The aim of this project is to use MPI for parallelism on a distributed memory architecture to implement the relaxation technique for solving differential equations. This is achieved by having an array of values and repeatedly replacing values with the average of its four neighbours, except boundary values which remain fixed, until all values settle down to a given precision. The solution is written in C using MPI.
Compile the program using:
mpicc -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -std=gnu99 -o prog prog.c
Run the program using:
mpirun -np 2 ./prog -d10 -p0.1
Use flags
to specify the dimensions of the array
to specify the required precision
To print array values after each iteration,
Compile the program in debug mode using:
mpicc -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion prog.c -std=gnu99 -o prog -DDEBUG
Then run the program normally.
To print only the final relaxed array,
Compile the program in correctness mode using
mpicc -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion prog.c -std=gnu99 -o prog -DCORRECTNESS
Then run the program normally.
After running the program in correctness mode, run p d
is the path to the results directory
is the number of dimensions of the array