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81 lines (67 loc) · 6.41 KB

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81 lines (67 loc) · 6.41 KB

As assembler and emulator for a custom RISC instruction set architecture.

The Language

The language is for a machine with four registers:

  • Two registers, A & B, arranged as an internal stack.
  • A program counter, PC
  • A stack pointer, SP

These registers are 32 bits in size. Instructions have either no operands or a single operand. The operand is a signed 2's complement value. The encoding uses the bottom 8 bits for opcode and the upper 24 bits for operand.

The language is line based (one statement per line). Comments: Comments begin after a ; and anything after a ; is ignored. Trailing and leading Whitespaces are ignored as well.

An instruction involves a label followed by an optional statement. For branch instructions label use should calculate the branch displacement. For non-branch instructions, the label value should be used directly.

Valid Label Name: An alphanumeric string beginning with a letter.

Valid Operand: An operand is either a label or a number, the number can be decimal, hex or octal.

Example Instructions

The following are permitted lines.

; a comment
                    ; another comment
label1:              ; a label on its own
ldc 5                ; an instruction
label2: ldc 5        ; a label and an instruction
        adc 5        ; an instruction
label3:ldc label3    ;look no space between label and mnemonic 

The assembler

The produces three files:

  • A log (*.log) file showing the error logs.
  • The assembler listing (*.lst) file showing the assembly instructions along with their corresponding machine code, and what value is stored at each address.
  • The object (.o) file of the produces machine code.

The SIMPLE instruction set

Mnemonic Opcode Operand Formal Specification Description
data value Reserve a memory location,
initialized to the value specified
ldc 0 value B := A;
A := value;
adc 1 value A := A + value; Add the value specified to the accumulator
ldl 2 offset B := A;
A := memory[SP + offset];
Load Local
stl 3 offset memory[SP + offset] := A;
A := B;
Store Local
ldnl 4 offset A := memory[A + offset]; Load non-local
stnl 5 offset memory[A + offset] := B; Store non-local
add 6 A := B + A; Addition
sub 7 A := B - A; Subtraction
shl 8 A := B << A; Shift Left
shr 9 A := B >> A; Shift Right
adj 10 value SP := SP + value; Adjust Stack Pointer
a2sp 11 SP := A;
A := B;
Transfer A to Stack
sp2a 12 B := A;
A := SP;
Transfer Stack top to A
call 13 offset B := A;
A := PC;
PC := PC + offset
Call Procedure
return 14 PC := A;
A := B;
Return from procedure
brz 15 offset if A == 0 then:
PC := PC + offset
If accumulator is zero, branch to the specified offset.
brlz 16 offset if A < 0:
PC := PC + offset
If accumulator is less than zero, then branch to the specified offset.
br 17 offset PC := PC + offset Branch to the specified offset.
HALT 18 Stops the emulator. This is not a 'real' instruction, but needed to tell your emulator when to finish.
SET value Set the label on this line to the specified value (rather than the PC).

Listing File

The assembler produces a listing file in the following format

00000000				label:
00000000	00000000	ldc	0
00000001	fffffb00	ldc	fffffb00
00000002	00000500	ldc	500
00000003				loop:

The emulator

  • The loads the object file and emulates the program.
  • The -before and -after options can be used to produce the memory dump of program, before and after execution respectively, as specified.
  • The -trace option can be used to view the trace of instructions being executed. Can be particularly helpful in debugging.