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Merge pull request #120 from rohitarer/main
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Implemented Skip button functionality, added adaptive WillPopScope, and enhanced Signup/Login page UI.
  • Loading branch information
prajapatihet authored Nov 8, 2024
2 parents 309defa + 490f90c commit 1814f29
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Showing 16 changed files with 687 additions and 323 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -212,3 +212,42 @@ To know more [Click Here](

<h1>Firebase Setup Guide</h1>
<strong>Login to Firebase Console</strong>
<p>Go to the <a href="" target="_blank">Firebase Console</a> and log in with your Google account.</p>
<strong>Setup for Android Version</strong>
<p>In the Firebase Console, create a new project and follow the instructions to set up Firebase for Android.</p>
<strong>Download google-services.json</strong>
<p>Download the <code>google-services.json</code> file from the Firebase console and add it under the <code>android/app</code> folder in your Flutter project.</p>
<strong>Configure build.gradle</strong>
<p>Open the <code>android/build.gradle</code> file and add the following classpath under the <code>dependencies</code> section:</p>
classpath '' <!-- or the latest version -->
<p>Then, open the <code>android/app/build.gradle</code> file and add the following line at the bottom:</p>
apply plugin: ''
<strong>Setup Firestore for Database</strong>
<p>In the Firebase console, go to the Firestore section and create a Firestore database for your project. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose between production or test mode.</p>
<strong>Setup Authentication</strong>
<p>In the Firebase console, go to the Authentication section and enable the following sign-in methods:</p>
<p>Make sure to configure the necessary credentials and settings for both sign-in methods.</p>
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions android/app/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,3 +46,7 @@ android {
flutter {
source = "../.."

dependencies {
implementation platform('')
32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions android/app/google-services.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,44 @@
"project_info": {
"project_number": "445023469277",
"project_id": "donor-connect-project",
"storage_bucket": ""
"project_number": "255205177926",
"project_id": "donorconnect-40490",
"storage_bucket": ""
"client": [
"client_info": {
"mobilesdk_app_id": "1:445023469277:android:867d6fc40fb1d859a52534",
"mobilesdk_app_id": "1:255205177926:android:eae013c60c9efa933c6847",
"android_client_info": {
"package_name": "com.example.donorconnect"
"oauth_client": [],
"oauth_client": [
"client_id": "",
"client_type": 1,
"android_info": {
"package_name": "com.example.donorconnect",
"certificate_hash": "c645004972e2e67b6e8fb81cdbff026bad48ab47"
"client_id": "",
"client_type": 3
"api_key": [
"current_key": "AIzaSyDprpAsw0AkuQmFG1Iczpb9N2gghyAFmqo"
"current_key": "AIzaSyAaf-WvXzjym1yZ2umggxp5nuWyWM3OcJ0"
"services": {
"appinvite_service": {
"other_platform_oauth_client": []
"other_platform_oauth_client": [
"client_id": "",
"client_type": 3
Expand Down
39 changes: 37 additions & 2 deletions android/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,50 @@
// allprojects {
// repositories {
// google()
// mavenCentral()
// }
// dependencies {
// // classpath '' // Use the correct Android Gradle Plugin version here
// classpath ''
// }
// }

// rootProject.buildDir = "../build"
// subprojects {
// project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${}"
// }
// subprojects {
// project.evaluationDependsOn(":app")
// }

// tasks.register("clean", Delete) {
// delete rootProject.buildDir
// }

buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath '' // Ensure you are using the correct version
classpath ''

allprojects {
repositories {

// Configure root project build directory and tasks
rootProject.buildDir = "../build"
subprojects {
project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${}"
subprojects {

Expand Down
95 changes: 51 additions & 44 deletions lib/main.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import 'package:donorconnect/language/cubit/language_cubit.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/language/helper/language.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/language/services/language_repositoty.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/services/blood_bank_service.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/views/pages/login/login.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/views/pages/main_home/homepage.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/views/pages/onboarding/onboarding.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/views/pages/welcome/welcome_screen.dart';
Expand All @@ -18,86 +19,92 @@ import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart';
import 'package:get/get_navigation/src/root/get_material_app.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:jwt_decoder/jwt_decoder.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
// import 'package:riverpod/riverpod.dart';
import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart';

void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform);

try {
await Firebase.initializeApp(
options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,
} catch (e) {
print("Firebase initialization error: $e");

await LanguageRepository.init();
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
ErrorWidget.builder = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {
return const Material();
await dotenv.load(fileName: '.env');

// Check if the user has completed onboarding and if they are logged in
bool onboardingCompleted = prefs.getBool('onboardingCompleted') ?? false;
String? token = prefs.getString('token');
bool isLoggedIn = token != null && !JwtDecoder.isExpired(token);

// Lock orientation

// Initialize the app
token: prefs.getString('token'),
token: isLoggedIn ? token : null,
onboardingCompleted: onboardingCompleted,

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final String? token;
final bool onboardingCompleted;

const MyApp({
required this.token,
required this.onboardingCompleted,

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
BlocProvider(create: (context) => ProfileCubit()),
create: (context) => ProfileCubit(),
create: (context) => AuthCubit(
create: (context) => LocateBloodBanksCubit(BloodBankService()),
create: (context) => LanguageCubit()..initilize(),
create: (context) =>
AuthCubit(FirebaseAuth.instance, FirebaseFirestore.instance)),
create: (context) => ThemeCubit()..setInitialTheme(),
create: (context) => LocateBloodBanksCubit(BloodBankService())),
BlocProvider(create: (context) => LanguageCubit()..initilize()),
BlocProvider(create: (context) => ThemeCubit()..setInitialTheme()),
child: BlocBuilder<ThemeCubit, Themestate>(
builder: (context, themeState) {
return BlocBuilder<LanguageCubit, Language>(
builder: (context, languageState) {
return GetMaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
locale: Locale(languageState.languageCode),
// themeMode: themeState.themeData,
theme: themeState.themeData,
darkTheme: ThemeData.dark(),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
// Main route selection
home: (token != null && !JwtDecoder.isExpired(token!))
? HomePage(token: token!)
: const OnBoardingScreen(),
// You can add routes for the verification form
routes: {
'/verification': (context) =>
const VerificationForm(), // Add route for verification form
builder: (context, languageState) {
return GetMaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
locale: Locale(languageState.languageCode),
theme: themeState.themeData,
darkTheme: ThemeData.dark(),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: onboardingCompleted
? (token != null
? HomePage(
token!) // Directly navigate to home page if logged in
: const LoginPage()) // Navigate to login if not logged in
: const OnBoardingScreen(), // Navigate to onboarding if not completed
routes: {
'/verification': (context) => const VerificationForm(),
Expand Down
75 changes: 36 additions & 39 deletions lib/views/controllers/onboarding/onboarding_controller.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,55 +1,52 @@

import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:donorconnect/views/pages/login/login.dart'; // Import LoginPage
import 'package:get_storage/get_storage.dart';

import '../../pages/login/login.dart';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

class OnBoardingController extends GetxController {
static OnBoardingController get instance => Get.find();
// Page controller for the PageView
var pageController = PageController();

/// Variable
final pageController = PageController();
// final currentPageIndex = 0.obs; alternate method below
// Observable to track the current page index
Rx<int> currentPageIndex = 0.obs;
/// Update Current Index when page Scroll
void updatePageIndicator(index) => currentPageIndex.value = index;

/// Jump to the specific dot selected page.
void dotNavigationClick(index) {
currentPageIndex.value = index;
// Update the page indicator when the page changes
void updatePageIndicator(int index) {
currentPageIndex.value = index;

/// Update Current Index & jump to next page
void nextPage() {
if(currentPageIndex.value == 2){
final storage = GetStorage();
// Method to navigate to a specific page based on dot navigation
void dotNavigationClick(int index) {
currentPageIndex.value = index;

print('===================== GET STORAGE ==============');
// Method to navigate to the next page or to the login page if it's the last page
void nextPage() {
if (currentPageIndex.value == 2) {
final storage = GetStorage();

storage.write('IsFirstTime', false);
// Update the storage to indicate the user has completed onboarding
storage.write('IsFirstTime', false);

print('===================== GET STORAGE ==============');
// Navigate to the LoginPage
Get.offAll(const LoginPage());
} else {
// Move to the next page
int nextPage = currentPageIndex.value + 1;

Get.offAll(const LoginPage());
} else{
int page = currentPageIndex.value + 1;
// Skip the onboarding process and jump to the last page (LoginPage)
void skipPage() {
currentPageIndex.value = 2;

/// Update current index & jump to the last Page
void skipPage() {
currentPageIndex.value = 2;
// Method to go to the login page directly
void goToLoginPage() { => const LoginPage()); // Navigate to LoginPage

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