Decouple your models from forms. Reform gives you a form object with validations and nested setup of models. It is completely framework-agnostic and doesn't care about your database.
Although reform can be used in any Ruby framework, it comes with Rails support, works with simple_form and other form gems, allows nesting forms to implement has_one and has_many relationships, can compose a form from multiple objects and gives you coercion.
Reform is part of the Trailblazer project. Please buy my book to support the development and learn everything about Reform. Currently the book discusses:
- Form objects, the DSL and basic API (chapter 2 and 3)
- Basic validations and rendering forms (chapter 3)
- Nested forms, prepopulating and validation populating and pre-selecting values (chapter 5)
More chapters are coming!
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'reform'
Reform comes with two base classes.
is what made you come here - it gives you a form class to handle all validations, wrap models, allow rendering with Rails form helpers, simplifies saving of models, and more.Contract
gives you a sub-set ofForm
: this class is meant for API validation where already populated models get validated without having to maintain validations in the model classes.
You're working at a famous record label and your job is archiving all the songs, albums and artists. You start with a form to populate your songs
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title
property :length
validates :title, presence: true
validates :length, numericality: true
Define your form's fields using ::property
. Validations no longer go into the model, but into the form.
Luckily, this can be shortened as follows.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title, validates: {presence: true}
property :length, validates: {numericality: true}
Use properties
to bulk-specify fields.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
properties :title, :length, validates: {presence: true} # both required!
validates :length, numericality: true
After explicitely defining your fields, you're ready to use the form.
Forms have a ridiculously simple API with only a handful of public methods.
always requires a model that the form represents.#validate(params)
updates the form's fields with the input data (only the form, not the model) and then runs all validations. The return value is the boolean result of the validations.#errors
returns validation messages in a classy ActiveModel style.#sync
writes form data back to the model. This will only use setter methods on the model(s).#save
(optional) will call#save
on the model and nested models. Note that this implies a#sync
In addition to the main API, forms expose accessors to the defined properties. This is used for rendering or manual operations.
In your controller you'd create a form instance and pass in the models you want to work on.
class SongsController
def new
@form =
You can also setup the form for editing existing items.
class SongsController
def edit
@form =
Reform will read property values from the model in setup. Given the following form class.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title
Internally, this form will call song.title
to populate the title field.
If you, for whatever reasons, want to use a different public name, use :from
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :name, from: :title
This will still call song.title
but expose the attribute as name
Your @form
is now ready to be rendered, either do it yourself or use something like Rails' #form_for
, simple_form
or formtastic
= form_for @form do |f|
= f.input :name
= f.input :title
Nested forms and collections can be easily rendered with fields_for
, etc. Just use Reform as if it would be an ActiveModel instance in the view layer.
Note that you have a mechanism to prepopulate forms for rendering.
After a form submission, you want to validate the input.
class SongsController
def create
@form =
#=> params: {song: {title: "Rio", length: "366"}}
if @form.validate(params[:song])
The #validate
method first updates the values of the form - the underlying model is still treated as immutuable and remains unchanged. It then runs all validations you provided in the form.
It's the only entry point for updating the form. This is per design, as separating writing and validation doesn't make sense for a form.
This allows rendering the form after validate
with the data that has been submitted. However, don't get confused, the model's values are still the old, original values and are only changed after a #save
or #sync
After validation, you have two choices: either call #save
and let Reform sort out the rest. Or call #sync
, which will write all the properties back to the model. In a nested form, this works recursively, of course.
It's then up to you what to do with the updated models - they're still unsaved.
The easiest way to save the data is to call #save
on the form. #=> populates song with incoming data
# by calling and
This will sync the data to the model and then call
Sometimes, you need to do stuff manually.
Calling #save
with a block doesn't do anything but providing you a nested hash with all the validated input. This allows you to implement the saving yourself.
The block parameter is a nested hash of the form input. do |hash|
hash #=> {title: "Rio", length: "366"}
You can always access the form's model. This is helpful when you were using populators to set up objects when validating. do |nested|
album = @form.model
If the form wraps multiple models, via composition, you can access them like this: do |nested|
song = @form.model[:song]
label = @form.model[:label]
Note that you can call #sync
and then call #save { |hsh| }
to save models yourself.
Contracts give you a sub-set of the Form
accepts an already populated model.#validate
will run defined validations (without accepting a params hash as inForm
Contracts can be used to completely remove validation logic from your model classes. Validation should happen in a separate layer - a Contract
A contract looks like a form.
class AlbumContract < Reform::Contract
property :title
validates :title, length: {minimum: 9}
collection :songs do
property :title
validates :title, presence: true
It defines the validations and the object graph to be inspected.
In future versions and with the upcoming Trailblazer framework, contracts can be inherited from forms, representers, and cells, and vice-versa. Actually this already works with representer inheritance - let me know if you need help.
Applying a contract is simple, all you need is a populated object (e.g. an album after #assign_attributes
contract =
if contract.validate
raise contract.errors.messages.inspect
Contracts help you to make your data layer a dumb persistance tier. My upcoming book discusses that in detail.
Songs have artists to compose them. Let's say your Song
model would implement that as follows.
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :artist
The edit form should allow changing data for artist and song.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title
property :length
property :artist do
property :name
validates :name, presence: true
#validates :title, ...
See how simple nesting forms is? By passing a block to ::property
you can define another form nested into your main form.
This setup's only requirement is having a working Song#artist
class SongsController
def edit
song = Song.find(1)
song.artist #=> <0x999#Artist title="Duran Duran">
@form =
When rendering this form you could use the form's accessors manually.
= text_field :title, @form.title
= text_field "artist[name]",
Or use something like #fields_for
in a Rails environment.
= form_for @form do |f|
= f.text_field :title
= f.text_field :length
= f.fields_for :artist do |a|
= a.text_field :name
The block form of #save
would give you the following data. do |nested|
nested #=> {title: "Hungry Like The Wolf",
# artist: {name: "Duran Duran"}}
Supposed you use reform's automatic save without a block, the following assignments would be made. = "Hungry Like The Wolf" = "Duran Duran"
Reform also gives you nested collections.
Let's have Albums with songs!
class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :songs
The form might look like this.
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
property :title
collection :songs do
property :title
validates :title, presence: true
This basically works like a nested property
that iterates over a collection of songs.
Reform will expose the collection using the #songs
= text_field :title, @form.title
= text_field "songs[0][title]", @form.songs[0].title
However, #fields_for
works just fine, again.
= form_for @form do |f|
= f.text_field :title
= f.fields_for :songs do |s|
= s.text_field :title
The block form of #save
will expose the data structures already discussed. do |nested|
nested #=> {title: "Rio"
# songs: [{title: "Hungry Like The Wolf"},
# {title: "Last Chance On The Stairways"}]
You can assign Reform to not call save
on a particular nested model (per default, it is called automatically on all nested models).
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
# ...
collection :songs, save: false do
# ..
The :save
options set to false won't save models.
With a complex nested setup it can sometimes be painful to setup the model object graph.
Let's assume you rendered the following form.
@form = [,]))
This will render two nested forms to create new songs.
When validating, you're supposed to setup the very same object graph, again. Reform has no way of remembering what the object setup was like a request ago.
So, the following code will fail.
@form =[:album])
However, you can advise Reform to setup the correct objects for you.
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
# ...
collection :songs, populate_if_empty: Song do
# ..
This works for both property
and collection
and instantiates Song
objects where they're missing when calling #validate
If you want to create the objects yourself, because you're smarter than Reform, do it with a lambda.
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
# ...
collection :songs, populate_if_empty: lambda { |fragment, args| } do
# ..
Sometimes you might want to embrace two (or more) unrelated objects with a single form. While you could write a simple delegating composition yourself, reform comes with it built-in.
Say we were to edit a song and the label data the record was released from. Internally, this would imply working on the songs
table and the labels
class SongWithLabelForm < Reform::Form
include Composition
property :title, on: :song
property :city, on: :label
model :song # only needed in ActiveModel context.
validates :title, :city, presence: true
Note that reform needs to know about the owner objects of properties. You can do so by using the on:
Also, the form needs to have a main object configured. This is where ActiveModel-methods like #persisted?
or '#id' are delegated to. Use ::model
to define the main object.
The constructor slightly differs.
@form =, label:
After you configured your composition in the form, reform hides the fact that you're actually showing two different objects.
= form_for @form do |f|
Song: = f.input :title
Label in: = f.input :city
When using `#save' without a block reform will use writer methods on the different objects to push validated data to the properties.
Here's how the block parameters look like. do |nested|
nested #=> {
# song: {title: "Rio"}
# label: {city: "London"}
# }
To maximize reusability, you can also define forms in modules and include them in other modules or classes.
module SongsForm
include Reform::Form::Module
collection :songs do
property :title
validates :title, presence: true
This can now be included into a real form.
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
property :title
include SongsForm
Note that you can also override properties using inheritance in Reform.
Forms can be derived from other forms and will inherit all properties and validations.
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
property :title
collection :songs do
property :title
validates :title, presence: true
Now, a simple inheritance can add fields.
class CompilationForm < AlbumForm
property :composers do
property :name
This will add composers
to the existing fields.
You can also partially override fields using :inherit
class CompilationForm < AlbumForm
property :songs, inherit: true do
property :band_id
validates :band_id, presence: true
Using inherit:
here will extend the existing songs
form with the band_id
field. Note that this simply uses representable's inheritance mechanism.
Often you want incoming form data to be converted to a type, like timestamps. Reform uses virtus for coercion, the DSL is seamlessly integrated into Reform with the :type
Be sure to add virtus
to your Gemfile.
require 'reform/form/coercion'
class SongForm < Reform::Form
include Coercion
property :written_at, type: DateTime
form.validate("written_at" => "26 September")
Coercion only happens in #validate
form.written_at #=> <DateTime "2014 September 26 00:00">
If you need to filter values manually, you can override the setter in the form.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title
def title=(value)
super sanitize(value) # value is raw form input.
As with the built-in coercion, this setter is only called in #validate
Virtual fields come in handy when there's no direct mapping to a model attribute or when you plan on displaying but not processing a value.
Often, fields like password_confirmation
should neither be read from nor written back to the model. Reform comes with the :virtual
option to handle that case.
class PasswordForm < Reform::Form
property :password
property :password_confirmation, virtual: true
Here, the model won't be queried for a password_confirmation
field when creating and rendering the form. When saving the form, the input value is not written to the decorated model. It is only readable in validations and when saving the form manually.
form.validate("password" => "123", "password_confirmation" => "321")
form.password_confirmation #=> "321"
The nested hash in the block-#save
provides the same value. do |nested|
nested[:password_confirmation] #=> "321"
When you want to show a value but skip processing it after submission the :writeable
option is your friend.
class ProfileForm < Reform::Form
property :country, writeable: false
This time reform will query the model for the value by calling
You want to use this to display an initial value or to further process this field with JavaScript. However, after submission, the field is no longer considered: it won't be written to the model when saving.
It is still readable in the nested hash and through the form itself. do |nested|
nested[:country] #=> "Australia"
A third alternative is to hide a field's value but write it to the database when syncing. This can be achieved using the :readable
property :credit_card_number, readable: false
Sometimes when you still keep validations in your models (which you shouldn't) copying them to a form might not feel right. In that case, you can let Reform automatically copy them.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title
extend ActiveModel::ModelValidations
copy_validations_from Song
Note how copy_validations_from
copies over the validations allowing you to stay DRY.
This also works with Composition.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
include Composition
# ...
extend ActiveModel::ModelValidations
copy_validations_from song: Song, band: Band
Be warned that we do not encourage copying validations. You should rather move validation code into forms and not work on your model directly anymore.
Reform doesn't really know whether it's working with a PORO, an ActiveRecord
instance or a Sequel
When rendering the form, reform calls readers on the decorated model to retrieve the field data (Song#title
, Song#length
When syncing a submitted form, the same happens using writers. Reform simply calls Song#title=(value)
. No knowledge is required about the underlying database layer.
The same applies to saving: Reform will call #save
on the main model and nested models.
Nesting forms only requires readers for the nested properties as Album#songs
Check out @gogogarret's sample Rails app using Reform.
Rails and Reform work together out-of-the-box.
However, you should know about two things.
- In case you explicitely don't want to have automatic support for
and form builder:require reform/form
, only. - In some setups around Rails 4 the
module is not loaded properly, usually triggering aNoMethodError
sayingundefined method 'model'
. If that happened to you,require 'reform/rails'
manually at the bottom of yourconfig/application.rb
Reform provides the following ActiveRecord
specific features. They're mixed in automatically in a Rails/AR setup.
- Uniqueness validations. Use
in your form.
As mentioned in the Rails Integration section some Rails 4 setups do not properly load.
You may want to include the module manually then.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
include Reform::Form::ActiveRecord
Forms in Reform can easily be made ActiveModel-compliant.
Note that this step is not necessary in a Rails environment.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
include Reform::Form::ActiveModel
If you're not happy with the model_name
result, configure it manually.
class CoverSongForm < Reform::Form
include Reform::Form::ActiveModel
model :song
This is especially helpful when your framework tries to render cover_song_path
although you want to go with song_path
To make your forms work with all the form gems like simple_form
or Rails form_for
you need to include another module.
Again, this step is implicit in Rails and you don't need to do it manually.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
include Reform::Form::ActiveModel
include Reform::Form::ActiveModel::FormBuilderMethods
If you want full support for simple_form
do as follows.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
include ModelReflections
Including this module will add #column_for_attribute
and other methods need by form builders to automatically guess the type of a property.
In case you're processing uploaded files with your form using CarrierWave, Paperclip, Dragonfly or Paperdragon we recommend using the awesome file_validators gem for file type and size validations.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :image
validates :image, file_size: {less_than: 2.megabytes},
file_content_type: {allow: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif']}
Composed multi-parameter dates as created by the Rails date helper are processed automatically. As soon as Reform detects an incoming release_date(i1)
or the like it is gonna be converted into a date.
Note that the date will be nil
when one of the components (year/month/day) is missing.
By explicitely defining the form layout using ::property
there is no more need for protecting from unwanted input. strong_parameter
or attr_accessible
become obsolete. Reform will simply ignore undefined incoming parameters.
When nesting form, you usually use a so-called inline form doing property :song do .. end
Sometimes you want to specify an explicit form rather than using an inline form. Use the form:
option here.
property :song, form: SongForm
The nested SongForm
is a stand-alone form class you have to provide.
When "real" coercion is too much and you simply want to convert incoming data yourself, override the setter.
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :title
def title=(v)
This will capitalize the title after calling form.validate
but before validation happens. Note that you can use super
to call the original setter.
In case you want to change a value for presentation or provide a default value, override the reader. This is only considered when the form is rendered (e.g. in form_for
class SongForm < Reform::Form
property :genre
def genre
super || 'Punkrock'
This will now be used when rendering the view.
= f.input :genre # calls form.genre which provides default.
Every form tracks changes in #validate
and allows to check if a particular property value has changed using #changed?
form.title => "Button Up"
form.validate("title" => "Just Kiddin'")
form.changed?(:title) #=> true
When including Sync::SkipUnchanged
, the form won't assign unchanged values anymore in #sync
Both #sync
and #save
can be configured to run a dynamical lambda per property.
The sync:
option allows to statically add a lambda to a property.
property :title, sync: lambda { |value, options| model.set_title(value) }
Instead of running Reform's built-in sync for this property the block is run.
You can also provide the sync lambda at run-time.
form.sync(title: lambda { |value, options| form.model.title = "HOT: #{value}" })
This block is run in the caller's context allowing you to access environment variables. Note that the dynamic sync happens before save, so the model id may be unavailable.
You can do the same for saving. lambda { |value, options| form.model.title = "#{} --> #{value}" })
Again, this block is run in the caller's context.
The two features are an excellent way to handle file uploads without ActiveRecord's horrible callbacks.
(Please don't read this section!)
When rendering a new form for an empty object, nested forms won't show up. The Trailblazer book, chapter 5, discusses this in detail.
You can use the :prepopulate
option to configure how to populate a nested form (this also works for scalar properties).
property :song, prepopulate: ->(*) { } do
# ..
This option is only executed when being instructed to do so, using the #prepopulate!
Only do this for forms that are about to get rendered, though.
Collections and partial collection population is covered in chapter 5.
You can run your very own populator logic if you're keen (and you know what you're doing).
class AlbumForm < Reform::Form
# ...
collection :songs, populator: lambda { |fragment, args| args.binding[:form].new(Song.find fragment[:id]) } do
# ..
When rendering a form you might need to access the options you provided to property
property :title, type: String
You can do this using #options_for
form.options_for(:title) # => {:readable=>true, :coercion_type=>String}
Note that Reform renames some options (e.g. :type
internally becomes :coercion_type
). Those names are private API and might be changed without deprecation. You better test rendering logic in a unit test to make sure you're forward-compatible.
If you run into any trouble chat with us on
Great thanks to Blake Education for giving us the freedom and time to develop this project in 2013 while working on their project.