Welcome to my portfolio! This website shows my work and skills as a web developer. It's made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it looks great on all devices.
- Responsive design for phones, tablets, and computers.
- Interactive elements for a better user experience.
- Displays my projects with details and links.
- Contact form to reach out.
- HTML - For the structure of the site.
- CSS - For styling and layout.
- JavaScript - For adding interactivity.
To run this project on your computer:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/prajapatihet/prajapatihet.github.io.git
- Go to the project folder:
cd prajapatihet.github.io
- Open
in your web browser.
Explore the different sections like:
- About Me
- Projects
- Skills
- Contact
Feel free to change the content to fit your style!
I welcome contributions! If you want to help out, please:
- Fork the project.
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b my-feature
- Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m 'Add my feature'
- Push your changes:
git push origin my-feature
- Create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE
file for details.
Hetkumar Prajapati - hetgoraj@gmail.com
GitHub: prajapatihet
LinkedIn: hetkumar-prajapati
Thank you for checking out my portfolio!