To get started with PostageApp using maven, you can add the following to your pom.xml file:
You ahead and download the latest release tag and you can build the uber jar for requiring into your project as well as a thin jar if you wish to include the other dependencies yourself. Once you download the tag, go into the project directory and run:
mvn clean package
Inside the target/ folder you will have uber jar as well as the thin jar.
To get started, grab a copy of PostageApp client and set your API key:
PostageAppClient postageClient = PostageAppFactory.getSingleton();
postageClient.setAPIKey("Your API Key Here!");
Setting up a message to send is easy! Using the MessageParams
class you can build your message before sending it to the API:
MessageParams params = new MessageParams()
Once you have configured your MessageParams
you can ship it off to the API using the sendMessage
try {
} catch (PostageAppException exception) {
// Handle API Exception
To add a list of recipients to your message:
List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<String>();
To add attachments to your message parameters:
String pdfName = "filename.pdf";
String contentType = "application/octet-stream";
String encodedData = "BASE64_ENCODED_DATA";
params.addAttachment(pdfName, contentType, encodedDate);
Adding content to message paramters:
String contentType = "text/plain";
String content = "This is a test!";
params.addContentType(contentType, content);
For convenience, you can also change the building of parameters using the builder pattern:
List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<String>();
MessageParams params = new MessageParams()
.addContentType("text/plain", "This is a test!");
Besides sending messages you have access to all the other API endpoints as well:
- getMessageReceipt
- getMethodList
- getAccountInfo
- getProjectInfo
- getMessages
- getMessageTranmissions
- getMetrics
- getMessageStatus
- getMessageDeliveryStatus
- getRecipientsList
Refer to the online documation / javadocs for usage for these endpoints.
API Documentation: PostageApp API Documentation
- Thanks for the PostageApp guys for their help with the API