:::{admonition} Experimental feature This is an experimental feature, and may change at any time. Learn more. :::
Prompt flow provides the chat window feature to facilitate an interactive chat experience within a local environment. You can engage in conversation with the flow and view its responses directly within the chat window.
There are two methods to open a chat window: executing the prompt flow CLI command or clicking the
Open test chat page
button when viewing a flow YAML file in the Prompt flow VS Code extension.
::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} CLI :sync: CLI
The following CLI command allows you to trigger a chat window.
pf flow test --flow . --ui
Running the above command will yield the following example output:
Starting prompt flow service...
You can begin chat flow on**/v1.0/ui/chat?flow=***
The browser page corresponding to the chat URL will automatically open and direct the user to a chat page
corresponding to the passed flow:
:::{tab-item} VS Code Extension :sync: VSC
Click the Open test chat page
button while viewing a flow YAML file in the Prompt flow VS Code extension, and you
will be directed to the chat page.