For information on creating, modifying rules, see []
accessibility-checker-engine contains IBM accessibility rules and evaluation engine to help users to check their web pages to identify and report accessibility issues.
Please review on how to clone the source. Once the source code is cloned to your local environment, you can build the source code based on the requirements of your local environment.
$ cd accessibility-checker-engine
$ npm install
$ npm run build
This will build the ace.js in the dist directory.
$ cd accessibility-checker-engine
$ npm install
$ npm run build-node
This will build the ace-node.js in the dist directory.
The most important entry point API is the check
method of ace.Checker
object. You can use a callback or Promise mechanism to retrieve the accessibility results for further processing in your javascript or NodeJS program.
const checker = new ace.Checker();
checker.check(doc, ["IBM_Accessibility"])
.then(function(report) {
// process accessibility report here
- can be one of:- a Document Object Model (
) object representing an HTML document which is usually available in a browser environment asdocument
- a
element representing a fragment HTML which can be retrieved from aDOM
by matching against one or more selectors.
- a Document Object Model (
- apply IBM accessibility rules only, IBM design rules
- accessibility results contains identified accessibility issues and their descriptions from the givendoc
, and a summary of the issues. The report is in JSON format (see details).
The rule are based on the IBM Checklist, which is a superset of WCAG 2.1 AA. We also provide a WCAG 2.0 AA rulesets. Mappings from the checklists to rules are defined in the ruleset file
The accessibility report is in JSON format, and contains information about the identified accessibility issues and their descriptions.
report: {
scanID: "18504e0c-fcaa-4a78-a07c-4f96e433f3e7",
toolID: "@ibma/aat-v2.0.6",
// Label passed to getCompliance
label: "MyTestLabel",
// Number of rules executed
numExecuted: 137,
nls: {
// Mapping of result.ruleId, result.reasonId to get a tokenized string for the result. Message args are result.messageArgs
"WCAG20_Html_HasLang": {
"Pass_0": "Page language detected as {0}"
// ...
summary: {
URL: "",
counts: {
violation: 1,
potentialviolation: 0,
recommendation: 0,
potentialrecommendation: 0,
manual: 0,
pass: 136,
ignored: 0
scanTime: 29,
ruleArchive: "September 2019 Deployment (2019SeptDeploy)",
policies: [
reportLevels: [
startScan: 1470103006149
results: [
// Which rule triggered?
"ruleId": "WCAG20_Html_HasLang",
// In what way did the rule trigger?
"reasonId": "Pass_0",
"value": [
"path": {
// xpath
"dom": "/html[1]",
// path of ARIA roles
"aria": "/document[1]"
"ruleTime": 0,
// Generated message
"message": "Page language detected as en",
// Arguments to the message
"messageArgs": [
"apiArgs": [],
// Bounding box of the element
"bounds": {
"left": 0,
"top": 0,
"height": 143,
"width": 800
// HTML snippet of the element
"snippet": "<html lang=\"en\">",
// What category is this rule?
"category": "Accessibility",
// Was this issue ignored due to a baseline?
"ignored": false,
// Summary of the value: violation, potentialviolation, recommendation, potentialrecommendation, manual, pass
"level": "pass"
// ...
This section provides 'AS-IS' code examples, snippets, or logic. The users are expected to make changes according to their environments.
You can use the wrapper method checkDemo
in ace
object, which is specifically created for checking accessibility in a browser developer tool. The checkDemo
method outputs both raw accessibility results in JSON format, and the results sorted by elements identified by their xPath. Following are the example steps to use ace.checkDemo()
to display the results in a Chrome developer tool:
- Navigate to a page or type the url to the page in Chrome browser
- Open the developer tool in Chrome browser: click
Customize and Control Google Chrome
button, selectMore Tools
, then selectDeveloper Tool
- Select
tab to show command prompt - Open the
you built in the build step in a text editor, select and copy all the content - Paste the content you copied to the command prompt in the developer tool, then press
- Type in the command prompt:
, thenEnter
You can view the accessibility report for the page:
The following code snippet demonstrates how to use ACE to test a web page for accessibility in an embedded Chrome environment (puppeteer
). See accessibility-checker for a more complete tool for this environment.
(async () => {
const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher');
const axios = require('axios');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
// Initialize a Chrome instance
const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch({
//chromeFlags: ['--headless'],
logLevel: 'info',
output: 'json'
const response = await axios.get(`http://localhost:${chrome.port}/json/version`);
const { webSocketDebuggerUrl } =;
// Connect puppeteer to the chrome instance using the endpoint
const browser = await puppeteer.connect({ browserWSEndpoint: webSocketDebuggerUrl });
//get the page
const [page] = await browser.pages();
// inject the ace.js into the page when domcontentloaded event is fired, assuming the ace.js is in the same folder
await page.goto('http://localhost:3000', { waitUtil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.addScriptTag({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'ace.js') });
//invoke the ace to evaluate the page for accessibility
await page.evaluate(() => {
const checker = new ace.Checker();
checker.check(document, ["IBM_Accessibility"])
.then(function (report) {
for (let idx = 0; idx < report.results.length; ++idx) {
//process the report
You can use the accessibility-checker-extension for Chrome or Firefox. The browser extensions integrate the accessibility web engine (ace.js) and formatted results into the browser developer tool to visually view the accessibility issues and the locations of violating components. For more information and instructions, please view accessibility-checker-extensions.
You can use the karma-accessibility-checker to integrate accessibility web engine into Karma or Selenium test framework. For more information and instructions, please view karma-accessibility-checker.
If you think you've found a bug, have questions or suggestions, please report the bug in GitHub Issues.
This software includes material copied from or derived from the open ACT-Rules Community. Copyright © 2022 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang).