gtag('config', 'UA-129370470-1');
The Unsplash Awards is a month-long celebration created to recognize the powerful impact Unsplash contributors have made through their generosity and artistry. Every day, thousands of photographers freely gift their work on Unsplash to move creativity forward.
This is part 2 of a series I began with this post. Here, I will be explaining how to push existing code to a new and empty Github repository.
"Coding is a beautiful thing. Anyone can learn to code!"
~ @Usheninte
When I started actively pushing content to Github, I did not push Open Source contributions, Components or anything of the like - I pushed poetry. I did this, beacuse it is what I love the most, after coding. I remain ever grateful that I took the initiative to make my first git commit
Now, I want to breakdown the process for new coders (and poets - hopefully ), so that they can become comfortable with working with Github too.