This document will contain all of my sketches etc...
Each chapter consists of:
Quick introduction: Introduction aims to summarize the general topic of this chapter
Bullet-points of the most important topics Each bullet needs to be later expanded into a paragraph
Additional information about this topic Important notes specific to this chapter and/or topic
The first chapter aims to introduce the reader to the concept of the CPU and platform simulation. How it can be used in the fast growing Internet of Things industry. What benefits it brigs, and why should anybody even care.
- Introduction
- Motivation and goal of the thesis
- Aim of the thesis
- Thesis organization
- Platform simulation is an essential task in various embedded system design steps (especially for multi node scale)
- In particular interactions with an outside peripherals such as serial protocol devices,i2c,spi....
- This helps embedded developers to develop apps quicker, without a need to have the device nearby
- Detaching from hardware, and moving into software allows us to integrate embedded systems into the CI pipelines
- Using simulators instead of hardware introduces additional complexity
Translation based CPU simulators translate code to a host architecture, and EXECUTES IT!
- A possible solution to this to use INTERPRETER simulator
- This greatly increases the complexity
Growing complexity of translation based simulators TCG... Caching... hard to maintain and develop on
The state of the art CPU simulation is locked behind a restrictive license Analyze how easy it will be to create an API to an established CPU simulator to use it in the whole system simulation platform
Describe the main goal of the thesis:
Analyze performance differences of the translation based CPU simulation and interpreter based CPU simulators on a various workloads
- Control devices
- Multi-node internet of things systems
- Higher complexity binaries (TensorFlow Lite...)
All this while providing execution analysis, debugging, tracing, etc...
Intermediate goals:
- Familiarize themselves with existing embedded system emulation solutions
- Describe the process of simulation based on machine code translation or interpretation
- Implement test software, e.g. PID controller, and higher complexity embedded applications for measurement purposes
- Analyze the correctness of emulation based on different approaches
How will the document will be divided:
- Chapter 2: Translation CPU simulation
- Chapter 3: Interpretation CPU simulation
- Chapter 4: Implementation of Interpretation based simulator in the place of the Translation based one (renode)
- Chapter 5: Benchmarks, graphs etc...
- Chapter 6: Future works / summary / etc...
This chapter aims to present the concept of the CPU simulation, fundamental limitations, types etc...
- Simulation basics
- Fundamental simulator constraints (Accuracy/Performance/Flexibility)
- The meaning of the simulation with a slick image
- Trace / event driven
- System / CPU / syscalls simulators (Renode/Tlib,Dromajo/Wine)
- Types of simulators (translation and interpretation, this as a last point!)
This chapter aims to present the concept of the CPU simulation using the binary translation. The examples will be provided from the Renode's Translation Library A neat graph from
Main points:
- Execution driven, therefore not cycle accurate
- Simulates the CPU using translation
- A description of the translation process
- Trasnaltion using TCG
- Guest to IR and IR to Host
- In general the backendend frontend notation
- Handling non generic insn via translation helpers
- Register mappings
- TCG vars
- Code caching and organisation using Translation blocks
- Generated using TCG
- Prolugue/epilogue
- Block chaining
- Execution
- Block invalidation
- Code execution
- Softmmu
- What is a MMU unit?
- MMU implementation in QEMU (tlb, cache...)
What if guest has more registers than host? shadooowing