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Cette année, le PG Day France franchit les frontières et vous invite à Mons, en Belgique, les 3 et 4 juin 2025 !
Au programme de ces deux jours :
- Mardi matin : Ateliers pratiques pour approfondir vos compétences PostgreSQL.
- Mardi après-midi & Mercredi : Conférences, table ronde et lightning talks pour échanger avec la communauté et les experts.
Passionné·es, étudiant·es, DBA, développeur·euses et entreprises, tou·tes se retrouvent pour partager et apprendre autour de PostgreSQL ! Restez connecté·es pour plus de détails et l'ouverture des inscriptions.
The PG Day France is the annual conference of the French-speaking PostgreSQL community.
This year, the event will take place on June 3 and 4, 2025, in Mons (Belgium). We are seizing the opportunity to expand beyond borders by also accepting presentations in English! To maintain the primarily French-speaking identity of PG Day France, the CfP committee will ensure a balanced distribution of languages.
So, if you are an expert in a field related to open-source databases, have used PostgreSQL in a specific context (large-scale deployments, high loads, well-known clients, innovative projects, etc.), or are involved in an open-source project related to PostgreSQL, don't hesitate to submit a talk!
Program for these two days:
- Tuesday morning: Hands-on workshops to deepen your PostgreSQL skills.
- Tuesday afternoon & Wednesday: Conferences, panel discussions, and lightning talks to engage with the community and experts.
Enthusiasts, students, DBAs, developers, and companies: everyone comes together to share and learn about PostgreSQL! Stay tuned for more details and the opening of registrations.
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Vous pouvez consulter les vidéos des éditions précédentes sur notre chaîne Youtube.