIG Sophomore Discovery | join us at SIG to learn more about what a day in the life looks like across our buy side research, sell side research and ETF sales & trading teams. | | [Goldman Sachs]( | The program is open to all majors and provides to students an introduction to the financial world through hands on experience, key insights into the Goldman Sachs culture, and networking opportunities with professionals at the firm. | | [Capital One Summit]( | During this one-week program, a small, exceptional group of freshmen and sophomores will be immersed in our startup-minded and innovative culture while exploring and developing the technology and problem-solving skills valued by today’s top employers. | @@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ Use your underclassman status to your advantage with this list of Freshman and S | [Two Sigma New Seekers Summit]( | Interested in learning how to apply your passion for math, science, technology, and desire to do impactful work? | | [JP Morgan Sophomore Edge]( | Sophomore Edge is a program that seeks to provide training experiences for historically underrepresented segments in the field of financial services. | [Vanguard EXPLORE Days]( | Get an early look at our culture and network with peers and professionals during our EXPLORE Day. | -| [Uber APM Summit]( | Uber APM summit -| [Morgan Stanley Early Insights]( | Our full-day program provides an opportunity to explore the financial services industry, the firm’s businesses and culture. | +| [Uber APM Summit]( | Uber APM summit | +| [Morgan Stanley Early Insights]( | Our full-day program provides an opportunity to explore the financial services industry, the firm's businesses and culture. | | [Bloomberg]( | Freshman Insights Day is a full day of professional development workshops and networking sessions designed for first year undergraduate university students of all disciplines and majors interested in finance and technology. | | [Belvedere Externship]( | Belvedere Trading’s externship program is a great way for underclassmen students to learn more about the proprietary trading and technology industry, while gaining a valuable understanding of where their career interests lie. | From 2fecce31864e22fd53e38e27a2fb15d1bb690106 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ming <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 13:46:58 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Update and rename to --- .../{ =>} | 53 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) rename src/guides/career/{ =>} (90%) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ similarity index 90% rename from src/guides/career/ rename to src/guides/career/ index 482e1fd1..5337c967 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ --- -title: "LeetCode Summer" +title: "LeetCode Summer Study Plan" --- -May 24th - Whenever Everyday aim for 1-2 problems -LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you have on the LeetCode problems/theory/anything and we'll answer them! +LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you have on the LeetCode problems/theory/anything and we'll answer them on Discord! -[Join the discord branch!]( +[Join the Discord here!]( ## Pre-reqs: -- 445 (highly recommended) -- 1501 (less necessary) +- CS0445 (highly recommended) +- CS1501 (less necessary) - Understanding Runtime - Know how to use Hash Tables @@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Product of Array Except Self]( - [Maximum Subarray]( - [Maximum Product Subarray]( -- [Game of Life (Bonus)]( +- [Game of Life (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 2 - Arrays + Intervals - [Min Rotate Sort Array]( @@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Container w Most Water]( - [Insert Interval]( - [Merge Intervals]( -- [Happy Number (Bonus)]( +- [Happy Number (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 3 - Intervals + Matrix - [Non-overlapping Intervals]( @@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Merge k Sorted Lists]( - [Remove Nth Node]( - [Reorder List]( -- [Sort Colors (Bonus)]( +- [Sort Colors (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 5 - String - [Reverse String]( @@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Group Anagrams]( - [Longest Palindromic Substring]( - [Palindromic Substrings]( -- [Odd Even Linked List (Bonus)]( +- [Odd Even Linked List (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 6 - String + Trees - [Minimum Window Substring]( @@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Encode + Decode Strings]( - [Max Depth of Binary Tree]( - **Bonus** - Do all the Tree traversal problems iteratively -- [Find Duplicate Number (Bonus)]( [ +- [Find Duplicate Number (**Bonus**)]( [ ### Week 7 - Trees - [Same Tree]( @@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [LCA of BST]( - [Implement Trie]( - [Design Add + Search Words Data Structure]( -- [University Career Fair (Bonus)]( +- [University Career Fair (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 9 - Graphs - [Number of Islands]( @@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( - [Longest Consecutive Seq]( - [Word Search II]( -- [Longest Common Prefix (Bonus)]( +- [Longest Common Prefix (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 10 - Graphs - [Number of Connected Comps in Graph]( @@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Graph Valid Tree]( - [Top K Frequent Elements]( - [Find Median from Data Stream]( -- [Daily Temp (Bonus)]( +- [Daily Temp (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 11 - Dynamic Programming - [Climbing Stairs]( @@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [House Robber II]( - [Coin Change]( - [Longest Common Subsequence]( -- [BST Iterator (Bonus)]( +- [BST Iterator (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 12 - Dynamic Programming - [Unique Paths]( @@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( - [Word Break]( - [Combination Sum IV]( -- [Max Area of Island (Bonus)]( +- [Max Area of Island (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 13 - Binary - [Sum of Two Integers]( @@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Counting Bits]( - [Missing Number]( - [Reverse Bits]( -- [Developer-Tester Integration (Bonus)]( +- [Developer-Tester Integration (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 14 (Bonus) - Recursion and Backtracking - [Permutations]( @@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Subsets]( - [Generate Parentheses]( - [Palindrome Partitioning]( -- [Flatten Nested List Iterator (Bonus)]( +- [Flatten Nested List Iterator (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 15 (Bonus) - Binary Search - [Discussion]( @@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Split Array Largest Sum]( - [Koko Eating Bananas]( - [Range Sum Query (Bonus)]( -- [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (Bonus)]( +- [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (**Bonus**)]( ## Solutions ### Week 1 - Arrays @@ -183,13 +182,13 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Happy Number (Bonus)]( ### Week 3 - Intervals + Matrix -- [Non-overlapping Intervals]( [ -- [Meeting Rooms I]( [ -- [Set Matrix Zeroes]( [ -- [Spiral Matrix]( [ -- [Rotate Img]( [ -- [Word Search]( [ -- [Sliding Window Max (Bonus)]( [ +- [Non-overlapping Intervals]( +- [Meeting Rooms I]( +- [Set Matrix Zeroes]( +- [Spiral Matrix]( +- [Rotate Img]( +- [Word Search]( +- [Sliding Window Max (Bonus)]( ### Week 4 - Linked Lists - [Reverse Linked List]( @@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Climbing Stairs]( - [House Robber]( - [House Robber II]( -- [Coin Change]( [ +- [Coin Change]( - [Longest Common Subsequence]( - [BST Iterator (Bonus)]( From 510d66332c749de9c238fa650cf890a71beee8cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ming <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 14:01:26 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Update --- src/guides/career/ | 32 +++++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 3a4945ca..346bbc99 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -5,22 +5,30 @@ title: "Resume Proofreading Checklist" Stand out to employers by following this checklist to avoid common resume mistakes. ## Resume Checklist -1. Place an expected graduation date (if applicable). -2. Place clear delimiters between company and job experience. -3. Place the most recent experience at the top. -4. Make links clickable. -5. Check Linkedin/GitHub links, personal/project websites, and email addresses. -6. Put periods at the end of full sentences. -7. Excessively wordy: concision makes the readers’ lives easier. -8. Avoid acronyms unless it is widely familiar to non-technical readers (e.g., recruiters). -8. Avoid putting content in the extreme top or bottom of the page. +1. Don't use a flashy resume template. We recommend []( + - Keep the colors minimal (White, Black, Dark Blue) + - No photos +2. Place an expected graduation date. +3. Emphasive the impact you make in your experience, not the responsibilities you had + - Ex: Instead of "Helped customers shop" say "Generated $x in sales by helping customers with their purchases" +4. Place the most recent experience at the top. +5. Start each bullet with an [action verb]( +6. Proofread your bullets. + - Spelling and grammatical errors are not good looks and avoidable +8. Avoid excessively wordy bullets: conciseness makes the readers’ lives easier. + - Each bullet should be a sentence + - If you have multiple sentences on one bullet you should break it up into multiple bullets +9. Avoid acronyms unless it is widely familiar to non-technical readers +10. Avoid putting content in the extreme top or bottom of the page. - A cheap printer might cut out the extreme top or bottom. - leave a ≥1/2 inch margin for safety. -9. Unnecessarily long class names. +11. Avoid unnecessarily long names. - Analytic Geometry & Calculus -> Calculus. - Introduction to Systems Software -> Systems Software - - The extra words generally do not convey enough information to justify the valuable space that the words take up. - + - The extra words generally do not convey enough information to justify the space that the words take up. +12. Make links clickable. + - Verify Linkedin/GitHub links, personal/project websites, and email addresses. + ## LaTeX-specific tidbits 1. Use \LaTeX when referencing LaTeX (for example, in a skills section) in a LaTeX resume. 2. Quotation marks From f36beccfb5aaabc2645d0f4415b002483666683e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 22:04:53 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Update src/guides/career/ Co-authored-by: Richie Goulazian --- src/guides/career/ | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 5337c967..7ef03267 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Spiral Matrix]( - [Rotate Img]( - [Word Search]( -- [Sliding Window Max (Bonus)]( +- [Sliding Window Max (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 4 - Linked Lists - [Reverse Linked List]( @@ -302,4 +302,3 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Koko Eating Bananas]( - [Range Sum Query (Bonus)]( - [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (Bonus)]( - From 929c2d0a110b9bb58b35903c22295a40fce9e1ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 22:04:59 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Update src/guides/career/ Co-authored-by: Richie Goulazian --- src/guides/career/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 7ef03267..05261f58 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Encode + Decode Strings]( - [Max Depth of Binary Tree]( - **Bonus** - Do all the Tree traversal problems iteratively -- [Find Duplicate Number (**Bonus**)]( [ +- [Find Duplicate Number (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 7 - Trees - [Same Tree]( From e9cc2ee22fa1d4e286d46bffe8cf69fb00630e1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 22:05:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Update src/guides/career/ Co-authored-by: Richie Goulazian --- src/guides/career/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 05261f58..6da59e4f 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Product of Array Except Self]( - [Maximum Subarray]( - [Maximum Product Subarray]( -- [Game of Life (Bonus)]( +- [Game of Life (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 2 - Arrays + Intervals - [Min Rotate Sort Array]( From a8cad56c6623ca4b33b29c545bd09a7d88f6d846 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021 14:22:11 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Remove links from opportunities --- .../ | 52 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 378f7779..545c2e77 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -8,34 +8,34 @@ These are not the only places that will hire underclassmen, so make sure to keep ## Internships / Fellowships | Opportunity | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | -| [Google STEP]( | Google's STEP internship — for first and second-year undergraduate students with a passion for computer science | -| [Facebook University]( | Facebook University is a hands-on, immersive internship program that enables students from underrepresented communities. | -| [Explore Microsoft]( | How cool would it be if you got to explore different roles in software development within your first two years of college? | -| [UberSTAR]( | As a software engineer intern/co-op, you’ll have a direct impact on the customer experience for riders, drivers, eaters, restaurant and business owners and cities alike. | -| [Palantir Path]( | Palantir Path is an internship program for students looking to accelerate their personal and technical growth in preparation for a successful, impactful career in tech. | -| [Dropbox Launch]( | As a Dropbox Launch intern, there are many different types of roles and teams that you can have an impact on. However, all Launch interns will take part in Project, Learning & Development, Mentorship, Community. Opens late August. -| [Two Sigma Freshman Internship]( | Our interns come from all degree levels and a wide range of backgrounds. They are united by an intellectual curiosity, passion for math, science and technology, and desire to do impactful work. | -| [Code 2040]( | This nine-week fellowship is an intensive summer program created for Black and Latinx college-level computer science students from around the country. | -| [Twitter Academy]( | Twitter Academy is a paid 12-week summer internship program designed for historically underrepresented second-year computer science students (Black, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Indigenous People) interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in the tech industry. | -| [Bank of America Freshman Analyst]( | Global Technology & Operations (GT&O) provides end-to-end technology and fulfillment to individual consumers, small businesses, middle-market businesses and large corporations. Apply by Novermber 1st | -| [AT&T Emerging Technologies]( | You'll get a head start with a company that's known for innovation. | -| [SAP STAR]( | It is a paid, multi-year, rotational training program designed to help university students jumpstart their career and dive into real-world project work. | +| Google STEP | Google's STEP internship — for first and second-year undergraduate students with a passion for computer science | +| Facebook University | Facebook University is a hands-on, immersive internship program that enables students from underrepresented communities. | +| Explore Microsoft | How cool would it be if you got to explore different roles in software development within your first two years of college? | +| UberSTAR | As a software engineer intern/co-op, you’ll have a direct impact on the customer experience for riders, drivers, eaters, restaurant and business owners and cities alike. | +| Palantir Path | Palantir Path is an internship program for students looking to accelerate their personal and technical growth in preparation for a successful, impactful career in tech. | +| Dropbox Launch | As a Dropbox Launch intern, there are many different types of roles and teams that you can have an impact on. However, all Launch interns will take part in Project, Learning & Development, Mentorship, Community. Opens late August. +| Two Sigma Freshman Internship | Our interns come from all degree levels and a wide range of backgrounds. They are united by an intellectual curiosity, passion for math, science and technology, and desire to do impactful work. | +| Code 2040 | This nine-week fellowship is an intensive summer program created for Black and Latinx college-level computer science students from around the country. | +| Twitter Academy | Twitter Academy is a paid 12-week summer internship program designed for historically underrepresented second-year computer science students (Black, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Indigenous People) interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in the tech industry. | +| Bank of America Freshman Analyst | Global Technology & Operations (GT&O) provides end-to-end technology and fulfillment to individual consumers, small businesses, middle-market businesses and large corporations. Apply by Novermber 1st | +| AT&T Emerging Technologies | You'll get a head start with a company that's known for innovation. | +| SAP STAR | It is a paid, multi-year, rotational training program designed to help university students jumpstart their career and dive into real-world project work. | ## Exploratory / Insight Events | Opportunity | Description | | ----------- | ----------- | -| [Jane Street (SEE) ]( | Over the course of four days, a select group of first-year and second-year students will meet Jane Street employees and learn how math and computer science have a real-world impact on the work we do. | -| [Additional Jane Street Opps]( | Check Jane Street's Facebook page for more opportunities | -| [Citadel Discover]( | Discover Citadel and Citadel Securities is a two-day event that will allow you to Discover Citadel, a leading investor in the world’s financial markets, and Citadel Securities, a leading global market maker – and explore Chicago or London! | -| [DE Shaw Fellowships]( | The fellowships include an introduction to our firm, insights into our rigorous approach to finance, and several professional and social networking opportunities. | +| Jane Street (SEE) | Over the course of four days, a select group of first-year and second-year students will meet Jane Street employees and learn how math and computer science have a real-world impact on the work we do. | +| Additional Jane Street Opps | Check Jane Street's Facebook page for more opportunities | +| Citadel Discover | Discover Citadel and Citadel Securities is a two-day event that will allow you to Discover Citadel, a leading investor in the world’s financial markets, and Citadel Securities, a leading global market maker – and explore Chicago or London! | +| DE Shaw Fellowships | The fellowships include an introduction to our firm, insights into our rigorous approach to finance, and several professional and social networking opportunities. | | SIG Sophomore Discovery | join us at SIG to learn more about what a day in the life looks like across our buy side research, sell side research and ETF sales & trading teams. | -| [Goldman Sachs]( | The program is open to all majors and provides to students an introduction to the financial world through hands on experience, key insights into the Goldman Sachs culture, and networking opportunities with professionals at the firm. | -| [Capital One Summit]( | During this one-week program, a small, exceptional group of freshmen and sophomores will be immersed in our startup-minded and innovative culture while exploring and developing the technology and problem-solving skills valued by today’s top employers. | -| [McKinsey]( | FYLA is an exclusive two-day workshop during which attendees explore the potential of a career in consulting and refine their problem-solving and leadership skills. -| [Two Sigma New Seekers Summit]( | Interested in learning how to apply your passion for math, science, technology, and desire to do impactful work? | -| [JP Morgan Sophomore Edge]( | Sophomore Edge is a program that seeks to provide training experiences for historically underrepresented segments in the field of financial services. -| [Vanguard EXPLORE Days]( | Get an early look at our culture and network with peers and professionals during our EXPLORE Day. | -| [Uber APM Summit]( | Uber APM summit | -| [Morgan Stanley Early Insights]( | Our full-day program provides an opportunity to explore the financial services industry, the firm's businesses and culture. | -| [Bloomberg]( | Freshman Insights Day is a full day of professional development workshops and networking sessions designed for first year undergraduate university students of all disciplines and majors interested in finance and technology. | -| [Belvedere Externship]( | Belvedere Trading’s externship program is a great way for underclassmen students to learn more about the proprietary trading and technology industry, while gaining a valuable understanding of where their career interests lie. | +| Goldman Sachs | The program is open to all majors and provides to students an introduction to the financial world through hands on experience, key insights into the Goldman Sachs culture, and networking opportunities with professionals at the firm. | +| Capital One Summit | During this one-week program, a small, exceptional group of freshmen and sophomores will be immersed in our startup-minded and innovative culture while exploring and developing the technology and problem-solving skills valued by today’s top employers. | +| McKinsey | FYLA is an exclusive two-day workshop during which attendees explore the potential of a career in consulting and refine their problem-solving and leadership skills. +| Two Sigma New Seekers Summit | Interested in learning how to apply your passion for math, science, technology, and desire to do impactful work? | +| JP Morgan Sophomore Edge | Sophomore Edge is a program that seeks to provide training experiences for historically underrepresented segments in the field of financial services. +| Vanguard EXPLORE Days | Get an early look at our culture and network with peers and professionals during our EXPLORE Day. | +| Uber APM Summit | Uber APM summit | +| Morgan Stanley Early Insights | Our full-day program provides an opportunity to explore the financial services industry, the firm's businesses and culture. | +| Bloomberg | Freshman Insights Day is a full day of professional development workshops and networking sessions designed for first year undergraduate university students of all disciplines and majors interested in finance and technology. | +| Belvedere Externship | Belvedere Trading’s externship program is a great way for underclassmen students to learn more about the proprietary trading and technology industry, while gaining a valuable understanding of where their career interests lie. | From e5a6364cf083ad3f8b6dd30b400b8d47ec15d8cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Schueller <> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021 14:23:54 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Update src/guides/career/ Co-authored-by: Richie Goulazian --- src/guides/career/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 6da59e4f..5adbd495 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Word Search II]( - [Longest Common Prefix (Bonus)]( -#### Week 10 - Graphs +### Week 10 - Graphs - [Number of Connected Comps in Graph]( - [Alien Dictionary]( - [Graph Valid Tree]( From 5dd29624e50b02ce2c84fa22748c1ea173258e2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Richie Goulazian Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021 17:16:47 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Make bonuses consistent in solutions --- src/guides/career/ | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/guides/career/ b/src/guides/career/ index 5adbd495..6d6af502 100644 --- a/src/guides/career/ +++ b/src/guides/career/ @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Container w Most Water]( - [Insert Interval]( - [Merge Intervals]( -- [Happy Number (Bonus)]( +- [Happy Number (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 3 - Intervals + Matrix - [Non-overlapping Intervals]( @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Spiral Matrix]( - [Rotate Img]( - [Word Search]( -- [Sliding Window Max (Bonus)]( +- [Sliding Window Max (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 4 - Linked Lists - [Reverse Linked List]( @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Merge k Sorted Lists]( - [Remove Nth Node]( - [Reorder List]( -- [Sort Colors (Bonus)]( +- [Sort Colors (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 5 - String - [Reverse String]( @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Group Anagrams]( - [Longest Palindromic Substring]( - [Palindromic Substrings]( -- [Odd Even Linked List (Bonus)]( +- [Odd Even Linked List (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 6 - String + Trees - [Minimum Window Substring]( @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Tree Preorder Traversal]( - [Tree Postorder Traversal]( - **Bonus** - Do all the Tree traversal problems iteratively -- [Find Duplicate Number (Bonus)]( +- [Find Duplicate Number (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 7 - Trees - [Same Tree]( @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( - [Serialize + Deserialize Binary Tree]( - [Subtree of Another Tree]( -- [LRU Cache (Bonus)]( +- [LRU Cache (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 8 - Trees - [Construct Binary Tree From Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [LCA of BST]( - [Implement Trie]( - [Design Add + Search Words Data Structure]( -- [University Career Fair (Bonus)]( +- [University Career Fair (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 9 - Graphs - [Number of Islands]( @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( - [Longest Consecutive Seq]( - [Word Search II]( -- [Longest Common Prefix (Bonus)]( +- [Longest Common Prefix (**Bonus**)]( ### Week 10 - Graphs - [Number of Connected Comps in Graph]( @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Graph Valid Tree]( - [Top K Frequent Elements]( - [Find Median from Data Stream]( -- [Daily Temp (Bonus)]( +- [Daily Temp (**Bonus**)]( #### Week 11 - Dynamic Programming - [Climbing Stairs]( @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [House Robber II]( - [Coin Change]( - [Longest Common Subsequence]( -- [BST Iterator (Bonus)]( +- [BST Iterator (**Bonus**)]( #### Week 12 - Dynamic Programming - [Unique Paths]( @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( - [Word Break]( - [Combination Sum IV]( -- [Max Area of Island (Bonus)]( +- [Max Area of Island (**Bonus**)]( #### Week 13 - Binary - [Sum of Two Integers]( @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Counting Bits]( - [Missing Number]( - [Reverse Bits]( -- [Developer-Tester Integration (Bonus)]( +- [Developer-Tester Integration (**Bonus**)]( #### Week 14 (Bonus) - Recursion and Backtracking - [Permutations]( @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Subsets]( - [Generate Parentheses]( - [Palindrome Partitioning]( -- [Flatten Nested List Iterator (Bonus)]( +- [Flatten Nested List Iterator (**Bonus**)]( #### Week 15 (Bonus) - Binary Search - [Discussion]( @@ -300,5 +300,5 @@ LeetCode is much easier when we all work together. Please send any questions you - [Capacity to Ship Packages within D Days]( - [Split Array Largest Sum]( - [Koko Eating Bananas]( -- [Range Sum Query (Bonus)]( -- [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (Bonus)]( +- [Range Sum Query (**Bonus**)]( +- [Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (**Bonus**)](