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James McKinney edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 11 revisions

Editing the website

If you are familiar with Git, you can clone or fork the repository and make commits or pull requests as usual. Otherwise, you have two options:

  1. Go to and authorize it
  2. Select "ciudadanointeligente" from the list of groups in the right sidebar
  3. Find the row for "home-poplus" and click "View project"
  4. Navigate to the page you want to edit. For example, if you want to edit, click on "components", then on "apply", then on "". You should see a Markdown version of the page.
  5. You can now make edits to the pages. Pages are formatted as Markdown, and the toolbar at the top of the page makes it easy to properly format text as Markdown.
  6. At any time, you can click the "Preview" icon (the eye) to the right to see a rendered version of the page. Click the "Edit" icon (the pencil) to continue editing.
  7. Once you're satisfied with your edits, click the "Save" icon (the floppy disk), and add a brief sentence explaining what you changed.
  8. Click "Commit"

GitHub's editing interface

If you're comfortable with Markdown, you may prefer this option.

  1. From the repository's page, navigate to the page you want to edit. For example, if you want to edit, click on "components", then on "apply", then on "". You should see a rendered version of the page.
  2. Click on "Edit", among the buttons just above the rendered version of the page.
  3. You can now make edits to the pages. Pages are formatted as Markdown. You can test out Markdown at this page.
  4. Once you're satisfied with your edits, scroll down to the "Commit changes" box, and add a brief sentence explaining what you changed.
  5. Click "Commit changes"

Adding an organization to the map

If you would like to add your organization or yourself to this map, either:

To edit the assets/json/poplus-apps.geojson file, copy the raw GeoJSON into, and use the interface to add an entry for your organization. Then, copy the GeoJSON into assets/json/poplus-apps.geojson and submit the pull request.

Clone this wiki locally