diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/.buildinfo b/0.9.0rc5/.buildinfo new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab9c5f09 --- /dev/null +++ b/0.9.0rc5/.buildinfo @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# Sphinx build info version 1 +# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done. +config: d99a8bf0f40205930aa29de4129cc12a +tags: 645f666f9bcd5a90fca523b33c5a78b7 diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/environment.pickle b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/environment.pickle new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a321b941 Binary files /dev/null and b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/environment.pickle differ diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/index.doctree b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/index.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e828184 Binary files /dev/null and b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/index.doctree differ diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/merger.doctree b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/merger.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d218291 Binary files /dev/null and b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/merger.doctree differ diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/merger.harmony.doctree b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/merger.harmony.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c715887 Binary files /dev/null and b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/merger.harmony.doctree differ diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/modules.doctree b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/modules.doctree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3315cee Binary files /dev/null and b/0.9.0rc5/.doctrees/modules.doctree differ diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/_modules/index.html b/0.9.0rc5/_modules/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..706fbc86 --- /dev/null +++ b/0.9.0rc5/_modules/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ + + +
+ + +
+"""A Harmony CLI wrapper around Concise"""
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+import harmony
+from podaac.merger.harmony.service import ConciseService
+def main(config=None):
+ """Main Harmony CLI entrypoint"""
+ parser = ArgumentParser()
+ harmony.setup_cli(parser)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if harmony.is_harmony_cli(args):
+ harmony.run_cli(parser, args, ConciseService, cfg=config)
+ else:
+ parser.error("Only --harmony CLIs are supported")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+"""A utility for downloading multiple granules simultaneously"""
+from copy import deepcopy
+from multiprocessing import Manager, Process
+from os import cpu_count
+from pathlib import Path
+import queue
+import re
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from harmony.logging import build_logger
+from harmony.util import download
+def multi_core_download(urls, destination_dir, access_token, cfg, process_count=None):
+ """
+ A method which automagically scales downloads to the number of CPU
+ cores. For further explaination, see documentation on "multi-track
+ drifting"
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ urls : list
+ list of urls to download
+ destination_dir : str
+ output path for downloaded files
+ access_token : str
+ access token as provided in Harmony input
+ cfg : dict
+ Harmony configuration information
+ process_count : int
+ Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 1)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ list
+ list of downloaded files as pathlib.Path objects
+ """
+ if process_count is None:
+ process_count = cpu_count()
+ with Manager() as manager:
+ url_queue = manager.Queue(len(urls))
+ path_list = manager.list()
+ for iurl, url in enumerate(urls):
+ url_queue.put((iurl, url))
+ # Spawn worker processes
+ processes = []
+ for _ in range(process_count):
+ download_process = Process(target=_download_worker, args=(url_queue, path_list, destination_dir, access_token, cfg))
+ processes.append(download_process)
+ download_process.start()
+ # Ensure worker processes exit successfully
+ for process in processes:
+ process.join()
+ if process.exitcode != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Download failed - exit code: {process.exitcode}')
+ process.close()
+ path_list = deepcopy(path_list) # ensure GC can cleanup multiprocessing
+ return [Path(path) for ipath, path in sorted(path_list)]
+def _download_worker(url_queue, path_list, destination_dir, access_token, cfg):
+ """
+ A method to be executed in a separate process which processes the url_queue
+ and places paths to completed downloads into the path_list. Downloads are
+ handled by harmony.util.download
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ url_queue : queue.Queue
+ URLs to process - should be filled from start and only decreases
+ path_list : list
+ paths to completed file downloads
+ destination_dir : str
+ output path for downloaded files
+ access_token : str
+ access token as provided in Harmony input
+ cfg : dict
+ Harmony configuration information
+ """
+ logger = build_logger(cfg)
+ while not url_queue.empty():
+ try:
+ iurl, url = url_queue.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ break
+ path = Path(download(url, destination_dir, logger=logger, access_token=access_token, cfg=cfg))
+ filename_match = re.match(r'.*\/(.+\..+)', urlparse(url).path)
+ if filename_match is not None:
+ filename = filename_match.group(1)
+ dest_path = path.parent.joinpath(filename)
+ path = path.rename(dest_path)
+ else:
+ logger.warning('Origin filename could not be assertained - %s', url)
+ path_list.append((iurl, str(path)))
+"""A Harmony service wrapper around the Concise module"""
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from pathlib import Path
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+from shutil import copyfile
+from urllib.parse import urlsplit
+from uuid import uuid4
+from harmony.adapter import BaseHarmonyAdapter
+from harmony.util import bbox_to_geometry, stage
+from pystac import Catalog, Item
+from pystac.item import Asset
+from podaac.merger.merge import merge_netcdf_files
+from podaac.merger.harmony.download_worker import multi_core_download
+from podaac.merger.harmony.util import get_bbox, get_datetime, get_granule_url
+NETCDF4_MIME = 'application/x-netcdf4' # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+class ConciseService(BaseHarmonyAdapter):
+ """
+ A harmony-service-lib wrapper around the Concise module. This wrapper does
+ not support Harmony calls that do not have STAC catalogs as support for
+ this behavior is being depreciated in harmony-service-lib
+ """
+ def invoke(self):
+ """
+ Primary entrypoint into the service wrapper. Overrides BaseHarmonyAdapter.invoke
+ """
+ if not self.catalog:
+ # Message-only support is being depreciated in Harmony so we should expect to
+ # only see requests with catalogs when invoked with a newer Harmony instance
+ # https://github.com/nasa/harmony-service-lib-py/blob/21bcfbda17caf626fb14d2ac4f8673be9726b549/harmony/adapter.py#L71
+ raise RuntimeError('Invoking CONCISE without a STAC catalog is not supported')
+ return (self.message, self.process_catalog(self.catalog))
+ def process_catalog(self, catalog: Catalog):
+ """
+ Recursively process a catalog and all its children. Adapted from
+ BaseHarmonyAdapter._process_catalog_recursive to specfifically
+ support our particular use case for many-to-one
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ catalog : pystac.Catalog or pystac.Collection
+ a catalog/collection to process for merging
+ Returns
+ -------
+ pystac.Catalog
+ A new catalog containing the results from the merge
+ """
+ result = catalog.clone()
+ result.id = str(uuid4())
+ result.clear_children()
+ # Get all the items from the catalog, including from child or linked catalogs
+ items = list(self.get_all_catalog_items(catalog))
+ # Quick return if catalog contains no items
+ if len(items) == 0:
+ return result
+ # -- Process metadata --
+ bbox = []
+ granule_urls = []
+ datetimes = [
+ datetime.max.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc), # start
+ datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # end
+ ]
+ for item in items:
+ get_bbox(item, bbox)
+ get_granule_url(item, granule_urls)
+ get_datetime(item, datetimes)
+ # Items did not have a bbox; valid under spec
+ if len(bbox) == 0:
+ bbox = None
+ # -- Perform merging --
+ collection = self._get_item_source(items[0]).collection
+ filename = f'{collection}_merged.nc4'
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
+ self.logger.info('Starting granule downloads')
+ input_files = multi_core_download(granule_urls, temp_dir, self.message.accessToken, self.config)
+ self.logger.info('Finished granule downloads')
+ output_path = Path(temp_dir).joinpath(filename).resolve()
+ merge_netcdf_files(input_files, output_path, granule_urls, logger=self.logger)
+ staged_url = self._stage(str(output_path), filename, NETCDF4_MIME)
+ # -- Output to STAC catalog --
+ result.clear_items()
+ properties = {
+ "start_datetime": datetimes[0].isoformat(),
+ "end_datetime": datetimes[1].isoformat()
+ }
+ item = Item(str(uuid4()), bbox_to_geometry(bbox), bbox, None, properties)
+ asset = Asset(staged_url, title=filename, media_type=NETCDF4_MIME, roles=['data'])
+ item.add_asset('data', asset)
+ result.add_item(item)
+ return result
+ def _stage(self, local_filename, remote_filename, mime):
+ """
+ Stages a local file to either to S3 (utilizing harmony.util.stage) or to
+ the local filesystem by performing a file copy. Staging location is
+ determined by message.stagingLocation or the --harmony-data-location
+ CLI argument override
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ local_filename : string
+ A path and filename to the local file that should be staged
+ remote_filename : string
+ The basename to give to the remote file
+ mime : string
+ The mime type to apply to the staged file for use when it is served, e.g. "application/x-netcdf4"
+ Returns
+ -------
+ url : string
+ A URL to the staged file
+ """
+ url_components = urlsplit(self.message.stagingLocation)
+ scheme = url_components.scheme
+ if scheme == 'file':
+ dest_path = Path(url_components.path).joinpath(remote_filename)
+ self.logger.info('Staging to local filesystem: \'%s\'', str(dest_path))
+ copyfile(local_filename, dest_path)
+ return dest_path.as_uri()
+ return stage(local_filename, remote_filename, mime,
+ logger=self.logger,
+ location=self.message.stagingLocation,
+ cfg=self.config
+ )
+"""Misc utility functions"""
+def is_netcdf_asset(asset, strict):
+ """
+ Determine if an asset is netcdf4-python compatible. netcdf4-python currently supports
+ HDF5, NetCDF3, and NetCDF4. Determination is currently done through MIME if strict
+ mode is enabled. If strict mode is not enabled, determination is done through 'data'
+ role.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ asset : pystac.Asset
+ an asset to check
+ Returns
+ -------
+ bool
+ True if netcdf4-python compatible; False otherwise
+ """
+ if strict:
+ accepted_types = ['application/x-hdf5', 'application/x-netcdf', 'application/x-netcdf4']
+ return asset.media_type in accepted_types
+ return 'data' in asset.roles
+def get_granule_url(item, granule_urls, strict=True):
+ """
+ Processes an item to find a netcdf4-python compatible asset. If no asset is
+ found, a RuntimeException is thrown
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ item : pystac.Item
+ an item to process
+ granule_urls : list
+ list to append the asset's url to
+ """
+ for asset in item.assets.values():
+ if is_netcdf_asset(asset, strict):
+ granule_urls.append(asset.href)
+ return
+ if not strict:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'A NetCDF4 asset was not found in this item: {item.id}')
+ get_granule_url(item, granule_urls, False) # Rerun in lax-mode
+def get_bbox(item, current_bbox):
+ """
+ Accumulate bboxes from items to generate a bbox which encompasses all items
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ item : pystac.Item
+ an item to process
+ current_bbox : list
+ the bbox to accumulate all items to
+ """
+ if len(current_bbox) == 0:
+ if item.bbox is not None: # Spec allows for null geometry and bbox
+ current_bbox[:] = item.bbox
+ else:
+ # xmin
+ if item.bbox[0] < current_bbox[0]:
+ current_bbox[0] = item.bbox[0]
+ # ymin
+ if item.bbox[1] < current_bbox[1]:
+ current_bbox[1] = item.bbox[1]
+ # xmax
+ if item.bbox[2] > current_bbox[2]:
+ current_bbox[2] = item.bbox[2]
+ # ymax
+ if item.bbox[3] > current_bbox[3]:
+ current_bbox[3] = item.bbox[3]
+def get_datetime(item, datetimes):
+ """
+ Accumulate datetimes from items to generate a datetime pair that
+ encompasses all items
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ item : pystac.Item
+ an item to process
+ datetimes : list
+ datetime pair to accumulate to; first element is start_datetime,
+ second is end_datetime
+ """
+ if item.datetime is None:
+ item_start_dt = item.common_metadata.start_datetime
+ item_end_dt = item.common_metadata.end_datetime
+ else:
+ item_start_dt = item.datetime
+ item_end_dt = item.datetime
+ if item_start_dt < datetimes[0]:
+ datetimes[0] = item_start_dt
+ if item_end_dt > datetimes[1]:
+ datetimes[1] = item_end_dt
+"""Main module containing merge implementation"""
+from pathlib import Path
+from time import perf_counter
+from logging import getLogger
+from os import cpu_count
+import netCDF4 as nc
+import numpy as np
+from podaac.merger.merge_worker import run_merge
+from podaac.merger.path_utils import get_group_path, resolve_dim, resolve_group
+from podaac.merger.preprocess_worker import run_preprocess
+def is_file_empty(parent_group: nc.Dataset | nc.Group) -> bool:
+ """
+ Function to test if any variable size in a dataset is zero
+ """
+ for var in parent_group.variables.values():
+ if var.size != 0:
+ return False
+ for child_group in parent_group.groups.values():
+ return is_file_empty(child_group)
+ return True
+def merge_netcdf_files(original_input_files: list[Path], # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+ output_file: str,
+ granule_urls,
+ logger=getLogger(__name__),
+ perf_stats: dict = None,
+ process_count: int = None):
+ """
+ Main entrypoint to merge implementation. Merges n >= 2 granules together as a single
+ granule. Named in reference to the original Java implementation.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ original_input_files: list
+ list of Paths to NetCDF4 files to merge
+ output_file: str
+ output path for merged product
+ granule_urls
+ logger: logger
+ logger object
+ perf_stats: dict
+ dictionary used to store performance stats
+ process_count: int
+ number of processes to run (expected >= 1)
+ """
+ if perf_stats is None:
+ perf_stats = {}
+ if process_count is None:
+ process_count = cpu_count()
+ elif process_count <= 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('process_count should be > 0')
+ # -- initial preprocessing --
+ logger.info('Preprocessing data...')
+ start = perf_counter()
+ input_files = []
+ # only concatinate files that are not empty
+ for file in original_input_files:
+ with nc.Dataset(file, 'r') as dataset:
+ is_empty = is_file_empty(dataset)
+ if is_empty is False:
+ input_files.append(file)
+ preprocess = run_preprocess(input_files, process_count, granule_urls)
+ group_list = preprocess['group_list']
+ max_dims = preprocess['max_dims']
+ var_info = preprocess['var_info']
+ var_metadata = preprocess['var_metadata']
+ group_metadata = preprocess['group_metadata']
+ perf_stats['preprocess'] = perf_counter() - start
+ logger.info('Preprocessing completed: %f', perf_stats['preprocess'])
+ merged_dataset = nc.Dataset(output_file, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
+ merged_dataset.set_auto_maskandscale(False)
+ init_dataset(merged_dataset, group_list, var_info, max_dims, input_files)
+ # -- merge datasets --
+ logger.info('Merging datasets...')
+ start = perf_counter()
+ run_merge(merged_dataset, input_files, var_info, max_dims, process_count, logger)
+ perf_stats['merge'] = perf_counter() - start
+ logger.info('Merging completed: %f', perf_stats['merge'])
+ # -- finalize metadata --
+ logger.info('Finalizing metadata...')
+ start = perf_counter()
+ for group_path in group_list:
+ group = merged_dataset if group_path == '/' else merged_dataset[group_path]
+ group_attrs = group_metadata[group_path]
+ clean_metadata(group_attrs)
+ group.setncatts(group_attrs)
+ for var in group.variables.values():
+ if var.name == 'subset_files' and group == merged_dataset:
+ continue # Skip /subset_files for metadata finalization
+ var_path = get_group_path(group, var.name)
+ var_attrs = var_metadata[var_path]
+ clean_metadata(var_attrs)
+ var.setncatts(var_attrs)
+ perf_stats['metadata'] = perf_counter() - start
+ logger.info('Metadata completed: %f', perf_stats['metadata'])
+ merged_dataset.close()
+ logger.info('Done!')
+def clean_metadata(metadata: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ Prepares metadata dictionary for insertion by removing inconsistent entries
+ and performing escaping of attribute names
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ metadata : dict
+ dictionary of attribute names and their associated data
+ """
+ for key in list(metadata):
+ val = metadata[key]
+ # delete inconsistent items
+ if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and isinstance(val, bool) and not val:
+ del metadata[key]
+ elif key == '_FillValue':
+ del metadata[key]
+ # escape '/' to '_'
+ # https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/archives/netcdfgroup/2012/msg00098.html
+ if '/' in key:
+ new_key = key.replace('/', '_')
+ metadata[new_key] = val
+ del metadata[key]
+def init_dataset(merged_dataset: nc.Dataset,
+ groups: list[str],
+ var_info: dict,
+ max_dims: dict,
+ input_files: list[Path]) -> None:
+ """
+ Initialize the dataset using data gathered from preprocessing
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ merged_dataset : nc.Dataset
+ the dataset to be initialized
+ groups : list
+ list of group names
+ var_info : dict
+ dictionary of variable names and VariableInfo objects
+ max_dims : dict
+ dictionary of dimension names (including path) and their sizes
+ input_files : list
+ list of file paths to be merged
+ """
+ # Create groups
+ for group in groups:
+ if group == '/':
+ continue # Skip root
+ merged_dataset.createGroup(group)
+ # Create dims
+ merged_dataset.createDimension('subset_index', len(input_files))
+ for dim in max_dims.items():
+ group = resolve_group(merged_dataset, dim[0])
+ group[0].createDimension(group[1], dim[1])
+ # Generate filelist
+ subset_files = merged_dataset.createVariable('subset_files', np.str_, ['subset_index'])
+ subset_files.long_name = 'List of subsetted files used to create this merge product.'
+ for i, file in enumerate(input_files):
+ subset_files[i] = file.name
+ # Recreate variables
+ for var in var_info.items():
+ dims = ['subset_index'] + list(var[1].dim_order)
+ group = resolve_group(merged_dataset, var[0])
+ # Holdover from old merging code - not sure if needed, but kept for legacy
+ chunk_sizes = [1] + [resolve_dim(max_dims, group[0].path, key) for key in var[1].dim_order]
+ group[0].createVariable(
+ varname=var[1].name,
+ datatype=var[1].datatype,
+ dimensions=dims,
+ chunksizes=chunk_sizes,
+ fill_value=var[1].fill_value,
+ zlib=True
+ )
+"""A simple CLI wrapper around the main merge function"""
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+from podaac.merger.merge import merge_netcdf_files
+def main():
+ """Main CLI entrypoint"""
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ prog='merge',
+ description='Simple CLI wrapper around the granule merge module.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'data_dir',
+ help='The directory containing the files to be merged.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'output_path',
+ help='The output filename for the merged output.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--verbose',
+ help='Enable verbose output to stdout; useful for debugging',
+ action='store_true'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--cores',
+ help='Override the number of cores to be utilized during multitreaded/multiprocess operations. Defaults to cpu_count',
+ type=int,
+ default=None
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.verbose:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ input_files = list(Path(args.data_dir).resolve().iterdir())
+ granule_urls = []
+ merge_netcdf_files(input_files, args.output_path, granule_urls, process_count=args.cores)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+"""Preprocessing methods and the utilities to automagically run them in single-thread/multiprocess modes"""
+import logging
+import math
+import queue
+import time
+import os
+import shutil
+import multiprocessing
+from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
+from pathlib import Path
+import netCDF4 as nc
+import numpy as np
+from podaac.merger.path_utils import resolve_dim, resolve_group
+def max_var_memory(file_list: list[Path], var_info: dict, max_dims) -> int:
+ """Function to get the maximum shared memory that will be used for variables
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ var_info : dict
+ Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
+ max_dims
+ """
+ max_var_mem = 0
+ for file in file_list:
+ with nc.Dataset(file, 'r') as origin_dataset:
+ for var_path, var_meta in var_info.items():
+ ds_group, var_name = resolve_group(origin_dataset, var_path)
+ ds_var = ds_group.variables.get(var_name)
+ if ds_var is None:
+ target_shape = tuple(max_dims[f'/{dim}'] for dim in var_meta.dim_order)
+ var_size = math.prod(target_shape) * var_meta.datatype.itemsize
+ max_var_mem = max(var_size, max_var_mem)
+ else:
+ var_size = math.prod(ds_var.shape) * var_meta.datatype.itemsize
+ max_var_mem = max(var_size, max_var_mem)
+ return max_var_mem
+def run_merge(merged_dataset: nc.Dataset,
+ file_list: list[Path],
+ var_info: dict,
+ max_dims: dict,
+ process_count: int,
+ logger: logging.Logger):
+ """
+ Automagically run merging in an optimized mode determined by the environment
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ merged_dataset : nc.Dataset
+ Destination dataset of the merge operation
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ var_info : dict
+ Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
+ max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of dimension paths and maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
+ process_count : int
+ Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 1)
+ logger
+ """
+ if process_count == 1:
+ _run_single_core(merged_dataset, file_list, var_info, max_dims, logger)
+ else:
+ # Merging is bottlenecked at the write process which is single threaded
+ # so spinning up more than 2 processes for read/write won't scale the
+ # optimization
+ max_var_mem = max_var_memory(file_list, var_info, max_dims)
+ max_memory_size = round(shared_memory_size() * .95)
+ if max_var_mem < max_memory_size:
+ _run_multi_core(merged_dataset, file_list, var_info, max_dims, 2, logger)
+ else:
+ _run_single_core(merged_dataset, file_list, var_info, max_dims, logger)
+def _run_single_core(merged_dataset: nc.Dataset,
+ file_list: list[Path],
+ var_info: dict,
+ max_dims: dict,
+ logger: logging.Logger):
+ """
+ Run the variable merge in the current thread/single-core mode
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ merged_dataset : nc.Dataset
+ Destination dataset of the merge operation
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ var_info : dict
+ Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
+ max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of dimension paths and maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
+ logger
+ """
+ logger.info("Running single core ......")
+ for i, file in enumerate(file_list):
+ with nc.Dataset(file, 'r') as origin_dataset:
+ origin_dataset.set_auto_maskandscale(False)
+ for var_path, var_meta in var_info.items():
+ ds_group, var_name = resolve_group(origin_dataset, var_path)
+ merged_group = resolve_group(merged_dataset, var_path)
+ ds_var = ds_group.variables.get(var_name)
+ merged_var = merged_group[0].variables[var_name]
+ if ds_var is None:
+ fill_value = var_meta.fill_value
+ target_shape = tuple(max_dims[f'/{dim}'] for dim in var_meta.dim_order)
+ merged_var[i] = np.full(target_shape, fill_value)
+ continue
+ resized = resize_var(ds_var, var_meta, max_dims)
+ merged_var[i] = resized
+def _run_multi_core(merged_dataset: nc.Dataset, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+ file_list: list[Path],
+ var_info: dict,
+ max_dims: dict,
+ process_count: int,
+ logger: logging.Logger):
+ """
+ Run the variable merge in multi-core mode. This method creates (process_count - 1)
+ read processes which read data from an origin granule, resize it, then queue it
+ for the write process to write to disk. The write process is run in the current
+ thread
+ # of write processes (1) + # of read processes (process_count - 1) = process_count
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ merged_dataset : nc.Dataset
+ Destination dataset of the merge operation
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ var_info : dict
+ Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
+ max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of dimension paths and maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
+ process_count : int
+ Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 2)
+ logger
+ """
+ logger.info("Running multicore ......")
+ total_variables = len(file_list) * len(var_info)
+ logger.info(f"total variables {total_variables}")
+ # Ensure SharedMemory doesn't get cleaned up before being processed
+ context = multiprocessing.get_context('forkserver')
+ with context.Manager() as manager:
+ in_queue = manager.Queue(len(file_list))
+ out_queue = manager.Queue((process_count - 1) * len(var_info)) # Store (process_count - 1) granules in buffer
+ memory_limit = manager.Value('i', 0)
+ lock = manager.Lock()
+ logger.info(file_list)
+ for i, file in enumerate(file_list):
+ in_queue.put((i, file))
+ processes = []
+ logger.info("creating read processes")
+ for _ in range(process_count - 1):
+ process = context.Process(target=_run_worker, args=(in_queue, out_queue, max_dims, var_info, memory_limit, lock))
+ processes.append(process)
+ process.start()
+ processed_variables = 0
+ logger.info("Start processing variables in main process")
+ while processed_variables < total_variables:
+ try:
+ i, var_path, shape, memory_name = out_queue.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ _check_exit(processes)
+ continue
+ merged_var = merged_dataset[var_path]
+ var_meta = var_info[var_path]
+ shared_memory = SharedMemory(name=memory_name, create=False)
+ resized_arr = np.ndarray(shape, var_meta.datatype, shared_memory.buf)
+ merged_var[i] = resized_arr # The write operation itself
+ shared_memory.unlink()
+ shared_memory.close()
+ with lock:
+ memory_limit.value = memory_limit.value - resized_arr.nbytes
+ processed_variables = processed_variables + 1
+ for process in processes:
+ # Ensure that child processes properly exit before manager context
+ # gets GCed. Solves EOFError
+ process.join()
+def _run_worker(in_queue, out_queue, max_dims, var_info, memory_limit, lock):
+ """
+ A method to be executed in a separate process which reads variables from a
+ granule, performs resizing, and queues the processed data up for the writer
+ process.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ in_queue : Queue
+ Input queue of tuples of subset indexes and granule file paths respectively
+ out_queue : Queue
+ Output queue of tuples of subset indexes, variable path, variable shape, and shared memory name
+ max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of dimension paths and maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
+ var_info : dict
+ Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
+ """
+ # want to use max 95% of the memory size of disk
+ max_memory_size = round(shared_memory_size() * .95)
+ while not in_queue.empty():
+ try:
+ i, file = in_queue.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ break
+ with nc.Dataset(file, 'r') as origin_dataset:
+ origin_dataset.set_auto_maskandscale(False)
+ for var_path, var_meta in var_info.items():
+ ds_group, var_name = resolve_group(origin_dataset, var_path)
+ ds_var = ds_group.variables.get(var_name)
+ if ds_var is None:
+ fill_value = var_meta.fill_value
+ target_shape = tuple(max_dims[f'/{dim}'] for dim in var_meta.dim_order)
+ resized_arr = np.full(target_shape, fill_value)
+ else:
+ resized_arr = resize_var(ds_var, var_meta, max_dims)
+ if resized_arr.nbytes > max_memory_size:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Merging failed - MAX MEMORY REACHED: {resized_arr.nbytes}')
+ # Limit to how much memory we allocate to max memory size
+ while (memory_limit.value + resized_arr.nbytes) > max_memory_size > resized_arr.nbytes:
+ time.sleep(.5)
+ # Copy resized array to shared memory
+ shared_mem = SharedMemory(create=True, size=resized_arr.nbytes)
+ shared_arr = np.ndarray(resized_arr.shape, resized_arr.dtype, buffer=shared_mem.buf)
+ np.copyto(shared_arr, resized_arr)
+ with lock:
+ memory_limit.value = memory_limit.value + resized_arr.nbytes
+ out_queue.put((i, var_path, shared_arr.shape, shared_mem.name))
+ shared_mem.close()
+def _check_exit(processes: list):
+ """
+ Ensure that all processes have exited without error by checking their exitcode
+ if they're no longer running. Processes that have exited properly are removed
+ from the list
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ processes : list
+ List of processes to check
+ """
+ for process in processes.copy():
+ if not process.is_alive():
+ if process.exitcode == 0:
+ processes.remove(process)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Merging failed - exit code: {process.exitcode}')
+def resize_var(var: nc.Variable, var_info, max_dims: dict) -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Resizes a variable's data to the maximum dimensions found in preprocessing.
+ This method will never downscale a variable and only performs bottom and
+ left padding as utilized in the original Java implementation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ var : nc.Variable
+ variable to be resized
+ var_info
+ contains a group path to this variable
+ max_dims : dict
+ dictionary of maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
+ Returns
+ -------
+ np.ndarray
+ An ndarray containing the resized data
+ """
+ # special case for 0d variables
+ if var.ndim == 0:
+ return var[:]
+ # generate an ordered array of new widths
+ dims = [resolve_dim(max_dims, var_info.group_path, dim.name) - dim.size for dim in var.get_dims()]
+ widths = [[0, dim] for dim in dims]
+ # Legacy merger doesn't explicitly define this behavior, but its resizer
+ # fills its resized arrays with 0s upon initialization. Sources:
+ # https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-java/blob/87f37eb82b6f862f71e0d5767470500b27af5d1e/cdm-core/src/main/java/ucar/ma2/Array.java#L52
+ fill_value = 0 if var_info.fill_value is None else var_info.fill_value
+ resized = np.pad(var, widths, mode='constant', constant_values=fill_value)
+ return resized
+Utilities used throughout the merging implementation to simplify group path resolution
+and generation
+import netCDF4 as nc
+def get_group_path(group: nc.Group, resource: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Generates a Unix-like path from a group and resource to be accessed
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ group: nc.Group
+ NetCDF4 group that contains the resource
+ resource: str
+ name of the resource being accessed
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ Unix-like path to the resource
+ """
+ if group.path == '/':
+ return '/' + resource
+ return group.path + '/' + resource
+def resolve_group(dataset: nc.Dataset, path: str):
+ """
+ Resolves a group path into two components: the group and the resource's name
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ dataset: nc.Dataset
+ NetCDF4 Dataset used as the root for all groups
+ path: str
+ the path to the resource
+ Returns
+ -------
+ tuple
+ a tuple of the resolved group and the final path component str respectively
+ """
+ components = path.rsplit('/', 1)
+ group = dataset
+ if len(components[0]) > 0:
+ group = dataset[components[0]]
+ return group, components[1]
+def resolve_dim(dims: dict, group_path: str, dim_name: str):
+ """
+ Attempt to resolve dim name starting from top-most group going down to the root group
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ dims: dict
+ Dictionary of dimensions to be traversed
+ group_path: str
+ the group path from which to start resolving the specific dimension
+ dim_name: str
+ the name of the dim to be resolved
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ the size of the dimension requested
+ """
+ group_tree = group_path.split('/')
+ for i in range(len(group_tree), 0, -1):
+ path = '/'.join(group_tree[:i]) + '/' + dim_name
+ if path in dims:
+ return dims[path]
+ # Attempt to find dim in root node
+ return dims[dim_name]
+"""Preprocessing methods and the utilities to automagically run them in single-thread/multiprocess modes"""
+from pathlib import Path
+import json
+import queue
+from copy import deepcopy
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, Queue
+import importlib_metadata
+import netCDF4 as nc
+import numpy as np
+from podaac.merger.path_utils import get_group_path
+from podaac.merger.variable_info import VariableInfo
+def run_preprocess(file_list: list[Path], process_count: int, granule_urls: str) -> dict:
+ """
+ Automagically run preprocessing in an optimized mode determined by the environment
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ process_count : int
+ Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 1)
+ granule_urls
+ """
+ if process_count == 1:
+ return _run_single_core(file_list, granule_urls)
+ return _run_multi_core(file_list, process_count, granule_urls)
+def merge_max_dims(merged_max_dims, subset_max_dims):
+ """
+ Perform aggregation of max_dims. Intended for use in multithreaded
+ mode only
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ merged_max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of the aggregated max_dims
+ subset_max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of max_dims from one of the worker processes
+ """
+ for dim_name, subset_dim_size in subset_max_dims.items():
+ if dim_name not in merged_max_dims or subset_dim_size > merged_max_dims[dim_name]:
+ merged_max_dims[dim_name] = subset_dim_size
+def merge_metadata(merged_metadata: dict, subset_metadata: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ Perform aggregation of metadata. Intended for use in multithreaded
+ mode only
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ merged_metadata : dict
+ Dictionary of the aggregated metadata
+ subset_max_dims : dict
+ Dictionary of metadata from one of the worker processes
+ """
+ for var_path, subset_attrs in subset_metadata.items():
+ if var_path not in merged_metadata:
+ merged_metadata[var_path] = {}
+ merged_attrs = merged_metadata[var_path]
+ for attr_name, subset_attr in subset_attrs.items():
+ if attr_name not in merged_attrs:
+ merged_attrs[attr_name] = subset_attr
+ elif not attr_eq(merged_attrs[attr_name], subset_attr):
+ merged_attrs[attr_name] = False # mark as inconsistent
+def construct_history(input_files: list[Path], granule_urls: str) -> dict:
+ """
+ Construct history JSON entry for this concatenation operation
+ https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/TRT/In-File+Provenance+Metadata+-+TRT-42
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ input_files : list
+ List of input files
+ granule_urls : str
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ History JSON constructed for this concat operation
+ """
+ history_json = {
+ "date_time": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).isoformat(),
+ "derived_from": granule_urls,
+ "program": 'concise',
+ "version": importlib_metadata.distribution('podaac-concise').version,
+ "parameters": f'input_files={input_files}',
+ "program_ref": "https://cmr.earthdata.nasa.gov:443/search/concepts/S2153799015-POCLOUD",
+ "$schema": "https://harmony.earthdata.nasa.gov/schemas/history/0.1.0/history-v0.1.0.json"
+ }
+ return history_json
+def retrieve_history(dataset):
+ """
+ Retrieve history_json field from NetCDF dataset, if it exists
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ dataset : netCDF4.Dataset
+ NetCDF Dataset representing a single granule
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ history_json field
+ """
+ if 'history_json' not in dataset.ncattrs():
+ return []
+ history_json = dataset.getncattr('history_json')
+ return json.loads(history_json)
+def _run_single_core(file_list: list[Path], granule_urls: str) -> dict:
+ """
+ Run the granule preprocessing in the current thread/single-core mode
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ granule_urls
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ A dictionary containing the output from the preprocessing process
+ """
+ group_list = []
+ var_info = {}
+ max_dims = {}
+ var_metadata = {}
+ group_metadata = {}
+ history_json = []
+ for file in file_list:
+ with nc.Dataset(file, 'r') as dataset:
+ dataset.set_auto_maskandscale(False)
+ process_groups(dataset, group_list, max_dims, group_metadata, var_metadata, var_info)
+ history_json.extend(retrieve_history(dataset))
+ group_list.sort() # Ensure insertion order doesn't matter between granules
+ history_json.append(construct_history(file_list, granule_urls))
+ group_metadata[group_list[0]]['history_json'] = json.dumps(
+ history_json,
+ default=str
+ )
+ return {
+ 'group_list': group_list,
+ 'max_dims': max_dims,
+ 'var_info': var_info,
+ 'var_metadata': var_metadata,
+ 'group_metadata': group_metadata
+ }
+def _run_multi_core(file_list: list[Path],
+ process_count: int,
+ granule_urls: str) -> dict:
+ """
+ Run the granule preprocessing in multi-core mode. This method spins up
+ the number of processes defined by process_count which process granules
+ in the input queue until empty. When all processes are done, the method
+ merges all the preprocessing results together and returns the final
+ results
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_list : list
+ List of file paths to be processed
+ process_count : int
+ Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 2)
+ granule_urls
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ A dictionary containing the output from the preprocessing process
+ """
+ with Manager() as manager:
+ in_queue = manager.Queue(len(file_list))
+ results = manager.list()
+ for file in file_list:
+ in_queue.put(file)
+ processes = []
+ for _ in range(process_count):
+ process = Process(target=_run_worker, args=(in_queue, results))
+ processes.append(process)
+ process.start()
+ # Explicitly check for all processes to successfully exit
+ # before attempting to merge results
+ for process in processes:
+ process.join()
+ if process.exitcode != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Preprocessing failed - exit code: {process.exitcode}')
+ results = deepcopy(results) # ensure GC can cleanup multiprocessing
+ # -- Merge final results --
+ group_list = None
+ var_info = None
+ max_dims = {}
+ var_metadata = {}
+ group_metadata = {}
+ history_json = []
+ for result in results:
+ # The following data should be consistent between granules and
+ # require no special treatment to merge. Sanity checks added
+ # just for verification.
+ if group_list is None:
+ group_list = result['group_list']
+ elif group_list != result['group_list']:
+ raise RuntimeError('Groups are inconsistent between granules')
+ if var_info is None:
+ var_info = result['var_info']
+ elif var_info != result['var_info']:
+ if set(var_info.keys()).difference(result['var_info']):
+ # If not all variables match, only compare variables that intersect
+ intersecting_vars = set(var_info).intersection(result['var_info'])
+ if list(
+ map(var_info.get, intersecting_vars)
+ ) != list(map(result['var_info'].get, intersecting_vars)):
+ raise RuntimeError('Variable schemas are inconsistent between granules')
+ var_info.update(result['var_info'])
+ # The following data requires accumulation methods
+ merge_max_dims(max_dims, result['max_dims'])
+ merge_metadata(var_metadata, result['var_metadata'])
+ merge_metadata(group_metadata, result['group_metadata'])
+ # Merge history_json entries from input files
+ history_json.extend(result['history_json'])
+ history_json.append(construct_history(file_list, granule_urls))
+ group_metadata[group_list[0]]['history_json'] = json.dumps(
+ history_json,
+ default=str
+ )
+ return {
+ 'group_list': group_list,
+ 'max_dims': max_dims,
+ 'var_info': var_info,
+ 'var_metadata': var_metadata,
+ 'group_metadata': group_metadata
+ }
+def _run_worker(in_queue: Queue, results: list[dict]) -> None:
+ """
+ A method to be executed in a separate process which runs preprocessing on granules
+ from the input queue and stores the results internally. When the queue is empty
+ (processing is complete), the local results are transferred to the external results
+ array to be merged by the main process. If the process never processed any granules
+ which is possible if the input queue is underfilled, the process just exits without
+ appending to the array
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ in_queue : Queue
+ Input queue of tuples of subset indexes and granule file paths respectively
+ results : list
+ An array which stores the results of preprocessing from all workers
+ """
+ empty = True
+ group_list = []
+ max_dims = {}
+ var_info = {}
+ var_metadata = {}
+ group_metadata = {}
+ history_json = []
+ while not in_queue.empty():
+ try:
+ file = in_queue.get_nowait()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ break
+ empty = False
+ with nc.Dataset(file, 'r') as dataset:
+ dataset.set_auto_maskandscale(False)
+ process_groups(dataset, group_list, max_dims, group_metadata, var_metadata, var_info)
+ history_json.extend(retrieve_history(dataset))
+ group_list.sort() # Ensure insertion order doesn't matter between granules
+ if not empty:
+ results.append({
+ 'group_list': group_list,
+ 'max_dims': max_dims,
+ 'var_info': var_info,
+ 'var_metadata': var_metadata,
+ 'group_metadata': group_metadata,
+ 'history_json': history_json
+ })
+def process_groups(parent_group: nc.Dataset | nc.Group,
+ group_list: list,
+ max_dims: dict,
+ group_metadata: dict,
+ var_metadata: dict,
+ var_info: dict):
+ """
+ Perform preprocessing of a group and recursively process each child group
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parent_group: nc.Dataset, nc.Group
+ current group to be processed
+ group_list: list
+ list of group paths
+ max_dims: dict
+ dictionary which stores dimension paths and associated dimension sizes
+ group_metadata: dict
+ dictionary which stores group paths and their associated attributes
+ var_metadata: dict
+ dictionary of dictionaries which stores variable paths and their associated attributes
+ var_info: dict
+ dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo data
+ """
+ if parent_group.path not in group_metadata:
+ group_metadata[parent_group.path] = {}
+ if parent_group.path not in group_list:
+ group_list.append(parent_group.path)
+ get_max_dims(parent_group, max_dims)
+ get_metadata(parent_group, group_metadata[parent_group.path])
+ get_variable_data(parent_group, var_info, var_metadata)
+ for child_group in parent_group.groups.values():
+ process_groups(child_group, group_list, max_dims, group_metadata, var_metadata, var_info)
+def get_max_dims(group: nc.Dataset | nc.Group, max_dims: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ Aggregates dimensions from each group and creates a dictionary
+ of the largest dimension sizes for each group
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ group: nc.Dataset, nc.Group
+ group to process dimensions from
+ max_dims: dict
+ dictionary which stores dimension paths and associated dimension sizes
+ """
+ for dim in group.dimensions.values():
+ dim_path = get_group_path(group, dim.name)
+ if dim_path not in max_dims or max_dims[dim_path] < dim.size:
+ max_dims[dim_path] = dim.size
+def get_metadata(group: nc.Dataset | nc.Group | nc.Variable, metadata: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ Aggregates metadata from various NetCDF4 objects into a dictionary
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ group : nc.Dataset, nc.Group, nc.Variable
+ the NetCDF4 object to aggregate metadata from
+ metadata : dict
+ a dictionary containing the object name and associated metadata
+ """
+ for attr_name in group.ncattrs():
+ attr = group.getncattr(attr_name)
+ if attr_name not in metadata:
+ metadata[attr_name] = attr
+ elif not attr_eq(metadata[attr_name], attr):
+ metadata[attr_name] = False # mark as inconsistent
+def attr_eq(attr_1, attr_2) -> bool:
+ """
+ Helper function to check if one attribute value is equal to another
+ (no, a simple == was not working)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ attr_1 : obj
+ An attribute value
+ attr_2 : obj
+ An attribute value
+ """
+ if isinstance(attr_1, np.ndarray) or isinstance(attr_2, np.ndarray):
+ if not np.array_equal(attr_1, attr_2):
+ return False
+ elif type(attr_1) != type(attr_2) or attr_1 != attr_2: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck # noqa: E721
+ return False
+ return True
+def get_variable_data(group: nc.Dataset | nc.Group, var_info: dict, var_metadata: dict) -> None:
+ """
+ Aggregate variable metadata and attributes. Primarily utilized in process_groups
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ group : nc.Dataset, nc.Group
+ group associated with this variable
+ var_info : dict
+ dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
+ var_metadata : dict
+ dictionary of variable paths and associated attribute dictionary
+ """
+ for var in group.variables.values():
+ # Generate VariableInfo map
+ info = VariableInfo(var)
+ var_path = get_group_path(group, var.name)
+ if var_path not in var_info:
+ var_info[var_path] = info
+ elif var_info[var_path] != info:
+ # Check to ensure datasets are consistent
+ raise RuntimeError('Inconsistent variable schemas')
+ # Generate variable attribute map
+ if var_path not in var_metadata:
+ var_metadata[var_path] = {}
+ get_metadata(var, var_metadata[var_path])
+"""Wrapper used to manage variable metadata"""
+import numpy as np
+class VariableInfo:
+ """
+ Lightweight wrapper class utilized in granule preprocessing to simply comparisons between
+ different variables from different granule sets
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ name: str
+ name of the variable
+ dim_order: list
+ list of dimension names in order
+ datatype: numpy.dtype
+ the numpy datatype for the data held in the variable
+ group_path: str
+ Unix-like group path to the variable
+ fill_value: object
+ Value used to fill missing/empty values in variable's data
+ """
+ def __init__(self, var):
+ self.name = var.name
+ self.dim_order = var.dimensions
+ self.datatype = var.datatype
+ self.group_path = var.group().path
+ if hasattr(var, '_FillValue'):
+ self.fill_value = var._FillValue
+ elif hasattr(var, 'missing_value'):
+ self.fill_value = var.missing_value
+ else:
+ self.fill_value = None
+ self.init = True # Finalize object values
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if hasattr(self, 'init') and self.init:
+ raise AttributeError('VariableInfo is immutable')
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"name:{self.name} dim_order:{self.dim_order} fill_value:{self.fill_value} datatype:{self.datatype} group_path:{self.group_path}"
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ self.dim_order == other.dim_order and
+ self.datatype == other.datatype and
+ self.name == other.name and
+ (
+ self.fill_value == other.fill_value or
+ np.array_equal(self.fill_value, other.fill_value, equal_nan=True)
+ ) and
+ self.group_path == other.group_path
+ )
' + + '' + + _("Hide Search Matches") + + "
" + ) + ); + }, + + /** + * helper function to hide the search marks again + */ + hideSearchWords: () => { + document + .querySelectorAll("#searchbox .highlight-link") + .forEach((el) => el.remove()); + document + .querySelectorAll("span.highlighted") + .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("highlighted")); + localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + }, + + initEscapeListener: () => { + // only install a listener if it is really needed + if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS) return; + + document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { + // bail for input elements + if (BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS.has(document.activeElement.tagName)) return; + // bail with special keys + if (event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return; + if (DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS && (event.key === "Escape")) { + SphinxHighlight.hideSearchWords(); + event.preventDefault(); + } + }); + }, +}; + +_ready(() => { + /* Do not call highlightSearchWords() when we are on the search page. + * It will highlight words from the *previous* search query. + */ + if (typeof Search === "undefined") SphinxHighlight.highlightSearchWords(); + SphinxHighlight.initEscapeListener(); +}); diff --git a/0.9.0rc5/genindex.html b/0.9.0rc5/genindex.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26c43f73 --- /dev/null +++ b/0.9.0rc5/genindex.html @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ + + + + + ++ |
+ | + |
+ | + |
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CONCISE is a Python package for merging dataset granules together. The package is a port of the
+merging functionality from the l2ss-subset-worker Java project primarily utilizing the
+netcdf4-python package and a lot of multi-core optimizations. The primary merging logic was
+derrived from the gov.nasa.jpl.podaac.subsetter.netcdf.NetCDFSubsetter
class. The
+package includes an integration with the Harmony service via harmony-service-lib
The integration with upstream Harmony itself is currently incomplete. A fork of Harmony was
+created to test the integration in the meanwhile. In order to workaround Harmony’s current
+lack of support for many-to-one services and OCG’s Coverages API specification, a custom MIME
+was defined as part of the output_formats
for the service in services.yml
. A
+snippet of this workaround follows.
+ output_formats:
+ - application/x-netcdf4.merge
One possible route towards integrating CONCISE with Harmony and maintaining OCG API compliance
+is to extend the NetCDF4 MIME with additional metadata. For example:
. Metadata at the end of MIMEs is seen as a valid part
+of the MIME specification according to
+RFC 6838.
+A Harmony CLI wrapper around Concise
+ + +A utility for downloading multiple granules simultaneously
+A method which automagically scales downloads to the number of CPU +cores. For further explaination, see documentation on “multi-track +drifting”
+urls (list) – list of urls to download
destination_dir (str) – output path for downloaded files
access_token (str) – access token as provided in Harmony input
cfg (dict) – Harmony configuration information
process_count (int) – Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 1)
list of downloaded files as pathlib.Path objects
+A Harmony service wrapper around the Concise module
+Bases: BaseHarmonyAdapter
A harmony-service-lib wrapper around the Concise module. This wrapper does +not support Harmony calls that do not have STAC catalogs as support for +this behavior is being depreciated in harmony-service-lib
+Primary entrypoint into the service wrapper. Overrides BaseHarmonyAdapter.invoke
+Recursively process a catalog and all its children. Adapted from +BaseHarmonyAdapter._process_catalog_recursive to specfifically +support our particular use case for many-to-one
+catalog (pystac.Catalog or pystac.Collection) – a catalog/collection to process for merging
+A new catalog containing the results from the merge
+Misc utility functions
+Accumulate bboxes from items to generate a bbox which encompasses all items
+item (pystac.Item) – an item to process
current_bbox (list) – the bbox to accumulate all items to
Accumulate datetimes from items to generate a datetime pair that +encompasses all items
+item (pystac.Item) – an item to process
datetimes (list) – datetime pair to accumulate to; first element is start_datetime, +second is end_datetime
Processes an item to find a netcdf4-python compatible asset. If no asset is +found, a RuntimeException is thrown
+item (pystac.Item) – an item to process
granule_urls (list) – list to append the asset’s url to
Determine if an asset is netcdf4-python compatible. netcdf4-python currently supports +HDF5, NetCDF3, and NetCDF4. Determination is currently done through MIME if strict +mode is enabled. If strict mode is not enabled, determination is done through ‘data’ +role.
+asset (pystac.Asset) – an asset to check
+True if netcdf4-python compatible; False otherwise
+Main module containing merge implementation
+Prepares metadata dictionary for insertion by removing inconsistent entries +and performing escaping of attribute names
+metadata (dict) – dictionary of attribute names and their associated data
+Initialize the dataset using data gathered from preprocessing
+merged_dataset (nc.Dataset) – the dataset to be initialized
groups (list) – list of group names
var_info (dict) – dictionary of variable names and VariableInfo objects
max_dims (dict) – dictionary of dimension names (including path) and their sizes
input_files (list) – list of file paths to be merged
Function to test if any variable size in a dataset is zero
+Main entrypoint to merge implementation. Merges n >= 2 granules together as a single +granule. Named in reference to the original Java implementation.
+original_input_files (list) – list of Paths to NetCDF4 files to merge
output_file (str) – output path for merged product
logger (logger) – logger object
perf_stats (dict) – dictionary used to store performance stats
process_count (int) – number of processes to run (expected >= 1)
A simple CLI wrapper around the main merge function
+ + +Preprocessing methods and the utilities to automagically run them in single-thread/multiprocess modes
+Function to get the maximum shared memory that will be used for variables
+file_list (list) – List of file paths to be processed
var_info (dict) – Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
Resizes a variable’s data to the maximum dimensions found in preprocessing. +This method will never downscale a variable and only performs bottom and +left padding as utilized in the original Java implementation
+var (nc.Variable) – variable to be resized
var_info – contains a group path to this variable
max_dims (dict) – dictionary of maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
An ndarray containing the resized data
+Automagically run merging in an optimized mode determined by the environment
+merged_dataset (nc.Dataset) – Destination dataset of the merge operation
file_list (list) – List of file paths to be processed
var_info (dict) – Dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
max_dims (dict) – Dictionary of dimension paths and maximum dimensions found during preprocessing
process_count (int) – Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 1)
try to get the shared memory space size by reading the /dev/shm on linux machines
+Utilities used throughout the merging implementation to simplify group path resolution +and generation
+Generates a Unix-like path from a group and resource to be accessed
+group (nc.Group) – NetCDF4 group that contains the resource
resource (str) – name of the resource being accessed
Unix-like path to the resource
+Attempt to resolve dim name starting from top-most group going down to the root group
+dims (dict) – Dictionary of dimensions to be traversed
group_path (str) – the group path from which to start resolving the specific dimension
dim_name (str) – the name of the dim to be resolved
the size of the dimension requested
+Resolves a group path into two components: the group and the resource’s name
+dataset (nc.Dataset) – NetCDF4 Dataset used as the root for all groups
path (str) – the path to the resource
a tuple of the resolved group and the final path component str respectively
+Preprocessing methods and the utilities to automagically run them in single-thread/multiprocess modes
+Helper function to check if one attribute value is equal to another +(no, a simple == was not working)
+attr_1 (obj) – An attribute value
attr_2 (obj) – An attribute value
Construct history JSON entry for this concatenation operation +https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/TRT/In-File+Provenance+Metadata+-+TRT-42
+input_files (list) – List of input files
granule_urls (str)
History JSON constructed for this concat operation
+Aggregates dimensions from each group and creates a dictionary +of the largest dimension sizes for each group
+group (nc.Dataset, nc.Group) – group to process dimensions from
max_dims (dict) – dictionary which stores dimension paths and associated dimension sizes
Aggregates metadata from various NetCDF4 objects into a dictionary
+group (nc.Dataset, nc.Group, nc.Variable) – the NetCDF4 object to aggregate metadata from
metadata (dict) – a dictionary containing the object name and associated metadata
Aggregate variable metadata and attributes. Primarily utilized in process_groups
+group (nc.Dataset, nc.Group) – group associated with this variable
var_info (dict) – dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo
var_metadata (dict) – dictionary of variable paths and associated attribute dictionary
Perform aggregation of max_dims. Intended for use in multithreaded +mode only
+merged_max_dims (dict) – Dictionary of the aggregated max_dims
subset_max_dims (dict) – Dictionary of max_dims from one of the worker processes
Perform aggregation of metadata. Intended for use in multithreaded +mode only
+merged_metadata (dict) – Dictionary of the aggregated metadata
subset_max_dims (dict) – Dictionary of metadata from one of the worker processes
Perform preprocessing of a group and recursively process each child group
+parent_group (nc.Dataset, nc.Group) – current group to be processed
group_list (list) – list of group paths
max_dims (dict) – dictionary which stores dimension paths and associated dimension sizes
group_metadata (dict) – dictionary which stores group paths and their associated attributes
var_metadata (dict) – dictionary of dictionaries which stores variable paths and their associated attributes
var_info (dict) – dictionary of variable paths and associated VariableInfo data
Retrieve history_json field from NetCDF dataset, if it exists
+dataset (netCDF4.Dataset) – NetCDF Dataset representing a single granule
+history_json field
+Automagically run preprocessing in an optimized mode determined by the environment
+file_list (list) – List of file paths to be processed
process_count (int) – Number of worker processes to run (expected >= 1)
Wrapper used to manage variable metadata
+Bases: object
Lightweight wrapper class utilized in granule preprocessing to simply comparisons between +different variables from different granule sets
+name of the variable
+list of dimension names in order
+the numpy datatype for the data held in the variable
+Unix-like group path to the variable
+Value used to fill missing/empty values in variable’s data
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+ merger | + |
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+ merger.harmony | + |
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+ merger.harmony.cli | + |
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+ merger.harmony.download_worker | + |
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+ merger.harmony.service | + |
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+ merger.harmony.util | + |
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+ merger.merge | + |
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+ merger.merge_cli | + |
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+ merger.merge_worker | + |
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+ merger.path_utils | + |
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+ merger.preprocess_worker | + |
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+ merger.variable_info | + |