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IBM Equal Access Toolkit is released under the Apache-2.0 license


A web browser extensions that adds automated accessibility checking capabilities

Getting started

Install dependencies

  1. Under the root equal-access directory

    npm install


There are several different modes that you can run with. These will build the extension to accessibility-checker-extension/dist (See loading into the browser below)

Run local extension with local rule server

  1. Under the rule-server directory, npm start
  2. Open https://localhost:9445 in your browser and accept any self-signed certs. In chrome you may need to type 'thisisunsafe', which will accept the cert (you will not actually see anywhere to type it). You should get "Cannot GET /".
  3. On a new command line window, under the accessibility-checker-extension directory, npm run build:watch:local

Run local extension with production rule server

From the accessibility-checker-extension directory:

  • To continuously build when changes occur, npm run build:watch
  • To build once for development, npm run build:dev
  • To build for production, npm run build:prod

Loading into the browser:

In Chrome web browser

  1. Go to: chrome://extensions
  2. Toggle: "developer mode" on.
  3. Click on: "Load unpacked"
  4. Select the newly created folder "dist" equal-access/accessibility-checker-extension/dist from the project folder.

In Firefox web browser

  1. Go to: about:debugging in the Firefox browser
  2. Select: "This Firefox"
  3. Click on: "Load Temporary Add-on…"
  4. Open the newly created folder "dist" from the project folder, and choose the "manifest.json" file.

Build the deployment package for Chrome and Firefox browsers:

npm run clean:all
npm install
npm run package:browser

The commands generate a package/ file. The zip package can be deployed into the Chrome or Firefox store. You can test the package locally in the Firefox browser (though not in the Chrome browser):

  1. Go to: about:debugging in the Firefox browser
  2. Select: "This Firefox"
  3. Click on: "Load Temporary Add-on…"
  4. Open the newly created package file "" from the package folder.

Bugs and Issues

All bugs or issues related to the karma-accessibility-checker code can be created in GitHub Issues.